- Sabbath
- sacraments
- sacrifice
- sacrifices
- Sadducees
- sadness
- sadomasochism
- saints
- Salome
- salvation
- Salvation Army
- salvation issue
- Samaritans
- Samson
- Samuel
- sanctification
- Sanhedrin
- sarcasm
- Satan
- satisfaction
- Saul
- scams
- school
- science
- scientology
- scoffers
- scribes
- scrotum
- scrupulosity
- second coming
- sect
- security
- self-abasement
- self-confidence
- self-control
- self-defense
- self-denial
- self-discipline
- self-esteem
- self-harm
- self-incrimination
- self-righteous
- selfishness
- selling your soul
- semen
- sensuality
- serious
- serpent
- servants
- service
- serving others
- Seventh Day Adventists
- sex
- sex education
- sexting
- sexual abuse
- sexual harassment
- sexuality
- sexually transmitted diseases
- sexual talk
- sexual touching
- shadow
- shame
- sharing
- sheol
- shepherd
- Shimei
- Shroud of Turin
- shyness
- signs
- Silas
- silence
- sin
- sincerity
- sinful nature
- singing
- single
- sinner's prayer
- situational ethics
- skeptics
- skills
- skin color
- slander
- slavery
- sleep
- smoking
- snake handling
- sober
- social activities
- socialism
- social media
- Sodom
- sojourners
- soldiers
- Solomon
- song leading
- Song of Solomon
- songs
- sorrow
- soul
- soulmate
- soul tie
- soundness
- sovereignty
- spanking
- speaking in tongues
- speech
- spirit
- spiritism
- spiritual blindness
- spirituality
- spiritual realm
- sponsoring church
- sports
- spousal rape
- stability
- standard
- statement of faith
- steadfastness
- steady
- stealing
- Stephen
- stewards
- stigmata
- stocks
- strength
- stress
- strictness
- strife
- strong
- strong drink
- stubbornness
- study
- submission
- success
- suffering
- suicide
- superstition
- suppression
- surrogate
- swearing
- swimming
- symbolism
- symbols
- sympathy
- synagogues