Did I marry her?

Question: Hello, pastor! I’m in my early twenties. Since last year, I’ve had a doubt that eats away at me. I dated a girl (whom I believe to be a virgin) two years ago. As the relationship progressed, we started to misbehave. More specifically, I touched her breasts with my hands and mouth, as described…

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How do I deal with a boyfriend who won’t respect boundaries?

Question: Dear brothers in Christ, I am writing to you because I need your advice. My soul is weary, and my heart is exhausted. I am a Christian girl in my mid-twenties. I worship in a church of Christ. I grew up in a Christian family. Only one of my siblings didn’t become a Christian.…

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Do you tell others about your sins they know nothing about?

Question: Hello! I have a question, and it’s kind of been bothering me for a while. When the Bible mentions Matthew 5:23-24, “So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,24 leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your…

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If I don’t see it as sexual in any way, is it a sin?

Question: Hello. I have a few questions about things that I have committed with my partner. I am Catholic. He and I had sex, and now, officially, I failed to complete one of the commandments. Now, along the way, we have done some things like blow jobs and everything. My first question is if my…

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Did I defile myself by sexually touching a woman?

Question: Greetings, I just wanted to know if I sexually touched a woman with clothes on but no intercourse, did I defile myself as Revelation 14:4 says? “These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and…

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Is it normal for an eight-year-old boy to be touching himself?

Question: We have custody of an 8-year-old boy. During the first six years of his life, he was exposed to drugs, sex, filthy language, compulsive lying, and a lot of antisocial behavior from his mother and other adults in his life. He frequently puts his hands down his pants out in the open, and I…

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Is sexual touching a public or private sin?

Question: This is a situation involving a Christian man and a woman. I have several questions. The man is married and his wife is still living. The woman’s husband has passed away. and she is now single. As friends, they became close. At times they have embraced each other. They also have touched each other…

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Should I tell my girlfriend that I cheated on her?

Question: I and my girlfriend have been in a distant relationship for over two years. We’ve decided to marry after her graduation. I never had any intention of cheating on her before. But recently I had to be with a girl for academic purposes. I spent hours in her home doing our projects. We became…

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Was it sinful to allow a guy to touch me?

Question: I am a straight guy (unmarried). When I was traveling on a bus at night, while sleeping, an old man sitting near me touched my genitals. I didn’t react to it. I pretended to be asleep. It was pleasurable to me so I didn’t react. Did I commit a sin? Answer: What if we…

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How do I straighten myself out?

Question: Hi, I came across this website and saw how some issues about relationships have been addressed. I was actually having a headache presently about a matter, and that’s why I looking online. I hoped there would be someone I can share it with, and get the right advice. I came across my girlfriend (who…

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Do I need to confess my sin of lust before taking communion?

Question: I have a question about lust and communion. Is it a sin to have touched my boyfriend’s buttocks with our clothes on? I believe it may fall into lust, and if it does then do I have to confess this before being able to take communion? Answer: What you are describing could fall under…

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I feel like I’m a fake Christian

Question: Good afternoon, I’m in my thirties. I have never been intimate with a man. Last month, for the first time I actually had a hard time setting boundaries and was fingered by the man I’m seeing. I’m so upset at myself because I’ve been so steadfast my entire life to do no more than…

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Is kissing wrong before marriage?

Question: Hello, I just read your answer to a question about if handjobs or fingering were a sin. I liked how you explained it, but I got confused towards the end. You explained it with an analogy that you wouldn’t want another man fingering your wife. This made me wonder about kissing. Should we wait…

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How do I fight the temptation to commit fornication?

Question: I always told myself as I grew up that sexual immorality would never be a problem for me because the consequences scared me too much, but in recent years, the constant exposure to sex being “normal” and “acceptable” I guess have overcome me. I see so many sites that push for birth control and…

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Notes on Sex

Fornication (Greek: porneia): Porneia, typically translated as fornication, sexual immorality, or sometimes just immorality is defined as follows: “Porneia, which is relatively rare in classical Greek (Moulton-Milligan), originally stood for “prostitution” … In other, later contexts it denotes “unchasity, illicit sexual relations” of any kind (“fornication” is a somewhat archaic but common translation).” [The Complete Biblical…

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How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy?

Question: Hi Jeff, How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy? Answer: Let’s start with what most people would agree would be going too far: sexual intercourse or fornication. Sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful and are covered under the word “fornication.” In Greek, the word is porneia. It is…

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It is shameful to scare people into thinking that dry humping can lead to pregnancy

Question: I’d just like to point out that your article on dry humping was completely dishonest. It is shameful to scare people into thinking that dry humping leads to pregnancy, especially through clothes. Instilling fear in people so that they will follow your agenda is wrong, and it’s not Christian whatsoever. Answer: “Put them in fear,…

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Can I be forgiven if I sin after I was baptized?

Question: I was baptized a few months ago, and I turned myself into the name of the Lord. Everything has been going well. I feel alive and well again. I’ve been talking to a very special girl (she is baptized as well). The other day I met up with her, and we ended up kissing,…

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You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about

Question: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I was reading your answer to “Is a handjob a sin if you love her and it doesn’t lead to sex?” and I have never seen such a garbage answer. You are simply throwing your own interpretation of the Bible at people as if…

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Since we plan to marry, is sexual touching OK?

Question: I have a ring on my finger and me and my boyfriend plan to marry within the next 5 years. We have not had sex and do not plan to until marriage, but we have done things with our hands. We are not sure whether it was a sin it not? We plan to…

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Am I married because I did sexual acts with my girlfriend?

Question: I am 21 years old. I have been dating a girl my same age for about 6 months. We are both baptized Christians but have made serious mistakes. About a month ago, she gave me a hand-job. This happened three times but after the third time, I felt awful about it and have told…

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How do we avoid the temptation to have sex?

Question: I am 23 years of age and a college student. I have been in a relationship for over a year now. My motive for being in the relationship is to be with my partner now and stay with her until God blesses us to marry. My problem is how do I handle my sexual…

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Are the sexual things we do sinful if we plan on marrying?

Question: My girlfriend and I have been dating for over three years now, and it’s a given that we’ve faced sexual temptation. Though we have not gone “all the way” we have done mostly everything else. We’ve talked about marrying each other and think it’s a very real possibility. If this is the case, are…

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Is touching your girlfriend wrong in God’s eyes?

Question: My girlfriend and I have been dating each other for a while now. She’s a very serious Christian and she’s trying to keep herself as clean as possible, so every time I try to touch her she gets mad. I wonder if touching is a wrong thing in God’s eyes. Answer: You didn’t say where you…

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Your website kept me from sinning

Question: I was searching on Google and found this website. I was scared that if I did something with oral sex or that other touching stuff if I would be committing a sin. Your website gave the answer and stopped me from planning or doing that stuff before marriage. So thank you for answering my…

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How do I restrain myself with my girlfriend?

Question: Hi Jeffrey, I’m in a courtship with a lady and we both promised each other never to fornicate, which we have kept for three years now. But we do kiss and romance each other since a year into our courtship. I have tried to stop it but to no avail. She has self-control over…

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