Expanding Our Horizons

by David Gibson Years ago, Reader’s Digest published an article by a woman who told how she and her family decided one day to make a game of looking for Volkswagen Bugs as they traveled. It was amazing how many they saw–back when VW Bugs were much more common. Photo by Alexander Kluge on Unsplash…

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Fault Finding

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Fault-Finding.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:11-18   I.         The golden rule – Romans 13:9-10             A.        Much of our life is involved in relating to other people.                         1.         We need the cooperation of others in so many ways.                         2.         And so many people are just plain hard to get along with.             B.        God’s laws are easily summed up…

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Being Corrected and Correcting Others

by Jerry Falk Throughout the years, I have been corrected about shortcomings in my life, and today, I can confidently say that I am a better person for it! I thank God for the painful moments when His word has cut me to the heart (Hebrews 4:12; Acts 2:37), even when such correction has come…

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Slinging Mud on the Bride of Christ

by Mike Richardson An Unthinkable Image Imagine attending a wedding. The bride is arrayed in a beautiful white wedding gown, ready to go down the aisle to be presented to the groom. As she walks down the aisle, people on both sides of her begin to throw mud at her. She ducks down, but the…

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by Andy Diestelkamp Think on These Things, Vol 55, No. 1, January-March 2024 Deconstruction is likely something you have heard of, but perhaps you are not certain you understand what is meant by it. Join the club! Originally, it was the idea of literally taking something apart, but in more modern times it has been…

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Act as Though You’re Deaf

by Leon Mauldin The Old Hickory Bulletin, 5 November 2023 We trust that our readers are familiar with Israel’s request to Samuel that he make them a king, so “that we also may be like all the nations” (I Samuel 8:20). Having prayed to God, and having warned the people of how the reality of…

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Private Conversations First?

by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, I posted a critique of John Mark Hicks’s book Searching for the Pattern. This generated a number of interesting responses, one of which came in a private message from a good-hearted brother. He asked me if I had gone to Hicks privately with my objections before raising them publicly. He…

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Your responses are harsh and demeaning

Question: I am writing this because I came across your website and read through a few of the responses to people’s questions. While we are told to snatch others from the fire, the responses to these people are so harsh and demeaning, I don’t at all see the reflection of Christ in them. These people…

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Dealing with Criticism

by Mike Grushon One of the persistent problems young people must overcome is criticism from adults. Paul exhorted Timothy to conduct himself in such a way that he would give no one a basis of truth for such criticism (I Timothy 4:12). Unfortunately, some choose to criticize the young even if they do not provide…

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Responding to Other’s Comments

by Doy Moyer Among the works of the flesh are strife, outbursts of anger, dissensions, and divisions (Galatians 5:20). There seems to be a great deal of this in the world, and that should not surprise us. But there also seems to be much of this among those claiming to follow Christ. I’d like to…

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To Call or Not to Call

by Jefferson David Tant Names, that is. For some time brethren have discussed whether or not we can mention denominational names in our preaching. Some say we offend and drive people away when we mention the teachings of the Catholic or Baptist churches, etc. While we agree that such can be abusive and mean-spirited, is…

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What kind of critic are you?

by Doy Moyer People are critics of others. Right or wrong, good or bad, people will criticize. We all do it. But there are good and bad ways to go about this. Not all critics are the same. Not all share the same credibility or show the same levels of concern. Think about it on…

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Putting on the Lord Jesus Christ

by Matthew W. Bassford As you work your way through Romans, hopefully, the extraordinary quality of the epistle becomes obvious. The Book of Romans has changed the course of human history, and with good reason. The substance of Paul’s argument is astonishing in its scope, and the skill with which he argues is no less…

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Love It or Leave It

by Ed Harrell Vanguard Vol 3, No 21, November 11, 1977 It is difficult to keep one’s thinking truly un-denominational. Proud, carnal attitudes constantly make their way into spiritual affairs. The sources of jealousy and strife today are the same carnal attitudes that plagued the Corinthian church (I Corinthians 3:1-5). I think few people have…

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Button That Pocket, Soldier!

by Jefferson David Tant A retired Army officer recalled an incident when he inspected some recruits who had just finished basic training. He stood right in front of one, making the young man quite nervous. The officer noted an unbuttoned pocket flap on the private’s shirt, and barked out in his best authoritative voice, “Button…

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How Do You Show Love?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/How-Do-You-Show-Love.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 5:6-21   I.         It seems that today, showing another person love means never telling them they are wrong or criticizing them any way             A.        People claim to be offended if other person disagrees with them or points out a flaw in their behavior                         1.         Islamaphob! Homophob! Etc.                         2.         To take a…

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Rock Throwers from Way Back

by Warren Berkley If you watched the classic Andy Griffith TV Show, you remember Barney, Thelma Lou, Opie, and Goober. How about Earnest T. Bass? He appeared on several episodes, always in trouble for throwing rocks or bricks. “Bless his heart,” Andy once said, “he’s so ignorant, all he knows to do is throw rocks.”…

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Criticism of other churches has no place in Christianity

Question: To whom it may concern, I just read a response to a question regarding Mark 9:38-40, and I was disappointed that the last paragraph contained the following: “This passage also shows that the concept of succession, where a denomination claims to be the “real” church because it can trace its heritage from one church to…

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When We Disagree

by Doy Moyer Be generous. Assume the best first. Don’t assign evil motives to other parties. They may have intended something else. Let the principles of love guide our discussions (I Cor 13:4-8). Be respectful. Don’t begin a response by insulting and insinuating that the other parties are intellectually deficient. Just address the issue without resorting to…

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My wife is always complaining. How can I help her?

