Posts Tagged ‘cheating’
Lying, Cheating, and Stealing Text: Revelation 21:1-8 I. What is it that we teach our children? A. What do tell them about lying, cheating, and stealing? B. Most of us would be confident that they understand these things are wrong. C. But are you certain? D. Far too often we send mixed messages. E. One very perceptive mother sent three examples from her…
Read MoreCheating by PJ Anderson
Read MoreShould I give up my job because I cheated some in college?
Question: I cheated some during college. I regret this wholeheartedly. I have my current job as a teacher now because of my degree, which I view as tainted from cheating. Should I give up the benefits that have come with the possession of my degree? Does simply holding my degree constitute a sin? Are there…
Read MoreWould God be pleased with my example to my children?
Question: I would like to ask a question since it deals with teaching my children. Will the Lord be pleased with the way I am teaching my children to live in this world today? Lying example – I have a son who is disabled and has a life expectancy in the early twenties. I’m trying…
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