Was I truly born again?

Question: Hello, I had a question regarding baptism. I was baptized a few years ago when I was around 20 years old; however, I struggled with sexual immorality and lust with my girlfriend for a long time. Eventually, we got married. After this, I started to think baptism wasn’t necessary for the forgiveness of sins,…

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Did I vow not to make promises?

Question: I’m worried that I vowed to God not to make promises. Now I was talking to God, and then in the heat of the moment, I said, “I do not want to make vows,” only I didn’t say that fully, and I’m pretty sure I cut myself off halfway and said, “No vow.” I…

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I don’t think I’ll ever be perfect

Question: I struggle to keep my heart and thoughts on God through the day. I’ll be doing good for a while, then doubts creep in, saying you won’t ever amount up to God by trying to be perfect, even though Jesus said to be perfect like the Father. I feel as though He’s grown tired…

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Am I being unrepentant?

Question: Hello, I am a fellow disciple of Christ who recently has had his faith attacked from seemingly every possible angle. The foremost attack is self-inflicted in the form of a sin I committed. I want to preface this with two things: First, I need to hear the truth, no matter how painful. Second, I…

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My life has been spiraling into an OCD nightmare

Question: Hello, I really need your help with this struggle. “But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). My life has been spiraling more and more into an OCD nightmare because I keep thinking about this verse.…

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Do I need to get baptized again?

Question: Hello, I grew up in the church of Christ. I was first baptized around age 12. I later was baptized again because I became unsure if I did it for the correct reasons the first time. I thought I did it more out of fear of hell than belief and love of God. I…

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I think I have OCD

Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, I want to thank you so much for all the help and time you’ve given up for us. Thank you for always using God’s word with your answers. I believe I have OCD. I think I have scrupulosity. I feel I have to do things a certain way or in order.…

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Is it wrong to love anything man-made or belonging to this world?

Question: Hi, Sorry for the numerous questions I’m about to ask, but they all revolve around the subjects of secular entertainment and materialism so it made sense to me to ask them together. I grew up with a love of playing video games, watching movies, reading comic books, etc. About a year ago I began…

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When is restitution required?

Question: I’m aware that I am very scrupulous. I’ve become very very numb to God because on one end I’m entirely too obsessive and want to be perfect. Then on the other end, I become numb to avoid trying to gain perfection. I’ve quit jobs due to my religious anxiety and feeling the need to…

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I don’t want to be sorry for the wrong reasons

Question: I was raised Catholic and have not been baptized yet as an adult. For repentance do we need to go back and set everything right before being forgiven? Must we confess every lie we ever told to every person? Or is asking God to forgive us enough? And to move on from our past.…

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False Memories Can Be Reversed

Source: Brianna Abbott, “False Memories Can Be Planted and Then Reversed, Researchers Find,” Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2021. “The work confirms previous research on the malleability of memories while pointing to potential techniques for recognizing and rooting them out.” “Some research suggests that true memories tend to be stronger for people than false ones, Nancy…

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I put a lot of pressure on myself

Question: I put a lot of pressure on myself to do things right. I sometimes think of rules that sound plausible, and because they sound plausible I follow them. As an example the “Bible says to be responsible with money, so you can’t buy anything that’s unnecessary.” This causes a lot of anxiety and makes…

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Should I see a doctor about my OCD?

Question: Hello, This whole year has been quite a nightmare. At the beginning of this year, I started to realize how I wasn’t living the right way. I wanted to start making changes in my life and be a better Christian. In hindsight, I went about it the wrong way. I was trying to “be…

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I’m not sure if my thoughts are sin

Question: I saw a website that makes going to heaven seem really difficult. I have religious OCD and I get blasphemous thoughts constantly and repent all day long. Some of the thoughts feel like I want them. What should I do? If I’m not sure if my thoughts are really sins, so I ignore them,…

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Thank you for your article on religious obsessive-compulsive disorders

Question: Hello, I would just like to thank you for your article on religious obsessive-compulsive disorders that I just stumbled upon. For years I have been suffering from this condition without realizing that it was a real condition, and thinking that I was the only person who had some of the thoughts you listed. I couldn’t…

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Will I make heaven if I don’t keep God’s laws perfectly?

Question: I read “I have OCD-Religion and obsess over bad thoughts. Is there anything you can do to help me?” today that, in a way, describes my feelings. Although most of it does not concern me, some do and I am wondering if I too have OCD. My problem basically concerns overthinking things. This started…

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I’m having trouble not doing things I am unsure about

Question: I am having trouble not doing things that I am unsure about whether or not they are sinful, such as drinking soda, eating sweets, masturbation, and whether or not I should be playing certain card and video games. On the soda and sweets, I am wondering if I am harming my body by doing…

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I would like to encourage those who suffer from OCD-Religious or scrupulosity

Question: Hi, I’ve been poking around the Internet. I was actually trying to find an OCD support group online but without any luck. However, I was fascinated to read the postings and questions of the individual with OCD-Religious or scrupulosity because I have gone through every single thing that individual has gone through, but I am…

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