Are the Ten Commandments the first covenant?

Question: The Bible directly states that the Ten Commandments are the first covenant. Do you disagree? Answer: If the Bible directly states that the Ten Commandments are the first covenant, you could cite where it is found, but you did not. You made an assertion without proof and challenged me to decide whether I agree. The first…

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Do marriages really end at death?

Question: Marriage vows say, “Until death, do we part,” is this the truth? If so, I am so sad about this. I need to understand. Though, I cannot find a definite answer. I know there are things that we are not to know. Also, I understand that I am human. I am searching for a…

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When is a marriage covenant broken?

Question: When is the marriage covenant broken? When a married person actually commits the sexual act outside of marriage or when his spouse divorces him? Answer: Covenants are vows that last for the lifetime of the parties entering into the covenant. “For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is…

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Could children’s pretend marriage ceremonies be considered real?

Question: Hi, I can’t even believe I am asking this, but I’ve been anxious about doing the right thing lately and have been reading your page a lot. When my husband was a child, his parents held a joke wedding ceremony between him and another little girl. They were no more than 5 or 6…

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Marriage Covenants by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 5:22-33   I.         We’ve all talked about the changes in society we have seen during our lives             A.        One aspect is the rapid change in people’s view of marriage             B.        The number of divorces has sky-rocketed.                         1.         Marriages today can be terminated just because one person wants to end the marriage. No…

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When was baptism authorized?

Question: I have a question in regards to baptism: Was baptism authorized after Jesus’ death or while Jesus was walking on earth? Please, could you provide clarification? Answer: After discussing with Nicodemus about the necessity of being born again of water and the Spirit, which alludes to baptism, (John 3:5), we find that Jesus left…

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