Do we need to break up because we sinned?

Question: Hello, My girlfriend and I, are both Christians. and we consider our relationship to be serious because our ultimate goal is to get married. We have been in the relationship for over 2 years, and everything was great as a Christian couple, but a few months ago we started indulging phone sex/sexting. We understand…

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Is it a sin to have sex via Skype with your wife?

Question: Hi, Is it a sin to have sex via Skype with your wife when you live far from each other? Answer: Technically, sex isn’t taking place since the two of you are not together. What is taking place is that each is masturbating while watching and talking to the other person. Since this is…

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I got a young woman pregnant and I know I sinned horribly

Question: This is going to take time and months to fully play out. I in no way want to come off as flippant or not realizing the magnitude. It is only for the sake of your time that I will be matter-of-fact and leave out the emotional turmoil and long history of my sin. I’m…

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I recently discovered that my daughter is sexting with a boy

Question: I am a Christian. I just found out that my daughter, who is also a Christian and almost 19 years old, is sexting.  I found very sexually explicit emails between her and a boy who is supposed to be a Christian as well. This happened a couple of years ago and the boy’s parents…

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I’ve been struggling with being sexually pure

Question: I am a 27-year-old Christian virgin male who wants to wait for marriage for sex. I have struggled with maintaining sexual purity, however. I have struggled and been addicted to porn off and on since I was maybe 12 years old. I remember the first time I ever masturbated to completion, I felt so…

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Sexting and Pornography Among Early Teens

Source: Daniel Martin, “Sex texts epidemic: Experts warn sharing explicit photos is corrupting children,” Daily Mail Online, 10 December 2012. The news merely confirms what we already knew: the age at which children are being exposed to sex is dropping. The following are interesting quotes pulled from the article. “Boys and girls as young as 13…

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Impulsive Scandals

Source: Frank Bruni, “Protection while online only illusion,” New York Times, 21 November 2012 Mr. Bruni points out that many people recently caught misbehaving through electronics, such as Anthony Weiner and David Petraeus, would never do what they did in public, yet things sent out over electronics are a form of public display. Nor do they…

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Sexting Is Associated with Risky Sexual Behavior

Source: Eric Rice, et al, “Sexually Explicit Cell Phone Messaging Associated with Sexual Risk Among Adolescents,” Pediatrics, 17 September 2012. Source: Genevra Pittman, “”Sexting” again linked to risky sex among teens: study,” Reuters, 18 September 2012. Source: Genevra Pittman, “Teen sexting: Strong link to risky sexual behavior,” Christian Science Monitor, 17 September 2012. Basic common sense has been once more confirmed.…

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Sexting Is Now Called “Normal Dating Behavior”

Source: Matt Roush, “UM Study: Sexting May Be Normal Dating Behavior For Internet Generation,” CBS Detroit, 24 July 2012. Source: Deborah Gordon-Messer, et al, “Sexting Among Young Adults,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 24 July 2012. “For young adults today who were weaned on iPods and the Internet, the practice of “sexting,” or sending sexually explicit photos or messages…

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Over a Quarter of All Teens Send Nude Photos of Themselves

Source: “28% of teens polled send nude photos of selves,” Bloomberg News, Omaha World-Herald, 2 July 2012. Source: “New Study Says Nearly 30 Percent of Teens Are Sexting,” Matthew Grant Anson, American News Report, 2 July 2012. “In a poll of nearly 1,000 students, 28 percent of teens – over one in four – admitted…

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Is phone sex with your fiance a sin?

Question: I am a born again believer, and I am going to marry a person committed to the Lord. We are engaged and we are waiting for the marriage. During these times we indulge in a little phone sex. It ends up with me ejaculating. Is it ok or is it a sin? We are…

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Is talking sexually through texting before marriage considered wrong?

Question: Is talking sexually through texting before marriage considered wrong? Answer: One of the mistakes the Pharisees made was to look at God’s laws so narrowly that they decided that only what was precisely mentioned was wrong. They understood that committing adultery was wrong, but they excused thinking about it. “You have heard that it…

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How do I know my repentance is genuine?

Question: I have doubts about repentance. I suffer from depression. At times I feel really sad, at times I feel really angry, but at times I feel nothing — not sad, not happy or angry, just, an empty room. So I hope that what I’m going to tell you is caused by depression. My boyfriend…

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Is phone sex grounds for a divorce?

Question: I have recently divorced my husband for sexual immorality and abuse.  He watched pornography, read Playboy magazines, is a nudist around other nude men and women, and also paid several times to have phone sex with real women. These actions have been going on for about ten years or more. I consider these actions to be grounds…

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What sexual acts should not be committed before marriage?

Question: What sexual acts should not be committed in a relationship before marriage? Answer: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). From the time that God created the world, His intention was that sex would be freely expressed within marriages between a husband and…

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