Controlling Our Emotions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 7:18-23   I.         From the heart comes the emotions which affect all aspects of our life – Proverbs 4:23             A.        We can poison the well with evil thoughts – Mark 7:20-23             B.        We can sweeten it with righteous ideals – Philippians 4:4-9             C.        It affects our outlook on life – Proverbs 15:13…

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Is I Corinthians 7:9 talking about unfulfilled desires?

Question: I was wishing to ask a question about I Corinthians 7:9. Is it okay to say that it is better to marry than to burn with unfulfilled desire? Answer: “Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner,…

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The Christian’s Attributes

by Jefferson David Tant “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities…

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How Can I Control My Emotions?

by Jefferson David Tant Adapted from “Questions Young People Ask” What’s your thought? Is fire good or bad? You probably would say that it depends on the circumstances. On a cold winter night, logs burning in a fireplace can provide warmth. That’s good. Uncontrolled, however, the flames can quickly spread and destroy the entire house.…

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I find myself lusting and I fear I lack self-control

Question: Hello sir, I have sinned. I lusted after a sister and it progressed so much that we kissed. Right now I am so broken. I have asked God for forgiveness but it seems I can’t forgive myself. I have had this dream of being a gospel teacher and an elder. I’ve been consciously building…

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Possess Your Vessel

by Mike Thomas The Thessalonians were surrounded by immorality and ungodly influences, but those who became Christians “turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (I Thessalonians 1:9). In encouraging them to fulfill this commitment, Paul reminded them of the need to avoid the sexual immorality that was very common in…

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Where There Is No Vision

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 29:18   I.         The vision or revelation under consideration is not imagination or foresight             A.        Of course, we do need to have prudence – the ability to see what comes next, but this isn’t the passage to use             B.        This passage is talking about divine revelation, a vision in the night, a…

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Pearls from Proverbs: Where There Is No Vision

by Irvin Himmel Guardian of Truth XXXI: 5, p. 134 March 5, 1987 “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he” (Proverbs 29:18). The first part of this proverb is quoted frequently and pretty generally misapplied. Vision The “vision” under consideration is not an object of imaginative…

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Take Whatever Steps Necessary

by Doy Moyer “If you can’t do that without also doing this, then don’t do that.” Here is a principle that many parents invoke when they are raising their children, and it applies to multiple activities — activities that are not in themselves wrong. Yet if those activities become the vehicles by which we do…

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by Bill Hall What is the value of self-control? Self-control is that which enables us to hold our tongues when we are tempted to viciously put someone in his place once and for all; or when we know a juicy bit of gossip that would be entertaining to the group and would turn us into…

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You Must Rule Over It by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 4:1-12   I.         Ask a person why they gave into a particular sin and the most common rely is: “I don’t know. I couldn’t help myself.”             A.        Losing control in the face of temptation has been around since the beginning.                         1.         God even warned Cain that he had to master his…

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Should we break up because of our lack of self-control?

Question: Hi, I’m 25 years old. I have a boyfriend who is a Christian too. We have been together for less than 9 months. We set boundaries. and we know that we should abstain from sex before marriage. At first, it was okay. There are no kissing or hugs. We just held hands. After a…

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Thoughts on Self-Control

Source: Brian Resnick, “The Myth of Self-Control,” Vox, 24 November 2016. Source: W. Hofmann, “Everyday temptations: an experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, June 2012, 102(6):1318-35. The author doesn’t believe self-control exists, yet oddly, he only proves that his definition of self-control is inaccurate. There is a strong…

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Why can’t I stop committing fornication with my girlfriend?

