Collection for the Saints or Collection for Preachers?

by Sewell Hall via Biblical Insights, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2015 A very respected and perceptive brother expressed the following in a note to the elders where he worships: “I am concerned that the collection for the saints’ is becoming ‘the collection for the preachers.’” Since others may have similar concerns, we offer the…

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Can non-believers contribute to the church?

Question: We recently discussed donations in the church, and I was wondering if you could provide any scriptural basis for them. Can a non-member or unbeliever donate money to the church? Can the church use that donation from him or her? Thanks! Answer: While the topic is not specifically addressed in the Scriptures, we can…

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Is there liberty in how we give?

Question: I have a question concerning worship. Is there liberty when it comes to some parts of worship? For example when it comes to giving, does one have to give during worship service or can someone give any time just long as it’s on a Sunday. Can a congregation decide to just give at the…

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Was the collection in I Corinthians 16:1-2 really worship?

Question: The church I attend teaches that the collection in I Corinthians 16:1-2 is not part of the worship service. They say Paul commanded that to help the church in Jerusalem, not to worship by giving. What is your comment about that? Answer: The same giving is discussed in II Corinthians 8 and 9, where…

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Are special contributions scriptural?

Question: Concerning collections: is it a good practice supported by Scripture to set aside “Special Giving Days” for specific purposes on the first day of the week in addition to the regular collection? This practice seems to contradict what a treasury is for in the work of the church. I respect your knowledge and work…

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Orphans and Their Care

  I.          Orphans are not mentioned often in the New Testament, once to be precise, but many have developed unusual ideas about how to care for the orphans in our midst.              A.         Unusual, because their teaching does not follow the plain statements of the New Testament.              B.         The passage we will delve into is James 1:27. II.         The Bible’s…

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