Cults Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Timothy 3:1-9   I.         Cults periodically make the news.             A.        It is unfortunate that gullible people exist, willing to believe anything that will bring them contentment within themselves. Some people are willing to suspend all reason to have some hope.                         1.         John 8:44 – Satan leads many away with…

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Why do you list cults among the denominations?

Question: I have just viewed your web site, and once again have seen cults included in a listing of Christian denominations.  I fail to understand why church of Christ folk do this.  I have emailed a few different ones, asking for an answer, but no one seems to want to respond.  As someone who has…

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Is the Church of Christ a Cult?

by David Diestelkamp via The Sower, Vol. 51, No. 4, July/August 2006 One man jokingly wrote that a cult was any group he didn’t like. He was pointing out the tendency to use prejudicial or inflammatory language to describe those with whom we disagree. People sometimes throw the word cult around out of fear of…

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