Posts Tagged ‘cross’
What Happened on that Cross?
by Perry Hall What happened on the cross? Did Jesus become a sinful creature? Classical Calvinism and its modern version of Reformed Theology teach that Jesus’s righteousness is imputed to us. They picture this as an umbrella covering us, which leads to the idea of once saved, always saved because Jesus’s righteousness covers us. “He…
Read MoreOn What Was Jesus Crucified?
by Jefferson David Tant According to the Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrine, Christ was put to death on a pole, rather than a cross. Notice a quote from their literature. “Jesus did not die on a cross. He died on a pole, or a stake. The Greek word translated ‘cross’ in many Bible verses meant just one…
Read MoreIs it wrong to wear a cross as jewelry?
Question: Thank you for the information you present on your site. My question is: Is it sinful or unwise to wear a necklace with a small cross (nothing flashy)? I Peter 3:3-4 and Matthew 23:5 are two verses that may shed some light on it, but I am still not clear. Thank you. Answer: Our…
Read MoreThe Message of the Cross
I. I Corinthians 1:18-24 A. The core of salvation is the fact that Jesus died for our sins. B. The center of our hope is the knowledge that Jesus arose triumphant over death. C. Yet many are unable to understand this message. 1. The Jews wanted something else. They wanted further proof from God. 2. The Greeks thought it was silly.…
Read MoreSeven Paradoxes of the Cross by Jonathan Perz Spreading the Gospel
Read MoreI Met Him at the Cross
by Forest D. Moyer via Mind Your Faith In the heart of every person, there is a longing for a Supreme Being. Men who do not know Jehovah have manufactured various gods and rendered their service to the gods of human minds. Those who have diligently sought truth have come to realize that the Bible is…
Read MoreWho were the two men that hung beside Jesus on the cross?
Question: Who were the two men that hung beside Jesus on the cross? Answer: The Bible only states that they were two thieves or robbers. Anything beyond this is merely idle speculation. “Then two robbers were crucified with Him, one on the right and another on the left” (Matthew 27:38).
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