Posts Tagged ‘complaints’
Better than Complaining
by Leslie Diestelkamp via Think, Vol. 2, No. 5, July 1971 Instead of always whining and complaining about the morals of the world about us, God’s people would do better to just demonstrate, in the pulpit and the pew, the qualities that are desirable. Let us say and do, preach and live moral purity of…
Read MoreIncreasingly Angry
by Zeke Flores An interesting thing happened at a grocery store one morning. I was at the customer service desk and saw a man complaining very loudly to a store manager about the rude service he thought he had gotten from one of the store clerks. While the manager did her best to be sympathetic…
Read MoreStop the Anonymous Complaints
by Brad Harrub How can we strengthen our local congregations? Stop allowing members to hide behind the elders and instead encourage reconciliation. Teach members how to confront other members in the spirit of humility, mercy, and love. I cannot tell you how often I’ve heard elders confront members or the preacher with a complaint from…
Read MoreComplaints About God’s People
by Doy Moyer I grew up in California. I have worked and lived in several states across the U.S. over several decades. And I have found this consistent pattern: Christians are good people. They are loving, giving, and striving to do what is right. None that I know claim perfection. But they want to please…
Read MoreGrumbling
by Matthew W. Bassford We don’t often think of it this way, but one of the most significant moments in the Pentateuch occurs in Exodus 16:2. By this point in time, the Israelites have seen one of the most impressive displays of God’s power in the entire Bible. He rescued them from Egypt, brought them…
Read MoreWithout Grumbling or Disputing
by Matthew W. Bassford The military theorist Carl von Clausewitz once said, “Everything is very simple in war, but the simplest thing is difficult.” The same is true of Christianity. Most of the time, we don’t struggle with the knowing, but with the doing. Philippians 2:14 is a prime example of this unpleasant truth. “Do…
Read MoreMasks, Vaccines, and the Bible
by Matthew W. Bassford The following restates the biblical principles that should govern our speech and behavior when it comes to masks, vaccines, and discussion of the same. In areas where we are given liberty by man and God, we must respect the liberty of others. We must not judge or show contempt toward those…
Read MoreA Social Media Warning from the Psalms
by Edwin Crozier I am not trying to establish a legalistic rule here. Rather, I want to caution you to think a little more deeply and thoroughly before you post. “If I had said, ‘I will speak thus,’ I would have betrayed the generation of your children” -Asaph, Psalm 73:15. Asaph recognizes the dangers of…
Read MoreI am about to marry and I love her dearly, but she constantly nags and complains
Question: Sir, I’m engaged to marry this wonderful lady in less than two months’ time, whom I have dated for about 2 years. I describe her as wonderful because she is modest, she has done a great job guiding her virginity to date, and she is over 30 years of age. I call her wonderful…
Read MorePining for the Past by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Numbers 13:32-14:4 I. People are known for their selective memories A. Some wrap themselves up in the horrors of their youth, blaming every misfortune on what had happened to them in the past. B. More common though are the people who remember the good things that happen and suppress the bad…
Read MoreMy wife is always complaining. How can I help her?
Question: Hello! I am coming here with a question in regards to my marriage. My wife and I are newlyweds, just a few months into our marriage. However, at the moment things seem to be flipping upside down! My wife is a severely depressed person, and, as a result, we are fighting a lot. I…
Read MoreIs it wrong for my mother to complain about other people’s seemingly undeserved luxuries?
Question: Hi Jeff, I hope you’re doing well. I would like some advice on whether my mom’s actions are okay or not. She works very hard. In my opinion, she’s the hardest-working member of the family, but she has a habit of grumbling when other people enjoy seemingly undeserving luxuries. For example, one of my…
Read MoreMy problem is that I grumble too much at work. What should I do?
Question: Sir, I have been looking through the previous answers on public sin. But I could not find anything that was quite like my question. This is the best website I have found and I think it has helped me a ton. I think my biggest problem is when at work, usually, I will talk…
Read MoreI just can’t take it anymore
Question: My husband and I are both in the church of Christ. I have been emotionally and financially abused for almost thirty years. My two sisters gave up on trying to be there for me, although when I could I was there for them in every way no matter how long it took. I have…
Read MoreThe Change Starts With Me by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 64 I. I was reading the notes that come through a subscription list to which I belong. A list is a method for having a group discussion on a particular topic. It is similar to listening in on the conversation in a room, putting in your own two-cents…
Read MoreMy girlfriend constantly complains and I’m getting drained. What do I do?
Question: Hello. I have a girlfriend who has a big attitude problem. She’s always complaining about life, and she tends to take it out on me a lot. The funny thing is that we both Christians, and I have plenty of patience with her. It’s come to the point where I get tired because she…
Read MoreLet me give you a real story of the problems I see
Question: Three members of a church of Christ have been shunning two others for two years for reasons unknown. One member spreads unfounded gossip about another woman using vile language. She later asked for forgiveness but never apologized. Some members lack the courtesy to say, “Good morning,” nine out of ten times. The minister, a…
Read MoreHow do you handle a complainer?
Question: There is a preacher I have known for at least 20 years. At one time he lived a few hours from where I was and when he started feeling down his wife would talk him into coming and paying my wife and me a visit because she felt that I could get him to…
Read MoreStop Complaining by Whit Sasser Lessons in Christianity
Read MoreTen Rules for Improving the Church
I. The bookstore shelves groan under the weight of “self-help” books. The kind that tell you how to improve various aspects of your life. A. I would like to offer a different type of self-help: a way you can improve the church — all by yourself! B. It sounds like a tall order, but it is not. 1. Each…
Read MoreMy seven-year-old complains every time he has to do something
Question: I am once again in need of advice from those of you that have been at this longer than I. I am having a problem with my 7-year-old son. He is completing his chores and his schoolwork, but I am troubled by his attitude. I feel like I have to push him through his…
Read MoreHorns of Destruction
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Zechariah 1:18-21 I. Zechariah, at the end of Judah’s captivity, was given a vision of four horns A. Horns are used symbolically to represent power. 1. In particular, the horns represented the power of the nations around Judah (see verse 21) 2. II Kings 18:11-12 – Assyria pulled away the northern tribes 3. II…
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