Jesus Loves the Little Children

by Kent Heaton via Biblical Insight, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2014 There are many scenes in which Jesus Christ is the imminent teacher of multitudes, advisor to noblemen, powerful Creator calming a storm, or the great physician healing and raising the dead. His wrath and fury are felt with a whip of cords driving…

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A Blessing and a Heritage

by Chadwick Brewer “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward” (Psalms 127:3). For most of history, having a large family was viewed as a blessing. For example, when Job’s wealth was listed in Job 1, his most prized and valuable blessing from God was his seven sons…

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Preacher’s Kid

by Doy Moyer I grew up a PK (preacher’s kid). This presents its own challenges for youth. The youngest of the children won’t think anything about it, but as we grow, we are often reminded that how we behave reflects on mom and dad, and … remember that dad is a preacher (the same goes…

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Must married couples have children?

Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton! I hope this finds you well! I have a question and wanted to hear your thoughts on it. I don’t know of any verse that says Christians, if married, should have children. However, in I Timothy 5:14, Paul says he wants widows to bear children. Does that mean they have to?…

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Why I Believe We Should Still Marry and Bring Children into the World

by Terry Wane Benton Is having children too risky? Seeing that the majority will end up lost, I have seen a number of faithful Christians lose their children to the world. Answer: That is a pretty defeatist way of viewing things. When was it not risky? I’ve seen people, who go at it already prepared…

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Honor Your Father and Mother by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 6:1-3   I.         One of the Ten Commandments of the Old Law is brought to the New Law intact. It is the commandment to honor our parents             A.        The word “honor” in this passage means to fix a value on something, to consider it a prized possession.             B.        The original Hebrew…

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When I Grow Up by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Lamentations 3:19-38   I.         Have you noticed how the world sets up different standards for children and adults?             A.        You can’t smoke until you’re a certain age             B.        You can’t drink until you have reached 21             C.        In some ways it makes sense, we want to protect our children while they are young…

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Is it compulsory to marry and have children?

Question: Is it compulsory to marry? Is it compulsory to bear children? If you don’t bear children are you sinning against God and Genesis 1:28? Answer: “But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. … I think then that this is good in view…

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How should the problem of child abuse be handled?

Question: There exist two families: A and B. Family A could not conceive a child, so the wife of Mr. A adopted two daughters of Mrs. B, who happened to be her younger sister. Mr. B, the father of the adopted daughters, isn’t responsible at all. He neglected all his children whom he had with…

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What do you say to a child when a loved one dies?

Question: What should a Christian say to a child when a loved one dies, who died without being a believer in Christ or just was not a good person? Is it best to give the child the idea that the person is in heaven anyway, or to just tell them we don’t know what God will decide for that…

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Is it wrong for a couple to decide not to have children?

Question: I have read several articles about Christian couples who choose not to have children.  One article called it moral rebellion to willingly choose not to have children, while others of course say that God calls people to do other things that may not involve children.  I know when God created man and woman, he…

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Children and the Bible

by Doy Moyer Somewhere along the line, it seems to me, there has been an assumption that all the stories in the Bible have to be something for children. If some account is disturbing, then there is a problem with the Bible — as if the Bible was written just for the sake of kids.…

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Is it sinful to not want to have children?

Question: I was wondering if it’s sinful for a woman not to ever want to have children? Answer: A person has the right to choose to get married or not. That choice comes with consequences since sex is only allowed within a marriage. “But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is…

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Who had the most children in the Bible?

Question: Who in the Bible had the most children? Since there was no form of birth control in the Bible days, the only way for women not to get pregnant is for the man to “pull out” (other than not having sex), but did any man fathered a child he didn’t know about or leave…

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How many times do you have to have a baby?

Question: How many times do you have to have a baby? Answer: There has never been a requirement for having children beyond God’s general command to mankind to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 9:7).

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Does an unborn baby have a soul?

Question: I have a coworker who was telling me his girlfriend had a miscarriage, and that’s why he doesn’t believe in God.  I tried to comfort him by telling him that the baby could not have sinned, thus had to be in heaven.  He seems like he may be interested in God, it seems we…

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What does the Bible say about infertility?

