Can you explain I Corinthians 6:16-17?

Question: Good day I have a question and would like some advice. A bit of background leading to the question: I was a fake Christian, committed fornication, and knew it displeased God, but I didn’t really know Christ at the time. But someone came and preached repentance. I decided to believe in Christ, give my…

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The Direction of Your Life

The Direction of Your Life – Part 1The Direction of Your Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 6:19-24   I.         Whenever I taught someone to drive, I was reminded that people have a tendency to go in the direction they are looking.             A.        When a person first learns to drive, they tend to look at things…

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My wife refuses to be intimate with me

Question: I have been married for almost 15 years. I love her to the end of the world. She is going through menopause and it’s been two years since entering her. We have had years of good sex that didn’t involve intercourse but all of a sudden she said it’s a sin and I am frustrated.…

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Sex, Preachers, and the Church

“The Bible does not hide from or obscure the power of the temptation to illicit sex. In language that is refreshingly clear and direct without itself indulging in titillation, the text warns the reader of the debacle that awaits him should he succumb in this area and at the same time promises profound sexual joy…

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Will we experience romantic love in heaven?

Question: If a person dies before getting to marry and experience sex and romantic love, will they experience that in heaven or the new earth? Will romantic love be done away with forever after death? I really enjoy that aspect of life and don’t want it to disappear forever. Forever seems like a long time…

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Does impotency mean a person is not really married?

Question: I have been noticing that La Vista Church of Christ is one of the few congregations that tackle this sensitive issue. My question is in the case of the unconsummated marriage, does this indicate a de facto crisis within the marriage or is the marriage act incidental, solely the business of the husband and…

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Is there a proper way for Christians to have sex?

Question: Is there a proper way for Christians to have sex? Answer: The proper place for sex is within a marriage. “Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). The proper ways to have sex are those…

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Could a husband demand sex too often?

Question: A woman has come to my wife asking if certain aspects of her marriage are normal. She was born and raised in the church. Her husband joined about five years ago. He has been using I Corinthians 7:3-5 to force her to have sex every night, regardless of how she feels. She has no…

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What does “uncover the nakedness” mean?

Question: In Leviticus 18:6-19, the phrase “uncover the nakedness” is used repeatedly. What is meant by this phrase? Answer: There are three sets of words in the Hebrew that are translated as naked or nakedness. The Hebrew adjective ‘arom refers to being without clothing. It can mean without any clothes or being inadequately clothed (Job 22:6).…

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Thank you for dealing with issues regarding sexuality

Question: I appreciate the wisdom God has given you to have such a wonderful site where relationship issues, especially those regarding sex, is discussed. I have gained a lot of knowledge and I am very much blessed. Thank you sir. Answer: I’m glad that the information posted on this site is useful in your growth…

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My husband wasn’t honest with me before our marriage

Question: I married and discovered my husband was unable to perform his marital duties. He knew but did not disclose it. Further, he said he had a job but was laid off months prior. I made every attempt to live by the law. When I discovered he still wasn’t working, had emptied the 401k, and…

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Your answer was a law school-quality dialogue

Question: I came across this exchange, Is marriage only bound after sex?, while researching the topic for personal reasons, and I had to thank somebody for publishing such a concise and information-dense exchange between these two. It really gave me the information I needed to work some things out. This was a Law-School-Quality dialogue. Answer: Thank…

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What exactly is sodomy?

Question: What exactly is sodomy? My understanding is that it is oral sex with either the same sex or between man and wife, but I have had many arguments with other people who say oral sex is OK between married people. This is such an embarrassing topic, but I really want to hear your opinion.…

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My wife is no longer able to have sex. What is a Christian man to do?

Question: I appreciate the views you’ve expressed and have had questions about masturbation for a long time. My wife and I are in our seventies. For many years we had a good sexual relationship, except I wanted it a lot more often than she did. But sex was good and I recall often the special…

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Is it a sin to have sex via Skype with your wife?

Question: Hi, Is it a sin to have sex via Skype with your wife when you live far from each other? Answer: Technically, sex isn’t taking place since the two of you are not together. What is taking place is that each is masturbating while watching and talking to the other person. Since this is…

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Does premarital sex make you married or cursed?

