Any advice for a single Christian?

Question: Hello, I came across the “Hope for the Future” article, and it resonated with my current situation. At 28 years old, I have not yet had my first relationship. I’ve dated before but have not yet found the right one. As a Christian, it can be discouraging to see non-Christians seeming to have flourishing…

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Is there an explanation for a lack of sexual desire in the Bible?

Question: Good evening, I was reading many of your answers about homosexuality and was wondering if there was any explanation for a lack of sexual attraction in the Bible. This is related to homosexuals having a lack of interest in the opposite gender and people having no attraction to anyone at all. I am a…

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Would God punish someone with a life of singleness?

Question: Do you think God would punish someone to a life of singleness? I know it’s a silly question, but sometimes I get intrusive thoughts that tell me that I’m bound to be single. These thoughts make me feel very sad and uncomfortable. After I got baptized I started having OCD thoughts because I was…

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Reflections on Singleness

by Jonathan T. Engel Photo by Nick Adams on Unsplash Thanks to various factors, over the past few months I have, in some respects, felt more hopeful than ever about my prospects for marriage. A huge part of this is that I finally started convincing myself of what others have told me, namely, that it’s…

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Is it a sin to choose to remain single?

Question: Is it a sin if a Christian chooses not to get married for his or her whole life? Answer: Getting married has always been an option and never a requirement. The apostle Paul never married and when persecution raised its ugly head on the horizon, he urged other Christians, if they were able, to…

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