Should the Elders know what each person gives?

Question: We have three elders at our local congregation, and one of them handles the banking, pays the bills, etc. Is it wrong for the other two elders to want to know more about the congregation’s financial situation and individual members’ contributions? We are expected to give of our means or first fruits. I’m not…

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Can non-believers contribute to the church?

Question: We recently discussed donations in the church, and I was wondering if you could provide any scriptural basis for them. Can a non-member or unbeliever donate money to the church? Can the church use that donation from him or her? Thanks! Answer: While the topic is not specifically addressed in the Scriptures, we can…

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Can a person withdraw his gift to the church?

Question: Hello Brother Jeffrey, I trust you have been doing well lately. I want to express my appreciation of your unwavering commitment to the work of God, and all the scriptural answers you’ve provided to solve challenges confronting the Christian faith. During our weekly Bible studies, we happened to talk about the brethren’s contributions to…

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How do I give if I’m a student and not making any money?

Question: Good evening, I attend graduate school. I just came across your website when I did a Google search about the collection if you’re unemployed. I wanted to ask a question based on the response that was given. I used to be employed last year, but now I am not. Because of my previous employment,…

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Are automatic withdrawals for contributions biblical?

Question: Would you help me understand if automatic withdrawals from your bank account for the first day of the week collection are biblical? Seeing people place money in the tray that is passed around, I think, incites others, especially children. I love seeing a child place some money in the tray. When I am attending…

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Freedom in Christ: A Biblical Look at Tithing

by Ajayi Samuel Ojeva “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). Men cherish freedom in every way. However, man is often led from freedom to bondage unaware. Men have been under various yokes of bondage at…

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Why were the tithes taken to Jerusalem in the New Testament?

Question: I use your site so much for lessons and study and appreciate the articles and answered questions. I have a question that I wondered about after doing a “giving” study. I asked in a ladies’ group, too. On a study of giving under the New Law vs. Old Law. Tithes were taken to Jerusalem,…

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Does God require giving everything you have to the church?

Question: Sir, My question stems from a statement made by a minister regarding how we ought to give to God. He said that if we give all the money in our bank account, we will not starve, God will find a way to provide for us. This statement troubled my heart because, in this part…

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Is it a sin not to give each Sunday?

Question: Since giving is an act of worship. Do we sin on the Sundays we do not give? For example, from my understanding, we are to give as we prosper, so if I only get paid twice a month,  don’t I only give on the Sunday following when I got paid?  I got paid on…

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Giving to the Lord’s Work

by Matthew Bassford Of all of the spiritual topics that we might address, one of the most sensitive is giving. First of all, it’s about money, which always has been very important to people. Second, though, the Holy Spirit’s words on this subject have been misrepresented and abused for 2000 years. In 1 Timothy 6,…

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Is there liberty in how we give?

Question: I have a question concerning worship. Is there liberty when it comes to some parts of worship? For example when it comes to giving, does one have to give during worship service or can someone give any time just long as it’s on a Sunday. Can a congregation decide to just give at the…

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Was the collection in I Corinthians 16:1-2 really worship?

Question: The church I attend teaches that the collection in I Corinthians 16:1-2 is not part of the worship service. They say Paul commanded that to help the church in Jerusalem, not to worship by giving. What is your comment about that? Answer: The same giving is discussed in II Corinthians 8 and 9, where…

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Giving to God

by Dan R. Owen, Ph.D. via The Gospel Advocate, June 2017 Since the time of Abraham, dedicated followers of God have given of their wealth to the One who provides all wealth. God blessed Abraham with much and Abraham gave a tenth to Melchizedek, priest of God Most High (Genesis 14:20). Jacob, an heir to the…

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Can contributions be done through pledges?

Question: Is pledging wrong, as a way of giving? That is, asking members how much they are willing to put forward for a certain project. They specify an amount, which is then collected at the right time. We must give on the first day of the week, that is set, but is that the only…

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How do I handle my contributions when I rotate between three congregations?