Question: I know you are super busy all the time, but if you get a chance sometime, could you help untangle my spiritual thoughts? I am asking for help regarding two theologies out there concerning marriage: One theology is that the first person you have sex with you are married to and any after that…

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Really informative stuff

Question: Wow! Really informative stuff in “Why is sex a sin?” You’ve addressed all the questions that always bothered me. Thank you so much. I also like the point you made that “sex before marriage is a sin because God said so.” It’s absolutely true that whatever He instructs us to do will benefit us…

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Is the only way to have sex is if one is married?

Question: Good evening, I’m sure you get a lot of questions that are related to sexual intercourse and the like; however, it is difficult to fully grasp and understand the word of God when it doesn’t match the heart’s desires. What I’m asking is if the only way that one can have sexual intercourse is…

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I appreciate the way you answered a delicate question

Question: I appreciate the way you answered the question that was asked, “Is it a sin for a Christian woman to use a sex toy?”  I was afraid to ask my pastor that question, and it has really been bothering me, I had gone to other websites and typed the question in, but no one…

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Is it wrong for a husband to lust for his wife?

Question: Dear Minister, My wife and I have grown distant over the years because she has had many anger issues, substance abuse problems, and trouble with the law. We have several beautiful children and have been married for almost 20 years. Even though she committed adultery on me several years ago, I still love her.…

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What can I do? My husband seems to have no desire for sex

Question: Hello, I am a woman and my question is regarding sexual lust and perversion; therefore, you can understand my asking you and not my home pastor, especially when most churches still regard women who struggle with these sorts of issues with a certain type of disdain. As were most females with my issues you…

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Abstinence Is Reasonable

by David Diestelkamp via Think on These Things “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication” (I Thessalonians 4:3). Society is totally confused. It wants people to be reasonable (thinking, logically) about sex. It wants them to think about civil law, time and place (decency), disease, pregnancy, “protection,”…

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Is Dominate Submissive role-playing bad?

Question: What I am doing does not involve sex. I just want to make that part of it clear This is something that brings in fast money, and I’ve been doing it for almost a year. I just don’t want people thinking I’m having sex for money. Everything done is consensual and agreed upon before…

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My wife has refused to have sex with me for years and I’m weakening

Question: Hello, I feel very ashamed to even write this, but I’ve been doing Google searches and scouring the Internet for answers. I would normally just ask a pastor from church, but I have a learning disorder or mental disability and everyone just writes me off as strange or stupid. Even pastors don’t want to take the time to…

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There is a difference between immorality and sex

Question: You answered a question on your site regarding men seeking prostitutes and quoted Proverbs 7:24-27 as the answer. However, that verse was denouncing an adulterous woman behaving like a prostitute. Why didn’t you offer a better example as the young man asking the question had a very serious dilemma about the sex drive of…

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How can I convince my husband that marriage is not about sex?

Question: Hello, and God bless! My question is a hard question, but I desperately need an answer. I’m a Christian and so is my husband. I have the most wonderful husband ever. He does so much for me and has sacrificed so much for me. He even sold or gave away everything he owned and…

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by William C. Sexton The word addiction is one we usually associate with drugs. An “addict” is defined as “one who has a confirmed habit, as the overuse of drugs…” (Webster’s). If we look, however, we can see that one can be addicted to almost anything; that is, to have a “confirmed habit.” I suggest…

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Why do women so often say they are not interested in sex?

Question: Just recently I started recognizing in our communities statements about sex that are weird, and they come out from women. When the issue of sex comes up, the wives response would be something like “don’t dream of it tonight (though it might sound sarcastic, yet they manage to say it out)” or “this is…

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Will there be sex in heaven?

Question: My friend and I were up late recently. We like to have conversations on spiritual matters or currents debates. We started talking about what we imagine Heaven to be like. He mentioned there would be sex in heaven. I was so surprised. I asked him if he really thought there to be sex in…

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Is it wrong to talk about sexual things before we are married?

Question: My girlfriend and I have had a long-distance relationship for a while we really love each other. With God’s help and guidance, we plan on getting married in the future. But we occasionally like to talk about kissing and other related activities. We were feeling confident with each other and we even talked about…

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