Posts Tagged ‘communion’
Do I need to confess my sin of lust before taking communion?
Question: I have a question about lust and communion. Is it a sin to have touched my boyfriend’s buttocks with our clothes on? I believe it may fall into lust, and if it does then do I have to confess this before being able to take communion? Answer: What you are describing could fall under…
Read MoreIs the bread Jesus’ body or does it represent Jesus’ body?
Question: Good morning. I have looked at your site for many years and have found the devotion and the knowledge skill set to be very helpful, in my walk of life with God. Thank you. So often, in the Lord’s Supper, the men presiding will say, “which represents His body” and “which represents His blood”…
Read MoreNotes on Communion, The Lord’s Supper
Prophecies Concerning His Death Rejected by men, but not God – Psalms 22 Hated and a reproach – Psalm 69:4, 7-9, 19-21 The Suffering Servant – Isaiah 53 His humiliation – Isaiah 53:3-9 His accomplishment – Isaiah 53:10-12 Accounts of His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection In the Garden – Matthew 26:26-29 Betrayal, Arrest, Denial, Trials,…
Read MoreThe original Lord’s Supper was observed at night and it wasn’t on Sunday
Question: The original Lord’s Supper was observed at nighttime (Matthew 26:31), and it was not observed on the first day of the week (Sunday), The practice of breaking bread was done on a daily basis from house to house, not on a weekly basis as in the churches of Christ. You find this information in Acts 2:46. And you’ll also…
Read MoreShould it be called communion or Lord’s Supper?
Question: Good day brother Jeffrey, I’m here to seek your advice or comments and suggestions regarding the phrase “Lord’s Supper.” My question is: Can we still use the phrase “Lord’s Supper” as part of the worship? Which phrase is appropriate to use: communion or Lord’s Supper? I ask because the preacher said that we can…
Read MoreShould leavened or unleavened bread be used in the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Our congregation uses ordinary bread (very likely leavened) for Lord’s Supper. The minister, after admitting that unleavened bread was used during the Passover meal when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, tried to justify the use of ordinary bread this way: 1. The elements of the Lord’s Supper are the bread and fruit of the…
Read MoreCan the Lord’s Supper be taken to a shut-in?
Question: In our home Bible class last evening, one in the class asked if it is wrong to take the Lord’s Supper to a member of the church who is a shut-in if the one, who is a shut-in, requests it. Answer: I have difficulty with this because Paul stated, “Therefore, my brethren, when you…
Read MoreWhat do you think about partaking of the Lord’s Supper after dinner?
Question: At our congregation, we take communion on the first day of each week. Our preacher has decided to have small groups meet in homes and have a potluck dinner and again partake of the Lord’s Supper, calling it an agape feast. This is causing a division in the church. He is using a lot…
Read MoreDoes Mathew 26:29 mean that we shouldn’t take communion?
Question: Does Mathew 26:29 mean that we shouldn’t take communion? Answer: “But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29). Your conclusion contradicts other clear passages concerning partaking of the…
Read MoreWho can give communion?
Question: We have a doubt about administering communion; that is, who can give communion? We are seven who as started a church and now it has grown to 30 people. We have one leader but none of us is ordained. Now, who can give communion? Or should we find an ordained preacher to give communion?…
Read MoreWhy is grape juice a part of the Lord’s Supper?
Question: I have been trying to find out the why’s of ‘the fruit of the vine’. I understand and have read about the Passover. I think I understand the meaning of the Lord’s Supper in relation to the Passover. I know why the bread is represented to be Jesus’ body, and that Jesus said he…
Read MoreWhy must the Lord’s Supper be taken every week?
Question: Why is it necessary to celebrate the Lord’s Table every week and not, say, once a month or whenever we feel like it? Answer: “For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Therefore I…
Read MoreShould the Lord’s Supper be served with one cup?
Question: The texts in the gospels concerning the Lord’s Supper all say “and when he took the cup … ” denoting one cup. Does this bind one cup? Why or why not? Thank you for your help. I met a one cup brother and sister at a gospel meeting and we plan to study it soon.…
Read MoreShould non-Christians participate in the Lord’s Supper?
Question: When visitors come to visit the church should they participate in the Lord’s Supper? Answer: The partaking of the Lord’s Supper is not limited to members of the local congregation. Paul, while journeying through Troas on his way to Jerusalem, worshipped with the brethren in Troas. “Now on the first day of the week,…
Read MoreDoes Acts 20:7 refer to a common meal?
Question: Do you think that Acts 20:7 was talking of a common meal? Why or why not? Answer: The text in question states, “Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight” (Acts 20:7).…
Read MoreThe Lord’s Supper
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Cor. 11:17-34 I. It is a covenant meal A. Luke 22:19-20 – The cup is the new covenant B. A covenant that is taken with us in the kingdom – Matt 26:28-29 C. Covenants were often sealed with a meal shared between the two parties. 1. Jacob and Laban’s covenant – Gen 31:46,54…
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