Suspicious Minds

by Zeke Flores ” We can’t go on together with suspicious minds.” So sang the once king of rock & roll. It’s not only true for lovers and friends but for God’s family as well. Suspicion and the plotting of revenge are the way of the world, but the King of Heaven and Earth reminds…

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Sowers of Strife by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 16:17-20   I.         The contentious hearings leading up to the appointment of Justice Kavanaugh has generated a lot of discussion on ethics and morality             A.        I was reading an article by Paul Prather, published in the Lexington Herald-Leader on October 11, 2018                         1.         His expressed concern was not that people disagreed,…

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Beware: Diotrephes at Work

by Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. via Guardian of Truth – August 20, 1992 In August of 1956, I heard the late brother Gardner Hall preach on “The Baptism of Diotrephes.” I recall very little of the sermon beyond the announcement of the title and brother Hall’s unique way of introducing it. It went something like…

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What can I do about my bitter and angry wife?

Question: Dear Minister, Is it OK for my wife to be bitter, hate me, and punish me regularly, but then says she forgives as a Christian? Over five years ago, “out of nowhere,” my wife had a sex affair because she was “mad at me,” when I had done nothing to her to provoke any…

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