Is child molestation a form of fornication?

Question: Is child sexual molestation a form of adultery or fornication since they both consist of sexual activity outside of marriage? I am just wondering if child molestation falls under adultery or fornication since they both consist of sexual activity outside of marriage. Why is it that people see a boyfriend and girlfriend who are in…

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What should I do about my hidden sexual life?

Question: Hello Brother, Your site is a valuable tool that helped me with some issues and questions that I have in matters of doctrine and the Christian lifestyle. I’ve been following your site for many years ago. I’m a young preacher. I’m a full-time minister in the church of Christ and I’m in my mid-20s.…

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Did I sin by getting baptized again?

Question: Hello, I hope you are well and having a blessed day. I am writing you because I have been greatly troubled. I’ve prayed about it, and I’ve tried to get past the things I’ve done. To backtrack a little bit, I was first baptized into the church when I was thirteen. I remember sitting…

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Despite my repeated baptisms, I’m still committing fornication

Question: I went through a rough childhood. I was molested and all that. I was baptized one Sunday in a church when I was 11 because the pastor said that’s the only way I could take part. But afterward, she said my sibling and I are holding the church back, so we stop going to…

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Why has God left me alive after my sexual abuse?

Question: Hi, I was sexually abused by a man in a church. I went down the road of homosexuality, I asked the Lord into my heart at the age of 23. But many times I fell into sin. I am concerned as I don’t hear the Holy Spirit anymore.  From what I have read in the…

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Can spanking lead to perversion?

Question: Hello, My question is relating to your topic of spanking as a form of discipline. I was disciplined in exactly the way you describe on your site. The implement, the process, all of it. Both parents administered them until I was about 12, then my mom took over, though dad stepped in at times.…

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How should the problem of child abuse be handled?

Question: There exist two families: A and B. Family A could not conceive a child, so the wife of Mr. A adopted two daughters of Mrs. B, who happened to be her younger sister. Mr. B, the father of the adopted daughters, isn’t responsible at all. He neglected all his children whom he had with…

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How do I tell my boyfriend about my horrible past?

Question: I was raised in a broken family, so my mother took care of us though we were poor. I faced so many problems since I was young, like older relatives sleeping with me, but since I was young l didn’t realize how they were taking advantage of me. When I was in my twenties…

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I’ve sinned with a girl, but our parents won’t let us marry

Question: I was deeply in love with a girl. She is a Hindu and I’m a Christian. We were deeply in love and lost control of our love. We had intercourse and oral sex. We learned that our parents are not willing to let us marry and live happy lives. In anger, I sexually harassed…

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If a husband abuses his wife during sex, is that fornication?

Question: If a man abuses his wife during sex, or takes her in a way that is unloving and clearly destructive, can this be considered fornication? This would be sinning against one’s own body as fornication is described as being in I Corinthians 6:18, considering the wife’s body is his own body per I Corinthians…

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Does a divorce because of forced sex in marriage allow for remarriage?

Question: I just read the article regarding whether marital rape is biblical grounds for divorce. This question is brought up at the end: “Meanwhile, what is the husband supposed to do? I think the answer is “wait.” If your wife were deathly ill, you would have no problem foregoing sex during her illness.” In my particular…

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How can past sexual abuses be dealt with today?

Question: Thank you ever so much for taking the time to reply. I am most grateful. For me personally, this has been a very sad experience. I perhaps haven’t made myself very clear as I didn’t want to burden any person with my problems. I’ll be brief: I exposed the sin of sexual abuse on me…

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