Do commentaries contain God’s words?

Question: In these dark days of political upheaval, financial uncertainty, and more, Christians and non-Christians alike have been asking many questions! Deep spiritual questions. I have questions, and I am not the only one in our Bible study groups! l think you will agree that men of God have written Bible commentary and claim that…

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Do you believe all commentaries on the Bible?

Question: Do you believe all commentaries on the bible? Can the persons who write the commentaries be wrong with their interpretations of the text? Answer: Commentaries are written by men without the inspiration of God. Men make mistakes and it is not hard to find two commentaries in disagreement with each other on a particular…

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Can you recommend a good commentary and study Bible?

Question: Dear sir, Could you please recommend a good Bible commentary and study Bible? Thank you very much. Answer: Commentaries are basically a man or a group of men’s opinions about what the Bible is saying. The opinions might be good, or they might be completely wrong depending on the personal bias of the commentator…

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