Posts Tagged ‘study’
Study to Show Yourself Approved
by Hugh Fulford “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15 KJV). The preceding verse as cited from the King James Version of the Bible has been what I sometimes refer to as an “anchor text” among those committed…
Read MoreDaily Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 9:23-26 I. What kind of religion do you have? How is your faith expressed? A. Acts 5:42 – The early Christians had a daily religion B. It seems today that many have a once a week, once a month, or even a once a year religion C. Even in the Old…
Read MoreControversy
by Morris Norman Sentry Magazine, March 2003 I have changed my thinking on the matter of controversy. There was a time when I had a dislike for all kinds of controversy. There are still some kinds that I do not like, but there are kinds that can be profitable for all concerned. Controversy is “a…
Read MoreOpened Eyes and Burning Hearts by Andy Cantrell Finding Our Purpose from the Past
Read MoreDo Your Own Thinking
by Bob Buchanon via The Eastside Edifier Not many of us think for ourselves when it comes to matters of religion. Most of us are what we are religiously because of the way our parents reared us and have never questioned whether we were right or wrong. We prefer to leave religious subjects and Bible issues…
Read MoreWhich is more important: secular studies or Bible class?
Question: When brethren choose to attend secular classes or because of their secular studies schedule are unable to attend Bible study on evenings, do you think it’s fair to them to say that secular studies are more important? Answer: The secular world is always less important than the spiritual world. “The world is passing away,…
Read MoreHow do I please God?
Question: Sir, Please, I want to know more about how to please God. Answer: You learn what God wants by studying His teachings in the Bible. “For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the…
Read MoreI’m having a hard time studying because if I can’t be perfect, then what is the use?
Question: Now I know it sounds a bit strange but my worst problem is perfectionism. It’s only now that I have started realizing this and how it is the root cause of all my stress and anxiety. I set such tall, lofty standards for myself and feel that any less than that will fail and…
Read MoreHow can we do better at studying the Scriptures?
Question: Hi, First of all, I want to thank you for the many articles and sermons on your website. They have been very helpful and it is encouraging to have access to so much information regarding God’s word. I was recently talking to my girlfriend about becoming each other’s accountability partner for reading and studying…
Read MoreGod’s Word in My Heart by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 119:11-16 I. God’s Word is important to the Christian A. It tells us how to live – II Timothy 3:16-17 B. It has everything we need to know about life and godliness – II Peter 1:3 C. But it is frustrating for a lot of us when there is a passage…
Read MoreHow do I improve my concentration and ability to memorize?
Question: My humble respect to you. I’m a student and I study a lot. Would you give me, please, some advice on how to enhance my concentration and ability to memorize? Answer: If you are like most young men whom I know, you have a strong ability to concentrate. Not all the time, but if…
Read MoreWhat is the best study Bible?
Question: What Bible is the best to study? Several publishers now teach that baptism is not required, such as the Life Application Bible, and several teach the 1000 year war. How can I know which publishing house and what Bible are the best for me? Answer: First, pick a Bible because you are interested in…
Read MoreHow can you study for classes and study the Bible at the same time?
Question: I hope that you can give this question of mine an answer for my soul greatly needs it. I really need someone who I assume, “has been there”, to give me an advice in overcoming this obstacle in my life. I’m 20 years old and studying. Sir, I truly am interested in knowing the…
Read MoreHow do I receive revelations from God concerning the power of the Bible?
Question: How do I receive revelations from God concerning the power of Bible verses? I heard a preacher say that you could study verses like John 3:16 and Romans 3:21-27 and Romans 1:16-17 for years and years because it is filled with such doctrine. How do I pray in order for God to reveal to…
Read MoreAn Urgent Need to Study
Text: II Timothy 2:8-19 I. It is fascinating to read well crafted prose or poetry. With just a few words, the author can communicate not only a message, but even a mood. A. Individual words are not flat. Even synonyms carry subtle differences in meaning. B. And the idea is not restricted to the English language. Languages…
Read MoreWhy should Christians learn the Old Testament?
Question: Why is it important for Christians today to understand the Jewish scriptures of the Old Testament? Answer: Try for a moment to pretend that you know nothing of the Old Testament. You sit down and read about the destruction of Jerusalem in Luke 17: “In that day, he who is on the housetop, and…
Read MoreWhat is the best way to study the Bible?
Question: When studying the Bible or a topic, such as baptism, what is the best way? Is it with a particular Bible version, such as the King James, New King James, or the New International Version, with no commentary and a concordance as a Bible aid? My church has recently gone through an exercise like…
Read MoreHow can I make my daughter interested in studying?
Question: My daughter is 12 years old and in the seventh standard at an Indian convent. She does not have any interest in studying. Please let me know what I can do to make her study. Answer: In order for education to take place, there needs to be a teacher willing to teach, a student…
Read MoreResolved!
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 3:7-14 I. The old year is behind us and a whole new year lies before us A. What does this year hold for you? 1. What would you like to do? 2. What will you actually do? B. Each day is unique 1. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” 2. Today…
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