- Cain
- Caleb
- calendar
- called
- calling
- call upon
- Calvinism
- Canaan
- Canaanites
- cannibalism
- canon
- capital punishment
- captivity
- career
- celibacy
- censorship
- chance
- change
- character
- charismatic
- charities
- chasity
- chastity
- cheating
- cheerfulness
- child rearing
- children
- children's worship
- chimney corner scriptures
- choice
- choirs
- chores
- Chrislam
- Christ
- Christadelphians
- Christian
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- Christian Church
- Christian Identity Movement
- Christianity
- Christian Missionary Alliance
- Christian Reconstructionism
- Christians
- Christian Scientists
- Christian Standard Bible
- Christmas
- church
- church building
- Churches of Christ
- church funds
- church history
- Church of Christ Scientist
- Church of God
- Church of the Nazarene
- cigarettes
- circumcision
- clapping
- cleanliness
- climate
- clothing
- cohabitation
- collections
- Colossians
- comfort
- command
- commentaries
- commitment
- common-law marriages
- communication
- communion
- communism
- compassion
- competition
- complacent
- complaints
- complete
- compromise
- compulsiveness
- computers
- conceit
- concubines
- condemnation
- conditionalism
- conduct
- confession
- confidence
- conflict
- conflicts in the Bible
- Confucianism
- Congregational Church
- congregational cooperation
- congregations
- conquering of Canaan
- conscience
- consequences
- consistency
- conspiracy theories
- Constantine
- Contemporary English Version
- contempt
- contention
- contentious
- contentment
- context
- contraceptives
- contradictions
- contributions
- control
- controlling
- convenants
- convenience
- conversation
- conversion
- conviction
- Coptic Orthodox Church
- copyright
- Corinthians
- Cornelius
- correction
- cosmetics
- counsel
- courage
- courtesy
- courts
- courtship
- covenants
- coveting
- cowardice
- creation
- creeds
- crime
- criticism
- cross
- crucifixion
- cults
- culture
- cunning
- curiosity
- curses
- customs
- cutting