Is it right to be paid to clean a church building?

Question: Hello! I have a question regarding the church treasury and its use. I’ve been going to an institutional church of Christ with my family, as I don’t have a driver’s license to attend the non-institutional church the next town over. I clean for the church. Is it proper for me to accept payment for…

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Can a church let the community use its well?

Question: Greetings Brother Hamilton, I trust you are doing great today. I have this conflict to clarify: I understand the church is not suppose to go into business or maintain one. But I have a challenge; My congregation was gifted a piece of land with a sunken borehole (well) by a brother . Can the church…

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Are fellowship halls optional?

Question: Good morning, brother Jeffrey: I have had several discussions with an elder of a church of Christ. First, the issue of fellowship halls. I sent him the article entitled “Kitchens and Fellowship Halls, What Was the Issue?” His response was because the early church met in homes for worship and fellowship, there was a…

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The Sponsoring Church Arrangement

by Ethan Jennings Not long after World War 2, members of the Lord’s church decided they wanted to take the gospel overseas to the countries with whom we had been at war. This was a good attitude to have. Especially since we are supposed to spread the gospel to everyone. Paul wrote to commend the…

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How the Church May Use Its Money

by Andy Sochor “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so do you also. On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come” (I Corinthians 16:1-2). The…

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Did Paul bring alms to all Jews or just Christians?

Question: Hello Jeffrey, The Apostle Paul in Acts 24:17 shows that he brought alms, supplied by churches, to his nation. Alms would be mercy benevolence to the poor of that region. The New Testament Greek word for “nation” in this passage is ethnos. Thayer defines this word as a multitude associated or living together. Louw & Nida’s Greek Lexicon…

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Adding to the Word of God?

by Wayne S. Walker Most faithful Christians are aware that through the years many unauthorized additions have been made to what God’s word teaches. Denominations have added their own creeds to the doctrine of Christ. Additions to scriptural baptism, either in the action (sprinkling and pouring) or in the subjects (infants, babies, and small children)…

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May a church receive interest on the money it has deposited at a bank?

Question: The local bank, which the church here has been doing business with for over six decades, is closing its local office. The next nearest office is over 20 miles away. If we maintain our current account, the church treasurer would have to drive the extra miles to make the contribution deposit, and at other…

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What should happen to funds when a congregation closes?

Question: What should happen to funds when a congregation closes? Answer: It should be remembered that the funds that a congregation has belong to God and not the members of a congregation. This is implied when Ananias was told that any money he had was his to do with as he desired, but once it…

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How far can a church go in assisting a congregation in a disaster area?

Question: How far can a congregation go to help another congregation in need? For example several states away a congregation’s building gets destroyed by a hurricane along with several members homes. Because of the devastation, they have no access to building supply stores and the like. They are not just in need of monetary assistance…

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Paying Preachers

by Matthew W. Bassford Never does anyone argue harder for something they won’t actually take than Paul does in I Corinthians 9:3-14. Through much of his ministry, especially his time with the church in Corinth, Paul refused financial support from the church with which he was working. It may be that as per Romans 7:7-8,…

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Is it proper for a church to give gifts?

Question: Please, I would like to ask the following questions: Is it scriptural for the church to organize a send-forth program for its outgoing preacher, elder, or faithful member who is relocating? The program typically involves citation, extolling of virtues, prayers, and presentation of gifts purchased by both the church and individual brethren. Is it…

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A Foolish Consistency

by Ken Green When I first began preaching, I was enamored by religious debates. They were declining in popularity, but there were still a few taking place. They are now extremely rare. Some debates were transcribed and published and I read all of them that I could find. I eventually participated in a number of…

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A Friendly Letter on Benevolence

  by Irven Lee (1914-1991) April 1, 1958 A good friend that I have known and appreciated a long time sent a letter of inquiry which prompted this answer. Since so many are wondering about the same problems, I am making a few copies of the letter [that I wrote in response] with the hope…

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Does I Corinthian 11:33 allow fellowship meals at the church building?

Question: Dear Brother in Christ,   I read your answer to Why is eating in the building an issue? concerning eating in the building and have a few questions.   First, you quote I Corinthians 11:17-22 where Paul is remonstrating the Corinthians for leaving some hungry and for some getting drunk asking, “Don’t you have homes…

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The Sponsoring Church Arrangement: What Was the Issue?

  by Bill Hall I can’t say enough about the encouragement it is to me to see your continued interest in this effort that we’re putting forth.  Your willingness to come and study with us — it means so much to me.  When this was planned, I thought we could educate those who come as…

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Church-Supported Orphans’ Homes: What Was the Issue?

by Bill Hall It was a difficult time.  I don’t know that I could in any way picture for you if you didn’t live then, just how difficult that time was.  Back somewhere in the mid-50s, in the pages of the Gospel Advocate, a quarantine was called for against all those who preached the gospel…

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Kitchens and Fellowship Halls: What Was the Issue?

  by Bill Hall I don’t know how to thank you enough for the opportunity to come and deliver these lessons on these Sunday afternoons. It has been a very challenging experience for me, and I hope the lessons have been challenging for you. To see the number of people who have come each Sunday…

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Is it wrong for a congregation to sell land it no longer needs?