Question: I am a Christian and want to know what verse should I read to encourage me about infertility. Answer: The inability to have children has long been a problem for couples. The first mention of barrenness was with Sarah, Abraham’s wife (Genesis 11:30). In their case, it was a situation God left unchanged until…

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Are there such things as “mamzers” — good and bad seeds?

Question: I am confused about good seeds and bad seeds and the children produced from the joining of good and bad seed; called “mamzers.” Could you give me some help, please? If there are children, they are supposed to be void — neither good or bad. Would I be considered one for my father was…

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I’m worried that my son will be too short

Question: I don’t know exactly what I need, but I definitely need help. Before getting back to obeying Christ and attending a church of Christ, I was out doing what I wanted to do and ended up pregnant. The baby’s father and I ended up getting married a few months after I had the baby.…

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You don’t really teach children about the stoning of Achan, do you?

Question: I stumbled across your web site and saw the drawing of the stoning of Achan. In the upper right, it said something about pictures going with children’s Bible stories. You don’t really mean to teach children about stoning, do you? The Stoning of Achan Joshua 7:24-26 Answer: You misunderstood. The pictures are from an old…

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Where did my stillborn child go upon his death?

Question: I was five months pregnant and was happy to hear I was having a little boy.  My son was so active in me and kicked all the time. One day I noticed that he hadn’t kicked me at all, so I rushed into the hospital to make sure everything was all right and I…

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Where are we headed?

Question: I have been reading your web site for some time. I have lots of questions but I will try to limit them to one subject: human reproduction. Every four years abortion is a huge subject, then after the election, it is soon forgotten. There is disagreement about using discarded “test tube” babies for stem…

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The Children by Scott Smelser The Family

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Any suggestions for material to teach young people?

Question: I read your article on whether boys and girls swimming together was ok or not. I saw it referenced in one of your last posts. I have been explaining a little bit about watching TV shows and listening to certain music or I should say lyrics to songs how it numbs our feelings and we…

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Do children attend your worship services?

Question: Hello. We are going to be visiting Omaha next weekend and we are looking for a church to attend on Sunday morning. I have a couple of questions. Do you allow children ( 2 years old to 6 years old) to be a part of your worship service or do they have their own…

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Should children contribute to the church?

Question: My daughter is now eleven years old. When we, in the church, lay by in store on Sunday she has always put in her small amount. I have encouraged this to teach her to give. However, some oppose this with the view that giving is for adults, for the baptized. Of course, we don’t…

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Does Psalm 58:3 show that at least some children are born sinful?

Question: Psalms 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. I looked up in one concordance what “estranged” means: to be strange, be a stranger (Qal) to become estranged strange, another, stranger, foreigner, an enemy (participle) loathsome (of breath) (participle) strange woman, prostitute, harlot…

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Should a child’s personality be considered when disciplining?

Question: We ought to consider our children’s personalities and characters when we seek to discipline them.  What works well for one child may not work for another, even within the same family.  Might spanking be a good form of discipline for one child, but ineffective or damaging to another?  Are there some children who shouldn’t…

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What would be a good translation for children?

Question: I would like to buy a new Bible for my children that is easy to understand but is still in keeping with the Word of God. They currently have the King James Version. There are so many translations out there; you just don’t know which version to buy. Answer: You will find that most…

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Are children truly innocent?

Question: I am researching about sin and sin in children.  I read your writings and agree with you for the most part, but I have a problem with the idea of children being innocent.  If children are not sinful, wouldn’t that make them sinless and almost perfect? Christ was the only one I knew was…

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Can small children commit morally wrong acts?

Question: Can small children actually commit morally wrong acts? Answer: It depends on the age and ability of the child, but in general, the answer is, unfortunately, “yes.” There are cases mentioned in the paper of children as young as eight or ten committing murder with guns. “They cited the example of Nathaniel Abrahams, a…

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What is the age of accountability for a child?

Question: What is the age of accountability for a child? Answer: The Bible teaches us that each person is held accountable for his own sins. “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous…

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What happens to children when they die?

Question: What happens to children when they die? Answer: The Bible states that children go to heaven when they die. Take a look at this example: “So Nathan went to his house. Then the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s widow bore to David, so that he was very sick. David therefore inquired of God…

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