Prejudice in the University

by Ed Harrell Christianity Magazine, Volume 11, #7, August 1994 In a recent book entitled The Soul of the American University: From Protestant Establishment to Established Nonbelief, George M. Marsden of Notre Dame, an evangelical historian, let the cat out of the bag — the only minority in a university that is not free to…

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They’re Coming After Your Children

by Jefferson David Tant After much criticism, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir has removed an offensive video in which they sing about their plans to convert your children to homosexuality. “The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus set a music video to private after the group said it received ‘threats of harm’ over the song…

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Schools Among Brethren

by Don Martin Schools among brethren have been a troubling issue, but one not often and carefully studied. I shall not attempt to explore all the nuances of the school issue, but rather I shall focus primarily on the Church of Christ Seminary image inevitably involved with the Bible Department so often associated with the…

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Young Man, So You Want to Preach

by Eddie Bragwell One of the encouraging things that I see among my brethren is the number of young men who are expressing a desire to make preaching the gospel their life’s work. Along with that the number of local churches that are willing to financially and morally support an aspiring young preacher as he…

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The Need for Foundations

by Jefferson David Tant In news reports from Atlanta, Georgia, there have been pictures of a service station/convenience store that is collapsing. What is the problem? There is a large water conduit running under the property, and evidently, a huge leak has formed, perhaps even a collapse of some sort. This has caused the collapse…

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Should a Christian attend a university operated by a denomination?

Question: I really like all of the information that you have on your website. I have used it as a reference many times in the past. I teach the teenagers in our congregation and have a question about colleges. One of our kids is planning on attending a Catholic university next year. When she told…

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When I get busy in school, I lose sight of God. Is that wrong?

Question: Now I’m back in school and it’s getting busy again. But in the classroom, I always get distracted thinking that I am doing something wrong when I’m doing the work. I obviously know that homework is not a sin, but it feels like when I get busy with work I just lose sight of…

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I need some advice on time management

Question: I’d like some advice, if you will, on time management. School has gotten be really stressful at times due to the high amounts of work I receive. I know that school is important and when I get on my computer for schoolwork, the majority of times I get side-tracked to your website probably for…

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How do I tell my parents they are pushing me too hard?

Question: Hello, I’m in the 10th grade. I’m a Christian. I was a bit bad in my studies, but I got my motivation and I’m starting to study a bit. However, my parents are pushing me a lot, and I’m starting to lose my motivation. But they still help me in studying. I don’t know…

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Is it wrong to be competitive in school?

Question: Is it wrong to be competitive in school? I know that God stresses the importance of education, but I see myself to be very competitive when it comes to grades. It’s not an ego thing where I get scores to show off or anything, but it is because I want to get into good…

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Education: Who is to be blamed?

by Abraham Smith ‘I am to blame if I don’t do what I can’ Many times lately we have heard, “Our children are not getting a good education.” Parents have been blamed, as well as children, teachers, administrators, and our government. Just exactly who is to blame? I am to blame if I don’t do…

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Why would a boy take pictures of me?

Question: Why would a tenth-grade student in English as a Second Language class want a picture of me? He actually took two pictures of me. Do you think I should trick him into giving me the camera and erase the photo from his camera? Can you answer me back? I don’t even know him so…

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Boy – girl relationships don’t affect studies do they?

Question: Boy-girl relationships don’t affect studies, do they? Answer: I assume that your parents object to you dating while you are in school. Unfortunately, they are making a valid point. Back in the days when Israel called up its volunteer army, certain people were asked not to serve: “Then the officers shall speak to the…

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