Conviction Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 11:37-54   I.         We live our lives avoiding disagreements             A.        We don’t like being told we are wrong             B.        We avoid causing other people to be upset with us                         1.         A Nebraska superintendent made the national news because she forbade references to Christmas in her school so as to not…

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Convict the World of Sin

by Terry Wane Benton The Holy Spirit used the revelation He gave to Peter to “convict the world of sin” (John 16:8; Acts 2:22-37). When they heard the convicting truth, they felt a need to be saved. Without telling the world of sin, no one feels a need to be saved. Everyone thinks they are…

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Am I Become Your Enemy?

by Robert F. Turner Paul had done some straight talking to the Galatian churches. He had said, “I am afraid of (for) you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain” (Galatians 4:11). Then, in Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” Paul knew how people often…

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You Must Rule Over It by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 4:1-12   I.         Ask a person why they gave into a particular sin and the most common rely is: “I don’t know. I couldn’t help myself.”             A.        Losing control in the face of temptation has been around since the beginning.                         1.         God even warned Cain that he had to master his…

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What Faith Is

by Doy Moyer Faith is the demonstration of our conviction that we trust the reality of what we cannot see. That is not the same as saying there is no evidence. Trusting the reality of what we cannot see means only that our faith is not dependent on first-hand material observation. I accept historical testimony…

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I keep falling back into sin. Does it mean I’m not determined enough?

Question: Since I keep on falling back into sin further and further, repeatedly. Does that mean I don’t have a real determination to change? I want to change, yet I find myself just behaving worse than before. What should I do? Answer: There are a few possibilities. The most likely problem is a lack of…

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What is the difference between feeling guilty and feeling convicted?

Question: Is it true that if you don’t know if something is a sin that you should not do it if it makes you feel convicted? So what is the difference between feeling guilty or feeling convicted? Sometimes I put a lot of thought into something that I bought. I bought the entire collection of…

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They Promised to Put Away Their Wives

by Kent Heaton The book of Ezra is a remarkable book of “those whose spirits God had moved” (Ezra 1:5). The city of Jerusalem lay in ruins for seven decades and the house of the Lord was burned. Zerubbabel led the faithful back to Jerusalem and the Temple was rebuilt. The faith of the people…

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