Posts Tagged ‘Christianity’
Better than Complaining
by Leslie Diestelkamp via Think, Vol. 2, No. 5, July 1971 Instead of always whining and complaining about the morals of the world about us, God’s people would do better to just demonstrate, in the pulpit and the pew, the qualities that are desirable. Let us say and do, preach and live moral purity of…
Read MoreDo you have to figure out all your sins before becoming a Christian?
Question: I have a few questions. If you don’t mind. Do you have to figure out all your sins right away, or is this a lifelong process of seeing sin and repenting? I read What Repentance Is Not. It gave the example of someone who quit drinking because it was affecting their health. My question…
Read MoreFault Finding by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:11-18 I. The golden rule – Romans 13:9-10 A. Much of our life is involved in relating to other people. 1. We need the cooperation of others in so many ways. 2. And so many people are just plain hard to get along with. B. God’s laws are easily summed up…
Read MoreWhat Christianity Is All About
Text: Ephesians 1 by Don Bunting One (or Two) Chapter Lessons
Read MoreChristianity Is a Crutch
by Zeke Flores Some people say, “Christianity is a crutch for the weak!” I agree; it is a crutch. More precisely, it’s a help, a way to cope. God’s way is a comfort for the afflicted (II Corinthians 1:3-5), help for the persecuted (Hebrews 10:32-39), and strength for the downtrodden (Romans 8:31,36-39). The reason we…
Read MorePersonal Goals for 2024 by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Way Text: Isaiah 35 I. At times I will be studying and a verse sticks in my mind. A. In Isaiah 35 is a prophecy. It is obviously talking about the time when Jesus walked on this earth – Isaiah 35:4-6 B. What struck me was the description of a highway – Isaiah 35:8-9 1. Such an interesting…
Read MoreThe Christian’s Attributes
by Jefferson David Tant “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities…
Read MoreThings My Mom Taught Me
by Dee Bowman (1934-2021) Christianity Magazine, May 1997 It’s hard losing your parents. You labor under the strain of not having told them more often that you love them. You remember all the things they did for you and sit and wonder if you did much for them. I was home in Lubbock for the…
Read MoreIs There Meaning to My Life? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 14 I. What will have changed because you have lived? A. People have longed wondered what the meaning of life is, but I think it more important to consider what meaning there is in your life. II. What is your life? A. Perhaps a strange beginning to the question. B. Your life…
Read MoreA Disciple Lives a Spiritual Life by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreExamining Christianity by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 13:1-8 I. Most religions in the world surround themselves in mysteries A. Followers are asked to accept things without full knowledge B. Only a select few are granted special insight C. But God’s teachings are not like these religions 1. God challenges us to reason about the evidence available – Isaiah…
Read MoreHow do I deal with a friend who claims to be a Christian but doesn’t live like one?
Question: Hello! First thank you for creating this website. I’ve used the articles here to help answer some questions throughout the years. I’ve been a doctrinally sound Christian for years and live every day for the Lord. Being a servant to the truth has been a challenge (no surprise there) but especially in regard to…
Read MoreFierce and Independent
by Gardner Hall “A fierce and independent woman.” This is a popular way to describe today’s “modern” woman. How have “fierce and independent” men affected society through the centuries? Historically, “fierce and independent” men have caused much suffering. Is that what women really need? The Bible uses another term to describe the ideal spirit for…
Read MoreCan We Just Be Christians
by Craig Thomas In a world filled with religious traditions and denominational churches, the concept of being simply Just a Christian is difficult to communicate. Yet a careful reader of the New Testament will realize Jesus did not die so His followers could be divided into sects and parties (John 17:20-23). Jesus died to reconcile…
Read MoreThe Palm and Cedar Trees
by Wayne S. Walker “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12). I have always liked looking at palm trees. Of course, growing up in the midwest I never saw a palm tree, except for potted ones indoors and on television shows, until I went…
Read MoreSaints
by Webb Harris, Jr. Guardian of Truth XXXII: 13, pp. 402-403, July 7, 1988 The Problem of Avoided Terms It is fundamental to a proper understanding of divine revelation that we appreciate that the “popular” definitions of many words common to the Scriptures differ from the intended ideas of the inspired writers. The term “saint”…
Read MoreBack to Basics
by Frank Jamerson Christ and the Law Covenants The Kingdom
Read MoreWhy Christ and Christianity?
