Posts Tagged ‘symbolism’
Did Jesus lie about the sun being darkened and the moon not giving its light?
Question: Hello I have a question regarding a conflict that I see people bring up. People argue that Jesus is lying because Matthew 24:34 did not happen. The same thing is mentioned in Luke 21 as well, and also in Mark 13:30. Matthew 24:29-34 says, “Immediately after the distress of those days ‘the sun will be…
Read MoreThe Like Figure Whereunto …
by Terry Wane Benton The flood water is the figure, the type, and baptism is the antitype, the real thing prefigured (I Peter 3:20-21) by the flood water. So, how was the flood water the figure? It was the chosen means to wash away a sinful world and deliver Noah and his family to a…
Read MoreAre the plagues in Revelation literal?
Question: While much is figurative in Revelation, are the plagues that John sees in his visions literal? Did those things actually happen at some point? Answer: A better question is why select the plagues to be literal in a book filled with symbolism and figurative language? What indications are there that these should be treated…
Read MoreSymbolism in Revelation
by Hugh DeLong As you are reading through Revelation, one of the things that should be abundantly evident is that the book is not about literal events. We see dragons with tails able to knock a third of the stars of heaven onto the earth (and yet the earth not only survives but is only…
Read MoreWho is the bird of prey in Isaiah 46:11?
Question: Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it. (Isaiah 46:11) Can you tell me who the “bird of prey” and “the man who executes My counsel” here is?…
Read MoreMust Christians wear white?
Question: I have a question after reading an article online. It seems to indicate the proper dress code must be white because Christians wearing white clothing is a sign of purity. So it is sinful for men to wear black clothing on services on Sunday? Is a black shirt or trousers immodest and wrong? Answer:…
Read MoreMust the Old Testament be taken as symbolic?
Question: Hello! I’m a former atheist who recently found God again, but I have one thing I’m really struggling to get, and that is how I can weave together science and the Bible, in particular the Old Testament. I have, after reading different approaches, personally come to the conclusion that it must be read as…
Read MoreHow do we know that one day equals a year in Daniel’s prophecy of the seventy weeks?
Question: I understand how they came up with the 483 years in Daniel 9, but how do we know from scripture that the 69 weeks is supposed to mean 69 weeks of seven years? Why do they do this or are they just figuring this backward and then saying well it must have meant years…
Read MoreIs the reference to a new earth given so we can understand heaven better?
Question: The new heaven and the new earth in Revelation is being taken literally by my friend. I know it’s referring to the spiritual earth. My grandson and I studied this scripture last night (Revelation 21:1-2). He brought up the fact that in Rome, the Christians were oppressed and God is promising them, in this…
Read MoreWhat did Jesus mean by “green wood” and “dry wood?”
Question: I don’t believe I understand Luke 23:27-31 at all. It seems this conversation took place while Jesus was actually on His way to the cross. Would you please explain this further? What is the meaning of the ‘green wood’ and ‘dry wood’? Answer: “A great multitude of the people followed him, including women who…
Read MoreIs the oil to be bought in Matthew 25:1-13 the truth mentioned in Proverbs 23:23?
Question: Do Matthew 25:1-13 and Proverbs 23:23 correlate? Is the oil we are supposed to buy truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding? Answer: When dealing with parables, you need to be careful to use the imagery in the parable consistent with the point being made. It is possible to stretch a parable beyond its intended meaning.…
Read MoreWhat is the significance of the veil being torn at Jesus’ death?
Question: Just after Jesus died on the cross in Matthew 27:51 it says “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;…” What is the significance of the temple being torn in two from the top to the…
Read MoreIs there a connection between Jacob’s ladder and Jesus’ statement in John 1:51?
Question: Recently, while reading in the Old Testament at Genesis 28:12, I read about Jacob’s dream of the angels and the ladder going to heaven. Today, I read John 1:51 in which Jesus is talking to one of his disciples and tells him that he will see the angels ascending and descending upon the Son…
Read MoreDoes the Bible say the spiritual world is more real than the physical world?
Question: I remember reading in the Bible that “the spiritual world is more real than the physical world.” I have tried to find it again and cannot. Do you know what the reference for this is? Answer: I recall reading a short book by C.S. Lewis that had this idea as its theme. I also…
Read MoreWhat did Jesus mean by “eat my flesh and drink my blood?”
Question: I would like to know in John 6:53-56 what does Jesus mean by “eat my flesh and drink my blood”? What do flesh and blood represent here? Answer: The statement is found in a discourse recorded in John 6. In the context, Jesus had feed over 5,000 people miraculously and this created a crowd…
Read MoreIs there any significance to being 40 years old in the Bible
Question: Do you happen to know if there is any significance to the age of 40 in New Testament times? We noticed on at least two separate occasions that the remark “he is over 40” is used. Once when Jesus healed the blind man and when the lame man was healed in Acts. We (the…
Read MoreWhat is the significance of the number 40?
Question: What is the significance of the number forty in the Bible? In my reading, I have notice numbers to be very significant. For example, the twelve Israelites went to search out the promised land and it took them 40 days, but because of their bad report, they spent the next 40 years in the…
Read MoreWho are the two witnesses in Revelation?
Question: In the book of Revelation, whom do you say the two witnesses are? I feel that they are Elijah and Enoch since neither of them died a physical death before being taken to heaven. Some are saying it is Moses; but I was of the opinion that mortal man can die only one physical…
Read MoreDo you have pictures of the eight symbols of the Holy Spirit?
Question: Do you have pictures of the eight symbols of the Holy Spirit? Answer: The Bible does symbolically represent the Holy Spirit at times. For example, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove at Jesus’ baptism. “When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to…
Read MoreWhere does the Bible parallel the use of the laver to baptism?
Question: Hello, I am trying to finish up my paper, and I remember learning about the basin or laver bowl stand for the tabernacle in Exodus chapter 30, but I can’t remember where it says it relates back to baptism. It might be in Hebrews. I was wondering if you had any information on this,…
Read MoreWhat did the lampstand and table of showbread represent?
Question: Thank you again for your site and answers to questions about the Bible and Christian living. Now, I have another question concerning the ‘lampstand’ that was in the Temple where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. What was the lampstand used for and what was its significance? I have seen different verses that…
Read MoreWho is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6?
Question: We have been studying the book of Revelation and it is a fascinating book. We are in chapter 6 and there were some interesting verses that I would like to get your opinion on. We had recently read chapter 6 and came across some of the verses that caused some confusion. The verse I…
Read MoreWhy twelve apostles?
Question: Why were there only 12 apostles? Answer: Certain numbers appear frequently through the text of the Bible, much more frequently than you would expect from mere chance. Twelve is one such number and its repeated use indicates foreshadowing in the Bible and it is a reflection of the fact that the whole Bible is…
Read MoreWhat do you think about the use of crosses in a building?
Question: I visited at a church of Christ nearby and was thinking about attending there on a permanent basis but I noticed they had a cross painted on a sign in front of the building and a clock in the shape of a cross with a picture of Jesus in the center on the wall.…
Read MoreWhy ten commandments and not another number?
Question: Why did God give us 10 commandments and not any other number? Answer: I suppose one could claim that ten commandments were all that God needed to express His summary of the Law given to Moses. It was short enough to fit on two stone tablets (Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 4:13), but still expressed enough…
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