The Holiness Movement by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: I Thessalonians 5:16-28   I.         Pietism took off during the 1600’s with Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705)             A.        Eventually a denomination form that was referred to as the Moravian church             B.        From here we skip ahead to the early 1700’s II.        John Wesley (1703-1791)             A.        He was raised in the Church of England…

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Is having a baby dedicated wrong?

Question: I have found on your site when searching that several have asked this question, but I can’t find an answer to this question. A friend, who is a Nazarene, is having their baby dedicated. Is this wrong? Thanks. Answer: In the Nazarene Church, a dedication ritual a vow that parents take that they will…

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I too left the Nazarene church, but over legalism

Question: I was reading your letter online and, like your “I left the Nazarene church,” I left on the other hand because I found the practices to be legalistic. I find your letter to be greatly encouraging. Thank you and God bless you. Answer: I’m glad the article was of benefit to you. “Legalism” is…

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Is sinless perfection not expected of Christians?

Question: I read a few posts on the website where you talked about how Christians are not to expect sinless perfection in themselves. This was very encouraging to me! I have been raised in the Nazarene church. Nazarenes have a lot of really great strengths, but sometimes it can be tough, as they believe that…

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Help me understand more about the flaws in the Church of the Nazarene

Question: I am a music minister, called preacher and leader. I currently serve with the church of the Nazarene. I am shocked by the truth you revealed. I have been looking for this, but I really need help to understand it more. I have been feeling deeply uncomfortable with some things in this denomination, and…

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Doesn’t the Bible teach that you can be saved without baptism?

Question: I read your article, “Why I Am Not a Nazarene,” as I have been researching the Wesleyan Nazarenes and was considering attending there as a member but I am having doubts. However, I read your article and where it says “No one is saved without being baptized with water” is not biblical.  One is saved by faith in…

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Quit picking on the Nazarenes! We’re not saved by baptism

Question: I suggest you read Ephesians 2:8-10 and pray about your erroneous attack on The Church of the Nazarene. We are saved by the precious blood of Christ, not by being dipped in water. There are some, after all, who do not have the opportunity to be baptized immediately (the thief who died next to Jesus),…

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Isn’t saying you must be baptized limiting the power of God?

Question: I am sorry you feel the way you do about the Church of the Nazarene, but more so about your hard-lined stance about baptism. By saying “No one is saved without being baptized in water” you immediately limit the limitless God. You are saying that God cannot save anyone on their death bed, since they…

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Why I Am Not a Nazarene

by J. R. Bronger In June of 1972 my wife, Sue, and I were baptized into Christ for the remission of our sins (Acts 2:38). Like many of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we came out of religious error. Our involvement was with the Church of the Nazarene, headquartered in Kansas City. I was…

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You think you have the right to judge your fellow man

Question: I was raised in the Church of the Nazarene, but my husband was raised in the Church of Christ.  I cannot believe that you continue to perpetuate the untruths, misconceptions and basic misinterpretations of the Bible.  The Church of Christ does not believe in the forgiveness of sin and the grace of God but…

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Aren’t you misinterpreting the Scriptures unless you teach faith alone?

Question: I agree with you on many points however I believe that you make many hasty judgments and contradict yourself many times over.  Whether you are Nazarene, Pentecostal, Baptist Church of Christ, etc. it truly does not matter because salvation is not found in your denomination rather in Christ Jesus.   Nazarenes do not believe that…

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Isn’t it divisive to claim all denominations are wrong?

Question: I just read the article about why you left the Nazarene denomination. On the latter point of baptism, I will not comment now, but I think your first listed reason is a rational mistake. You said, “yet the Nazarene Church exists, as does any denomination, because man disregards the prayerful wishes of Christ.” This…

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