Posts Tagged ‘creeds’
According to the Pattern
by Jefferson David Tant An interesting passage in Hebrews 8 contains a statement that has an important message for us today, even as it did when it was written thousands of years ago. It mentions the fact that God has a “pattern” that is to be respected and followed. It points out that even Christ…
Read MoreThe Council of Nicea
by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 3, No. 2 The first ecumenical council, that occurred in Nicea, was in 325 AD. It was a gathering of church leaders from across the Roman Empire who came together to discuss certain controversial issues and come to a consensus on the church’s “official” position on these matters. Before…
Read MoreImproper Sources of Authority
by Heath Rogers “Now when He came into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, ˜By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?'” (Matthew 21:23). In “The Proper Source of Authority” we noted that the chief priests…
Read MoreLabeling Among Brethren
by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, September 2001 I don’t like labels. I don’t like pigeon-holing people. There are many reasons. but the chief among them is they rarely convey the message that the label is intended to articulate. Let me provide you with some f’rinstances. The word “Liberal” in the political sense would tend to…
Read MoreReligion that Lives in the Past
Author Unknown Sentry Magazine, December 2001 (Editor’s note: I would love to give credit to the author of this excellent piece but there was no name attached to the article. There may have been one on the envelope but when it was detached from the article it became impossible to give proper credit. I wish…
Read MoreThere Is No New Thing Under the Sun
by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, December 2001 The Scripture says that there is no new thing under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This is a theme I have been preaching for the twenty-seven years that this little journal has been published. None of the “trends toward apostasy” which are operating among us are new. In fact,…
Read MoreWhy Do We Need Church Creeds?
by Jefferson David Tant Does your denomination have a creed? I suppose most denominations have an official creed outlining the things that distinguish one denomination from another. I have a box full of such books. These include the Catholic New Baltimore Catechism, the Baptist Hiscox Standard Manual for Baptist Churches, the Methodist Discipline, the Book…
Read MoreThe Apostles’ Creed by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: John 17:11-23 I. Every once in a while someone will ask what is our statement of faith. A. Back when we were home schooling, we were wanting to get involved with a local group, but they wanted us to sign a statement of faith B. Another name for a…
Read MoreCreeds and Statements of Faith by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 17:11-23 I. Every once in a while someone will ask what is our statement of faith. A. Back when we were home schooling, we were wanting to get involved with a local group, but they wanted us to sign a statement of faith B. Another name for a statement of…
Read MoreWe say a creed at every service. Is this vain repetition?
Question: Hello, My question to you today is concerning a creed that a church I’ve been attending quotes during every service, and I would like to know your thoughts on it. I have recently come to terms with my abusive use of alcohol and the demeaning and shameful things I allowed myself to do under…
Read MoreAre Baptists Christians and where does the Bible speak against creeds?
Question: I have discussed with a lady the fact that one has not put on Christ until she has been baptized into Him. She is a Baptist but has been discussing the Bible with an open mind. She said her preacher told the congregation this weekend that they are “bought with His blood.” She wants…
Read MoreCatechismal Christianity
by Jonathan L. Perz Having faith and understanding your faith are two entirely different matters in modern Christianity. Many profess to have faith, and even show signs of that faith in various aspects of their lives, but have little or no understanding of the faith they cling to so tenaciously. What is the explanation for…
Read MoreWhat is the creed book for the Salvation Army?
Question: I was reading your articles about The Salvation Army and I cannot seem to locate a “creed book” that you quote. I also believe that what you practice and preach is false. I also believe that the legalism you practice will be the end of your ministry. I shall pray for you and your false…
Read MoreIsn’t the Nicene creed wrong and don’t most Christians celebrate Christmas on the wrong day?
Question: I was very interested in your ideas about the Roman Church, two changes were brought in not on your list. The Nicene Creed: Papists believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, whereas true Christians believe in what Jesus said, that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. This change…
Read More“God Has Spoken,” But …
by Dan S. Shipley via Plain Talk, Vol. 20, No. 8, Oct 1983 “God hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in His Son…” (Hebrews 1:2). But men have also spoken unto us. With excellency of speech and persuasive words of wisdom, they have troubled us with many variations of a perverted…
Read MoreDoes your church have a statement of faith?
Question: Does your church have a ‘statement of faith’? Answer: You probably have a copy of our statement of faith in your home; it is usually titled “The Holy Bible.” No, I am not joking with you. Christians are made Christians by following the teachings of Christ. All denominations must add something to it, such…
Read MoreIs it wrong to use a slogan?
Question: I am a member of the Lord’s Church assembling with the saints. The sign out front reads “Church of Christ.” I find your website very refreshing in that you say very little about the Restoration Movement, nor do I see you using the slogan “Speak where the Bible speaks, silent where the Bible is…
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