They’re Out to Get You! Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 8:9-15   I.         A while ago, when popular opinion was shifting against the then current president, the president’s wife blamed the shift on the presence of “a vast right-wing conspiracy.”             A.        The world is filled with people who fear that secret societies or groups are colluding to manipulate…

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Conspiracy Theories Abound

by Zeke Flores I can’t count all the conspiracy theories I’ve heard in my life. Let’s see, there are the ones about the Illuminati, Opus Dei, the Masons, the grassy knoll in Dallas, whether man landed on the moon, aliens, and many, many more. Conspiracies excite the imagination because folks like to believe in something…

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How will the current election affect Christianity?

Question: How does the U.S election affect Christianity? Too many Christians here say Trump’s victory is mandatory or else the New World Order will take over the world and their vaccines, for example, will be used to destroy man. Some say Trump’s declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is fulfilling the scripture. Which scripture? That…

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Conspiracy Theorists

by Gardner Hall via Gospel Power, Vol. 14, No. 36, Sept. 9, 2007. “Richard Nixon is a communist!” the man told me with certainty. “Why do you say that,” I asked. “He went to China to talk to them. Must be one of ’em,” was the response. Another man told me something to the effect that…

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Do you think there is anything to this New World Order idea?

Question: What’s all this talk about a one-world government called the New World Order that has supposedly been taking place and that has been in the works for years? I don’t know if you’ve heard of this. I was watching a video on the Internet the other day that talked about a North American union…

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What do you know about Jack Van Impe?

Question: My grandma is always talking about Jack Van Impe and how he is the man to listen to on TV.  I know that he talks about the rapture and he uses Scripture to back it like when Elijah was taken up. He talks about the tribulation period and whatnot. Also, he talks about Revelation…

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Have you heard of Dr. Leonard Horowitz?

Question: I have recently discovered a man by the name of Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I have seen his lectures and his DVD “In Lies We Trust” and I have been telling a lot of people about it. This guy has done a lot of good for people and preaches the gospel too. I wanted to…

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