Posts Tagged ‘capital punishment’
How do I refute the claim that the Bible is a product of the era it was written in?
Question: How should I refute the claims in the following meme? I would love to hear from you, brother. “The Bible makes perfect sense as soon as you realize it was written at a time when women were the property of men, slavery was commonplace, and death was the penalty for minor offenses. A time…
Read MoreSeeing Our World Through the Eyes of Jesus by Max Dawson
Read MoreShould a Christian support capital punishment?
Question: Dear Minister, I read today in an article on your site that you approve of capital punishment. It is my opinion that capital punishment and the biblical teaching of loving and forgiving one’s enemies are not compatible. I am, however, willing to change my views upon sufficient evidence from the Bible. Kindly explain further.…
Read MoreHow can a government execute the death penalty when we are told not to take vengeance?
Question: Hello Jeffrey, I have a question about the practice of capital punishment. I was having a discussion with my mom about the matter and we came to the understanding that capital punishment is not lawful in God’s eyes. What confused me was in verse 4. It says “he does not bear the sword in…
Read MoreOn Stoning Adulterers and Not Eating Shellfish
by Hugh Fulford via The Fellowship Room Periodically — at least three or four times a year — someone feels compelled to demonstrate his or her lack of knowledge of the Bible by writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper railing against Bible-believers who oppose homosexuality. (Capital punishment of convicted murderers is another…
Read MoreWhy was stoning used as an execution method?
Question: I’m just wondering if there’s a significance in stoning as a means of execution in the Bible. Christ was on the cross because that was the worst way to die and it was a prophecy fulfilled. How about stoning? Why not drowning or burning instead for example? Answer: If you are asking why Jesus…
Read MoreWhat Would Jesus Do About the Death Penalty?
by Joe Neil Clayton Recently C-span carried a speech by Alan Keyes to an audience in Virginia. Mr. Keyes, a respected columnist, orator, and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, captivated his hearers with a lecture on the causes and cures for the moral collapse in our country. Part of the cause, he stated, was the…
Read MoreWhat constitutes a witness in the Bible?
Question: In Deuteronomy 17:6 and II Corinthians13:1, the passages refer to the “two or three witnesses.” I assume these are eyewitnesses. Does DNA count as an eye witness for justice biblically? So when individuals are convicted on DNA evidence alone for their crimes and incarcerated or put to death, is that biblical or not? Answer:…
Read MoreHands that Shed Innocent Blood
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. The First Murder A. When do you think the first murder took place? B. Most people would guess Cain and Abel. C. Actually, it was earlier. Satan in the form of a serpent tempted Adam and Eve to sin. With that sin, they died. Gen. 2:17. D. Jesus remarked that Satan was a murderer from…
Read MoreNotes on Capital Punishment
The Patriarchal Age Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” The Mosaic Age Over 30 crimes were to be punished by death, including: Exodus 21:15 Striking a parent Exodus 21:16 Kidnapping Exodus 22:18 Witchcraft Exodus 31:14 Sabbath breaking Leviticus 20:10…
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