Posts Tagged ‘compassion’
You didn’t show compassion
Question: Hello, The post titled “I grew up in a family that didn’t love or want me. How do I learn to love?” is not compassionate. Many verses are thrown out there, but I don’t see the truth being spoken in love. You are lambasting a broken man. At best, I find this article not…
Read MoreA Tender Heart
A Tender Heart (Part 1)A Tender Heart (Part 2) by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 22:14-20 I. The heart of Josiah A. Those were dark days in the kingdom. For 55 years his grandfather had harshly ruled over Judah – a reign of evil and terror – II Kings 21:1-2, 6 1. So terrible were his…
Read MoreWhy did Jesus cite only six of the Ten Commandments to the young ruler?
Question: I visit your site often to look up topics and articles. There is very good information cited in them. I have a question, you might be able to answer. In Matthew 19:18-19, why did Jesus only cite six of the ten commandments to the rich young ruler and not all? Thanks. Answer: The account of…
Read MoreReading Matthew 25 as a Unit
by Matthew W. Bassford The wise and the foolish virgin by Jan Adam Kruseman, 1848 Through the years, God has managed to hammer a few insights about the Bible into my thick head. One of them is that in the gospels, the order of stories matters. It’s common for the Evangelist to arrange material so…
Read MoreWhen Hard Times Come by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 1:12-14 I. Life often goes in different in directions from what we expect. A. It had long been Paul’s desire to go to Rome to preach the Gospel – Acts 19:21 B. It seemed though that something always came up which kept him from reaching his goal – Romans 1:13…
Read MoreGod’s Compassion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 58 I. God has the absolute right to judge A. Some get angry that He would dare to judge B. But it is the righteous God who gets angry – Psalms 7:10-11 C. How can mankind who have shown repeated incidences of injustice sit in judgment on God? – Job 34:16-17…
Read MoreLighten the Load by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreCompassion by Raymond Warfel, Jr. Lessons from Matthew
Read MoreMankind Is My Business by Raymond Warfel, Jr. Lessons from Matthew
Read MoreActing from Compassion by Kirk Davidson
Read MoreLacking Compassion
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. Compassion is the deep awareness of the suffering of another and the desire to relieve the suffering. A. Jesus illustrated compassion 1. Matthew 14:14 – it was compassion that led Jesus to heal the sick 2. Matthew 20:30-34 – the healing of two blind men 3. Mark 1:40-41 – Jesus was moved with compassion to…
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