by Doy Moyer I am a Christian for several reasons. I cannot make others accept Christ. I cannot tell others what will convince them. I can only provide an accounting for why I am a Christian and hope that others might think about it. Regardless of difficulties encountered by any worldview, here are some reasons…
Read MoreA Lifelong Process by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhat It Means to be a Child of God by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreDevoted to the Word
by Doy Moyer When the problem of neglected widows came up in Acts 6, the apostles told the church to choose seven men of special quality to take care of it so that they would be able to “devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4). What does it mean…
Read MoreThe Lunch Lady
by Matthew W. Bassford One of the best-attended funerals I’ve ever preached was for a school lunch lady. Her name was Marlene Norris. She was a faithful member of the church in Joliet, with which I was working at the time, along with her husband and three of her children. As is the custom in…
Read MoreUnashamed of the Shame
by Doy Moyer “Let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or a meddler. But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God in having that name” (I Peter 4:15-16). There are many reasons why people suffer, but they are not all equal.…
Read MoreWalk Worthily
by Doy Moyer “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”…
Read MoreBible Paradoxes
Author Unknown A paradox is a tenet contrary to received opinion; seemingly contrary to common sense but is actually true. We may be last though first (Mark 10:35-45) We lose by saving our life (Mark 8:34-38) We live by dying (II Timothy 2:11) We see unseen things (II Corinthians 4:18) We conquer by yielding (Romans…
Read MoreThose “Strange People”
by Robert F. Turner Years ago I shared a seat on the train with a “missionary” returning from work in Alaska. He told me he met some “strange people” up there who thought they could work out their own salvation. I said, “With fear and trembling; Philippians 2:12.” “No, No!” he said. “I mean they…
Read MoreI am a Christian
By Cecil May, Dean Emeritus, Faulkner University College of Biblical Studies, in the October 2019 Gospel Advocate I am a disciple of Christ; I seek to learn from Him and follow Him…but I am not a Disciple of Christ. I am a methodist; I try to follow the biblical method…but I am not a Methodist.…
Read MoreBiblical Paradoxes: In the World, But Not of the World by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 17:6-16 I. A paradox is a true statement that either is contrary to conventional wisdom or is seemingly absurd A. Paradoxes can be a useful tool in teaching because it requires you to think more carefully about what is being said. 1. Most people, when they first hear a paradox,…
Read MoreIs Christianity a Religion or a Way of Life?
by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba Unmasking Sophistry, vol. 1, no. 1, April-June 2021 Unmasking Sophistry, vol. 1, no. 2, July-September 2021 Many scoff at the idea that Christianity is a religion. It is very common to hear and read people speak about Christianity as not a religion but only a way of life. This sentiment is…
Read MoreThe Conservation of Energy
by Jefferson David Tant There is an old saying about “the conservation of energy that goes like this: “Why run when you can walk, why walk when you can stand, why stand when you can sit, and why sit when you can lay down.” I guess you really would conserve your energy if you employed…
Read MoreAn Ordinary Christian
by Jefferson David Tant Do you know any “ordinary” Christians? Let’s define the word before you answer. As an adjective — “With no special or distinctive features; normal.” As a noun — “What is commonplace or standard.” Synonyms include — “common, usual, regular, normal, habitual, customary.” One man was told his name had been mentioned…
Read MoreThe Words We Speak by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 4:17-24 I. There is a Proverb that stands out in my mind – Proverbs 26:18-19 A. You cannot cover up lies with a claim that you were making a joke. B. We are judged by what we say, even the casual things said without much thought – Matthew 12:35-37 1. Why?…
Read MoreRomans 12 by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreA Covenant Like David’s by Andy Cantrell Finding Our Purpose from the Past
Read MoreBorn Again by the Word of God by Andy Cantrell Finding Our Purpose from the Past
Read MoreI want to be a Christian, but my parents are Hindus
Question: Praise the Lord. I’m Hindu, but I accepted Jesus as my God and Savior. In my family, all are unbelievers. My brother and I were baptized. I praise God for His grace upon us. My family forces us to bow before Hindu idols. It hurts a lot. When the world rejected me, Jesus loved…
Read MoreFashioned Not According to the World by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 6:14-7:1 I. At times it isn’t easy to take a stand for the truth and it appears to be getting harder with the passing years. A. People are social creatures. We want to think that other people are like us. But when we are forced to see differences,…
Read MoreChristianity that Is Appealing to Atheists
by Forrest Antemesaris I was a happy atheist. I didn’t sense a need for any kind of religion in my life. However, I wasn’t completely closed-minded toward religion. I visited a Baptist service, a Catholic Mass, and dabbled in the teachings of Buddhism (my favorite at the time). Yet, religion in all of its forms…
Read MoreIs Christianity a myth?
Question: Hey Mr. Jeffrey, I’m taking a philosophy class, and we are studying how the Greeks used mythology in the past to make sense of their world. I asked the professor to explain what a myth is and he said “a story you don’t believe.” I knew I could’ve picked that answer apart, but I…
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