Question: I wasn’t a Christian but she was, even though she was not baptized. Later, I attended a campaign held by her church, and I was baptized with my girlfriend on the same day. We were in the same church for several years. Later we were attracted to each other again, and we had sex.…

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I can’t stop fornicating

Question: I am 21 yrs and I can’t stop fornicating, even though it’s against my wish. Sometimes I cry after the act. I hate myself for this. My life is crumbling, and I want repentance. I want to repent of my sins, but any time I try I find myself in the same act. Please,…

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I have a problem with eating and pornography

Question: I’ve never done anything like this, but I’ve come to your page on countless occasions. I am 23 years old and, for the most part, your average joe. I accepted Christ in my life less than a year ago. When I first did it, I felt amazing. I had an extra stride in my…

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Lacking Self-Control by Brett Bowen

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I want to stop committing fornication, but I’ve lost control

Question: I want to stop fornicating. I have always prayed that I want to get married to the man I would be dating for the first time, and I thank God for giving me that. I have been with this guy for eight years, but my problem is that at first, he wanted sex and…

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How do I teach my boy self-control and to resist temptation?

Question: Hello, here is my question: I have a young son. We take him to church and talk about the Bible with him. I don’t let him watch television, except for videos like Barney, Sesame Street, and the like. As he gets older, I know he will be influenced by his friends, media that is…

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How do we keep from going too far?

Question: My boyfriend (21 years old) and I (20 years old) have been going out for almost 3 years now and were best friends for 2 years before that. Both of our parents have decided that marriage is out of the question until we finish our degrees, so we have about 6 more years until…

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I think my music is giving me bad thoughts

Question: Hello, I have been constantly having bad thoughts and thoughts about things that haven’t happened. I also have been having thoughts about past conversations and events that I don’t want to remember. I know we can sin in our minds, that is why I ask God to forgive me for the bad thoughts. They…

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Self-Control by PJ Anderson

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Controlling Our Temper

by R. J. Evans Brother John Clark once related a story about a woman who told a preacher she had a bad temper, but that it was over in a minute. “So is a shotgun blast, but it blows everything to pieces,” was the preacher’s reply. And far too many of us who are Christians…

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How do I gain control over my sexual desire?

Question: I need help. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years. I love him very much, and soon he is going to ask my parents for my hand. I’ve always had a crush on this guy. He’s actually the stepson of my uncle. Since I met him when I was young, I’ve…

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How do I give up sin and develop self-control?

Question: I am a man with more sins than Saul himself. I have stolen, lied, committed adultery, told my girlfriend to get an abortion with my firstborn son, helped kill in the war in Iraq, manipulated, and probably every other thing in the book. I am addicted to the lust of the flesh and I…

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I keep doing things that I know are wrong. Can you pray for me?

Question: I have great trouble with resisting sin, porn, drugs, alcohol all on occasions. I know it’s wrong, but I find myself still indulging.  Please pray for me to overcome. Answer: To realize that what you are doing is wrong and harmful is a step in the right direction, but what you need next is…

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Controlling the Tongue by PJ Anderson

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How do I keep my desires from getting out of control?

Question: Hi My fiancee told me that she’d sent a question to you about me, and showed me your response today. Her email wasn’t exactly truthful, so I decided to email you myself and hope for advice about my situation. Sex was never a problem for me; I was in my early twenties when I did it,…

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How can I help my boyfriend with his sexual desires?

Question: I’m 25 years old and a Christian. I am in my first relationship as a Christian. My boyfriend is a backslider. We had sex once. I know it was wrong. I repented and I believe God has forgiven me. I am not going to do it again until we are married. I have downloaded…

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Why do I still not have control over my anger?

Question: This morning, I found that I still have problems with anger management. I had to go to a doctor’s appointment again, and when I went to the front desk, the secretary mentioned my bill. I have been unable to pay, due to no work, and many health problems which prevent me from working. Sad…

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How can a young man stay focused?

Question: I am interested in getting your thoughts on being focused on the goal. It is hard when you see so much of the things you want in life, that at times you feel as though that it is not meant for you. My situation appears to be going nowhere. I feel that the more…

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Emotionalism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:18-38 I.         When we look at the various denominations around us, it is hard to miss their enthusiasm and the emotional quality to the things that they do.             A.        They really get involved in their worship.             B.        The bigger churches services are large productions.             C.        A friend once told me about a…

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