No One Stands Alone by Raymond Warfel Download Audio

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The God of All Comfort

by Matthew W. Bassford There are all too many people who want to hold God to promises He’s never made. They get sick, and they blame Him for not keeping them healthy. They run into financial hardship, and they grumble because He hasn’t helped them prosper. They’re single and unhappy, and they claim it’s His…

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Songs in the Night

by Judy Chappelear Sentry Magazine, June 2002 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken … ” That scripture was taken from Acts 16:25-26. We recall that Paul…

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Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand

by Jefferson David Tant In many of our songbooks, there is a song by the title of this article, and the words were written by Jennie Wilson. The song’s first stanza says, Time is filled with swift transition Naught of earth unmoved can stand Build your hopes on things eternal, Hold to God’s unchanging hand.…

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I recently learned I have ALS

Question: I have recently been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerig Disease, I think it’s called in the US). I am a strong, committed, and faithful believer in God; however, I am not immune to fear of the unknown. I know I only have a very short time left on earth, and will soon be joining…

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Isn’t the Spirit supposed to comfort me?

Question: I’m 26 but my body already seems to be falling apart. I can barely get out of bed these days. If the cause of this is heart problems or cancer or something, can I just resist treatment so I can go home and be with Jesus? I’m so depressed. I can’t be a good…

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What do I say to people who are suffering great grief?

Question: What do I say to people who are suffering great grief? Answer: Much of what you or I would like to say seems so empty or inadequate. How do you tell someone who has just lost a child you know how she feels when you haven’t experienced such grief? How do you tell a…

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Comfort for the Depressed

by Johnny Felker In II Corinthians 1, Paul discusses what must have been one of the lowest points in his life, a time filled with deep feelings of anxiety and despair. He reports that in Asia he was “burdened excessively, beyond… strength” so that he “despaired even of life”, having the “sentence of death” within…

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by Gilbert Alexander Comfort, or consolation, is a promise from God for certain distressed ones. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Paul urged faithful obedience upon the condition, “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit,…

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Son of Encouragement Text: Hebrews :7-14   I.         The Scriptures tell us of an interesting man             A.        His name was Joseph and he was from the island of Cyprus, though he was a Jew — a Levite in particular.             B.        No one remembers him by his true name, everyone calls him by his nickname.             C.        “Bar” = Son of, and “Nubas”…

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