Question: Greetings, I have a question regarding the weekly contribution (I Corinthians 16:1-2). In my city, there are three local churches of Christ that I attend regularly. Normally I’ll attend one on a certain week, the next on the following week, and the third the week after that. And then I repeat the whole process.…

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Is it wrong to clap when giving?

Question: I have been reviewing the wealth of information that you have on your website regarding a wide array of subjects. We have several members who desire to express themselves by clapping when giving to the Lord. Is this practice okay in the Lord’s Church if it does not interfere with anything else? So far,…

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Can a church rent a part of its property to a phone company?

Question: Dear Sir, A phone company just approached the local congregation where we attend with an offer to install a cell tower on the church’s property. They would pay the church a significant amount each month for the ability to use a portion of the property in order to build and maintain the cell tower.…

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How do we decide how much to give once we are married?

Question: I am a member of the church of Christ. I’m a firm believer in giving 10% even if we aren’t commanded. My fiancé gives less since she doesn’t make as much as I do. My question is: Once we get married should we continue giving individual offerings? Another question is: When the Jews gave…

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How can I support your work?

Question: I am a fellow Christian myself and a casual reader of your website.  I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the wonderful ministry (website), especially the Q&A section.  The sound doctrine has helped me build up some basic theology foundation, as well as learning more about God.  I am really interested in…

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In giving, what exactly is a profit?

Question: I know tithing is not applicable under the New Covenant, but I was wondering what your view is on what exactly is gain or profit if one only receives wages. Is it only the amount by which they receive a raise on their paycheck each year? If so one could argue that it is…

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Are special contributions scriptural?

Question: Concerning collections: is it a good practice supported by Scripture to set aside “Special Giving Days” for specific purposes on the first day of the week in addition to the regular collection? This practice seems to contradict what a treasury is for in the work of the church. I respect your knowledge and work…

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Should I attend services elsewhere while traveling?

Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church in one state and will be traveling to another. While away is it acceptable to attend worship service at another meeting house? And for my offering, should this be given to them or held until my return to our home congregation? Answer: The requirement to attend…

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The New Testament Pattern of Giving

by Wayne Jackson It is a strange phenomenon in today’s church. It is recognized widely that there are rules regulating worship. This is acknowledged in virtually every area of church activity—except in one’s “giving.” Many know how the music portion of the worship is to be conducted (with a cappella singing). Not a few understand the proper…

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Didn’t Jesus say we should tithe?

Question: I’d advise you to change your stance toward tithing. I think there is a passage in the New Testament where Jesus says, you tithe your mint, rue, and spices but you don’t practice justice. You should as you do the latter and you shouldn’t forget the former. Be blessed, man of God, and if…

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Does I Corinthians 16:1-2 Apply to Us Today?

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 57, No. 25, June 20, 2008. Let us first note what the passage says: “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I gave order to the churches of Galatia, so also do ye. Upon the first day of the week let each one of you lay by…

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You make no attempt to understand the Salvation Army

Question: I just read with much displeasure the article, “Can Christians Help Support the Salvation Army?” I am admittedly somewhat biased as a third-generation Salvationist, but I found your posting quite misleading. It makes no attempt to understand the Salvation Army doctrines and looks simply to highlight doctrinal differences with other denominations. A few points…

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Can a church receive funds from non-believers or an organization?

Question: Thank you very much for your web site. I find it both educative and encouraging. Can I trouble you, my beloved brother, with some questions? Can a faithful congregation receive aid for the needy in the congregation from a non-believer or an organization? Can a faithful brother solicit relief aid for a church from…

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Questions about the use of funds given to the church

Question: Having read your articles and also was a member of the conservative church for 24 years I have some questions. The conservatives say it is ok to use the Lord’s money for a $20,000 yard but wrong to give a sinner some food from the treasury. Really? It is ok to rent a place to…

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Does the Bible say the church worshiped on Sunday?

Question: I have a few questions and comments concerning the texts given as proof of Sunday worship outlined in the article: “Is sex on the Sabbath a sin?” The verses are Acts 20:7 and I Corinthians 16:1-2. Acts 20:7 speaks of an act that is done on any day, and nowhere does it say that…

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