Question: If a congregation sells a plot of land (that was originally intended to build a building), is it unscriptural if it makes a profit? Answer: The congregation purchased the land for the intent of building a building and for whatever reason the plan did not work out (as sometimes happens). Since the land is…

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The Church Treasury

by Terry W. Benton Consider the following quote from a house-church denominationalist: It is true that the disciples were instructed to treasure up some things, “And concerning the collection that [is] for the saints, as I directed to the assemblies of Galatia, so also ye — do ye; on every first [day] of the week,…

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Is it reasonable to ask the church to fund projects that are not sustainable?

Question: Good afternoon, Brother Hamilton: You were very kind to answer a question for me a few years back, and your answer gave me such clarity. I’ll be ever-grateful for your guidance. I have another question with which I’m struggling. It regards funding for church-related projects. Our elders have established a pledge drive for a…

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Can a treasurer use the church’s money in his personal business?

Question: Please, I want to know if one can use the church’s money in his custody to run his personal business. Answer: Absolutely not. The money is the Lord’s money. When Ananias gave money to the church but lied about the amount, Peter told him: “While it remained, was it not your own? And after…

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The Church at Work in Benevolence

by Irvin Himmel via Guardian of Truth XXXIX:10 p. 6-8, May 18, 1995 There is no better way to teach the plan of salvation than examining the cases of conversion in the book of Acts. Such examples as the Jews on Pentecost, the Samaritans, the Ethiopian eunuch, Saul of Tarsus, Cornelius, Lydia, the Philippian jailer, and the…

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Is it right to pay a church secretary?

Question: I am a member of a large, conservative church of Christ. The one thing that bothers me is that we have a lady, who I love dearly, who has been the “church secretary” for many years and is being paid a salary. I can’t find where this is scriptural. The other congregations in our…

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Is it proper to rent out the church building?

Question: Here is my question. Is it right scripturally to rent out the church building to non-Christians for business or charitable purposes? I feel uncomfortable about a congregation that does this. Answer: The only authorized means for a church to collect funds is by voluntary contributions of its members (I Corinthians 16:1-2). The Lord did…

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Can a church rent a part of its property to a phone company?

Question: Dear Sir, A phone company just approached the local congregation where we attend with an offer to install a cell tower on the church’s property. They would pay the church a significant amount each month for the ability to use a portion of the property in order to build and maintain the cell tower.…

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Can a church buy and sell properties?

Question: I’ve been thinking a lot about authority and what ways the church is authorized to receive money into the treasury. Freewill offerings are the only means, correct? The church does not have the authority to open a business to support its funds, correct? If those are true, a question struck me: Does the church…

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Can the church rent a house on land it bought for future expansion?

Question: Hello, I was just wondering if maybe you could tell me if there is a biblical answer for this situation. A congregation of the Lord’s church just bought land adjoining the land the building where we meet sits on right now. It was purchased to expand at a later time (no time soon). If…

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The Real Issue Regarding Kitchens and Fellowship Halls by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:12-18   I.         Over the years Christians have experienced disagreements that have led to divisions             A.        In the late 1800’s it was disagreements over missionary societies and instrumental music in worship. It lead to the formation of the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ.             B.        In the 1940’s and 1950’s…

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Should a congregation at least partially support a local preacher?

Question: Even though an away congregation is supporting an evangelist full time because the one he is preaching for is small, shouldn’t they (the congregation he is working with) still try to provide some support for him in whatever way? Answer: If another congregation is supporting a preacher fully, then the preacher doesn’t need additional funds. While…

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The Difference Between Individuals and the Church

by Greg Gwin In a recent discussion of church benevolence, the point was made that the church has a limited benevolent role (only to needy saints), while individual Christians can and should help all who are legitimately in need (Galatians 6:10). Someone offered this rebuttal: “Why maintain a division in the church over money when…

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Is it wrong for a church to organize meals?

Question: I was reading through a couple of articles on your website when I ran into “Using a Kitchen in a Rented Hall” and I became a bit concerned. See, the church I attend has a potluck dinner every first Sunday of the month following morning services. We meet in a building next to the…

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