Question: Hello! I am coming here with a question in regards to my marriage. My wife and I are newlyweds, just a few months into our marriage. However, at the moment things seem to be flipping upside down! My wife is a severely depressed person, and, as a result, we are fighting a lot. I…

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Blaming the Wrong Thing

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/BlamingTheWrongThing.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 3:1-8   I.         Years ago, an incident happened that makes a good illustration. An older woman bought a cup of coffee at a McDonalds, but not having a convenient place to set it, put it between her legs. As she drove off, the coffee sloshed and she ended up…

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Moments that Test Us

by Mike Thomas Persecution reveals the quality of our faith in the same way fire reveals the nature of metal (I Peter 1:7). But persecution is not the only moment that reveals our character. There are other scenes in life that are just as effective in exposing our inner man: Being Alone Photo by Warren…

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The Accuser of Our Brethren

by Steve Wallace Via Guardian of Truth, March 20, 1997 In Revelation 12:10 Satan is referred to as “the accuser of our brethren.” The word “accuse” is defined, “(1) to charge with, or declare to have committed a crime, (2) to find at fault; to blame . . .” (Webster 14). Sometimes a person is justly…

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My friends are not content with the church. What can I do?

Question: I read your questions and answers often, and find real, godly, and biblical solace in them. I trust your judgment and wanted to ask you several things. My family has been attending churches of Christ since before we are born, and I could not see myself anywhere else. I’m a teen in the youth…

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That’s Not the Way I Would Have Said It

by Doy Moyer You just can’t please everyone. Nor should you try — you’ll just frustrate yourself over and over because no matter what you say or do that would appease one, you’ll run against others who just know they could have said it or done it better. Perhaps they could have. But they aren’t…

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You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about

Question: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I was reading your answer to “Is a handjob a sin if you love her and it doesn’t lead to sex?” and I have never seen such a garbage answer. You are simply throwing your own interpretation of the Bible at people as if…

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How do I handle someone making rude remarks in a public forum?

Question: Hi there, I have a question, as much as I hate to even ask it. A sister has set up a church “group” on Facebook designed to encourage, update and remind each other of different things. Many members are a part of this group, male and female. The sister, who set this group up,…

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Was I too impatient when I gave my mother constructive criticism?

Question: Hello, I am really into Christianity and trying to learn and grow, but they still seem to be rather worldly. I am trying to lead by example, but I wonder if that is enough. The knowledge that they could die at any time makes me want to be rather hasty and get on them…

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How do you handle a 10-year-old making critical remarks?

Question: Hello, Your website is great and very helpful. My question is about my niece, who is 10 years old. She has had a sudden change in her personality in school, Sunday school, and at home. She has become critical of everybody and is commenting on everything, so as to make people around her laugh.…

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Dealing with Criticism

by Michael Thomas We’ve all been told unpleasant things. “You’re not doing this right.” “You could’ve done this better.” You’re not as good at this as he is.” Criticism justified or not, is a part of life, so how can we benefit from it? Listen to It As painful as it is to hear our…

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Can a Christian criticize society?

Question: Can a Christian be a social critic, such as a lawyer or a journalist dealing with a corrupt government? How far can he go in criticizing? Answer: John the Baptist ended up in jail because he told the current ruler that he wasn’t properly married. “But Herod the tetrarch, being rebuked by him concerning…

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How do you tell someone that their hygiene is poor?

Question: I have a twenty-something daughter who is athletic, educated, and a very religious Christian donating much of her money and time.  She is very busy and also a coach.  The problem is her grooming and hygiene are very poor. Every time she comes home (a few times a year) we get into a big…

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Conspiracy Theorists

by Gardner Hall via Gospel Power, Vol. 14, No. 36, Sept. 9, 2007. “Richard Nixon is a communist!” the man told me with certainty. “Why do you say that,” I asked. “He went to China to talk to them. Must be one of ’em,” was the response. Another man told me something to the effect that…

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Everyone’s a Critic

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/EveryonesACritic.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 9:7-12   I.         Everyone faces days when it feels as if nothing is going right.             A.        People find fault with what you do and you think that nothing can please them.             B.        Criticism, justified or not, isn’t pleasant to receive                         1.         “You’re not doing that right.”                         2.         “You should have done that better.”…

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Why is everyone expecting me to be perfect when I’m not?

Question: How can I deal with the criticism of my friends and my own family when sometimes I get annoyed and a little angry. They always say something like, “You’re a Christian and you are acting like that?” or “You’re supposed to be holy and you are acting like that?” Even when I don’t respond…

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Handling Opposition

Handling Opposition Part 1Handling Opposition by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Nehemiah 6:15-19   I.         Nehemiah took on an ambitious project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.             A.        He completed the project in just 52 days – Nehemiah 6:15             B.        That alone is an amazing feat, but we can’t overlook the fact that the project did not go smoothly.…

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How could you possibly say baptism does not save?

Question: I enjoy going to your site and looking at your pictures, but today I was reading some of the off-the-wall comments made by Jeffrey Hamilton. He is out in left-field when it comes to salvation. In one comment he said e-mail me I could use a good laugh. Well, he better laugh now because if…

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