Posts Tagged ‘Seventh Day Adventists’
Law of God and Law of Moses: Are They the Same?
by Terry Wane Benton Seventh-Day Adventists have long made the claim that the “law of God” is the moral and permanently binding “Ten Commandments” that were kept inside the ark of the covenant while claiming that the “law of Moses” was different. They claim it was “ceremonial” law and placed “in the side of the…
Read MoreWhat do Seventh-day Adventists teach about salvation and the Baptists teach about obedience?
Question: Hello brother, Can you explain to me what is the Seventh-day Adventist’s view on salvation? I was watching a discussion between a Baptist and an Adventist. What the Adventist said sounded kind of similar to what the church of Christ believes salvation is. If it is not too much trouble, can you explain to…
Read MoreThe Handwriting of Requirements Was the Law of Moses
by Terry Wane Benton Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash Paul said the “handwriting of requirements” was “against us” and “was contrary to us” and “He (Jesus) has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). As a result of this, no one could judge you in food or…
Read MoreThe Old Law was not from human philosophy, so Colossians 2:16-17 can’t be talking about the Old Law
Question: Hello, I saw your article on Colossians 2:16 and had a follow-up question that I have been struggling with after hearing a rebuttal from a Sabbatharian website. They said Colossians 2:14-16 is commonly used to say Christians are not bound to keep Saturday Sabbaths or obey various Old Testament commands given to Israel; however,…
Read MoreIf Christ Built Only One, Where Did They All Come From?
by Jefferson David Tant At the beginning of the gospel age, there was but one church, and now, 2000 years later, according to some reports, there are over 1,200. How did this happen? People wonder where they all came from. Is this division and confusion what Christ intended? Let’s examine this situation to see just…
Read MoreAnswering the Sabbath Observance
by Jefferson David Tant Those who claim that the Sabbath (Saturday) is the day God has ordained from the beginning certainly believe that their claims are based on Scripture, and vigorously defend their belief and practice. But a careful examination of the Scriptures shows a problem with the arguments they make to support the practice…
Read MoreThe Law and the Commandments by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 30:6-16 I. Seventh-Day Adventists insist that the only acceptable day of worship is the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath day. A. To get to that belief, they insist that the Ten Commandments are separate from the rest of the Law of Moses. B. While the “ceremonial laws” were…
Read MoreI have a Seventh Day Adventist claiming that Daniel’s vision of the statue is still being fulfilled
Question: Hello Jeffrey, I hope all is well with you and your family. As always I find your responses very insightful and logical. I have another question based on the book of Daniel. I know there are many who claim to understand the meaning and try to interpret what it is saying. I have a…
Read MoreSabbath Keeping
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton The Seventh-Day Adventists started in the 1800s as followers of teachers who believed in the immediate return of Jesus Christ. These predictions obviously failed, but it did not stop the rise of a self-proclaimed prophetess named Ellen G. White. Seventh-Day Adventists regard her writings as inspired instructions from God. This belief…
Read MoreDoes James’ mention of some of the Ten Commandments mean we are under all of them?
Question: My fiance is Seventh Day Adventist, and I am trying to convince him we are no longer required to observe a weekly sabbath. However, he is trying to convince me otherwise. This is putting a huge strain on our relationship. I have read through the articles on this site and I have some questions…
Read MoreDoes the Bible say the earth will be renewed at Jesus’ coming?
Question: Once again I have a question that I dealing with. I recently had a friend of mine converted to Seventh-Day Adventist religion. He has been studying with them and basically accepted a lot of their beliefs that they are teaching. He has even provided me the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus from…
Read MoreWhat About Latter-Day Revelation from God?
by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 57, No. 47, Nov. 21, 2008. QUESTION: Is the Bible the complete and final revelation from God or is He continuing to give revelation through certain chosen people or organizations, such as the Mormon Church, The Catholic Pope ex-cathedra, Mohammad via the Koran, The New World Translation, Ellen…
Read MoreDoes the Bible say the church worshiped on Sunday?
Question: I have a few questions and comments concerning the texts given as proof of Sunday worship outlined in the article: “Is sex on the Sabbath a sin?” The verses are Acts 20:7 and I Corinthians 16:1-2. Acts 20:7 speaks of an act that is done on any day, and nowhere does it say that…
Read MoreIf I’m Christian and my boyfriend is of a different religion, then is it wrong for us to date?
Question: I wanted to ask you a question that kind of plays an important part in my life. If I’m Christian and my boyfriend is Seventh-Day Adventist, then is it wrong for us to date? My parents think so, but I see no harm in it. I’m a little confused and need some clearing up on this subject. Answer: To…
Read MoreEntering His Rest by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 4:1-11 I. There are religious groups who argue that we are still under the Ten Commandments. In particular, the commandment to rest on the Sabbath Day A. One argument is based on Hebrews 4:9, which says there remains a Sabbath rest for God’s people. B. One person asked about it…
Read MoreEllen G. White
by Jefferson David Tant Although there have been other proponents of observing the Sabbath day in modern times, Ellen G. White is the most prominent, as she is considered to be the founder of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. A full examination of her work would be the subject of another article, but there are…
Read MoreLatter Day Revelations
by Johnny Ramsey Gospel Minutes, Vol. 55, No. 9, March 3, 2006. Nearly all the denominations that have sprung up since 1800 have as a basis “latter-day revelation.” That is, some religious leader (usually self-appointed) claimed to have received direct communication from God in which salvation for this modern age is revealed. The names of…
Read MoreThe Origins of the Seventh-Day Adventists: Also Known as the Adventist-Millerite Movement
by Jerry Blount Today many religious groups can trace their roots back to the activities of a New York farmer named William Miller (1782-1849). After fighting in the War of 1812, he then began farming in upstate New York. In 1818 he converted from Deism to become a Baptist preacher. “I saw that the Bible…
Read MoreHow important is the Sabbath day?
Question: How important is the Sabbath day (Saturday)? Is it something that we have to do? Thanks for the help. Answer: Ever since the covenant changed with the death of Jesus, the observance of the Sabbath has ceased to be a requirement. The law brought down from Mt. Sinai by Moses, which included the laws…
Read MoreWhy do Christians worship on Sunday instead of Saturday?
Question: The tenth commandment clearly states that the Sabbath should be kept on the seventh day and we know through the Jewish people that the seventh day of the calendar is Saturday on the Roman calendar. Also, note that in the Spanish language the word for Saturday is “sabado” and not that in the English…
Read MoreAnswering the Sabbatarian
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 2:8-23 I. Though only a minority, there are several denominations who believe that worship should take place on the Sabbath – the seventh day of the week A. Those adhering to the ideas that the Sabbath day regulations of the Old Testament should be keep today are very vocal B. Let…
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