Seven Times When You Ought to Keep Silent

by Becky Rene In the heat of anger (Proverbs 15:1) When you do not have all the facts (Proverbs 18:13) When you have not verified the story (Proverbs 14:15) If your words will offend a weaker brother (Romans 14:21) When you are tempted to make light of holy things (Matthew 12:36) When you are tempted…

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Learning from God

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Habakkuk 2:20   I.         If God is the only true God and the Bible is His teachings             A.        Then truth and error are as distinct as light and dark – I John 1:5; James 1:17-18             B.        We will face our God to be judged – Romans 2:6 II.        Can we then decide what parts…

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The Silence of the Scriptures

by Jefferson David Tant For hundreds of years, Bible believers have had discussions over the question of “the silence of the Scriptures.” Does silence indicate that whatever is not specifically condemned is permissible? Thus, does silence give consent? Or does silence mean there is no authority for a certain practice, and it is therefore unscriptural?…

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It Doesn’t Say “Not To”

by Greg Gwin Imagine this: you walk into a fast-food restaurant and order a hamburger, fries, and a coke – the all-American meal! But then, you notice that it seems to take an unusually long time to get your food. Finally, the gal at the counter brings up your order – piles of food on…

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The Silence of the Scriptures

by Heath Rogers Bible authority is established through direct statements, commands, approved examples, and necessary inferences. We understand what to do with the stated commands and prohibitions of Scripture, but what are we to do with the things God does not say? We know what to do with God’s voice, but what are we to do…

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The Bible Doesn’t Say, “Don’t Do It,” Does it?

by Wayne Jackson Solomon once wrote that “there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Certainly that saying is true with reference to the arguments that a swelling “progressive” element within the church is employing in defense of the idea that the use of musical instruments is permissible in Christian worship. Or at…

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Arguments I Used for the Use of Instrumental Music

(When I Was a Preacher for the Christian Church) by Dan Goddard Men have long been prone to go beyond the limitations of God’s word in their zeal to serve Jehovah. Zeal for God is commendable when it is coupled with a knowledge of God’s will; but when one allows his zeal to drive him…

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Where Is the Scripture?

by Jefferson David Tant In discussions about the Bible and various practices and beliefs of members of churches of Christ, sometimes, the question is asked, “Where does the Bible say that’s wrong?” Various practices prompt the question, with it often being asked concerning the use of instrumental music in our worship. When it is pointed…

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Biblical Authority and the Silence of the Scriptures: Does it Allow or Disallow?

by Jefferson David Tant For hundreds of years, believers in the Bible have discussed the question of “the silence of the Scriptures.” Does silence indicate a lack of authority, and thus whatever is not specifically condemned is permissible? Or does silence mean there is no authority for whatever practice is under consideration, and therefore it…

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The Silence of the Scriptures and Why We Sing

by Edward Pratte In the New Testament, some things are required and some things are prohibited. Everything else falls into the realm of the things which are permitted. As one focuses more closely on the things that are permitted, the silence of the Scriptures soon becomes a major concern. What about the silence of the…

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Do you take an open view of God?

Question: Good day, Brother Jeff, I have gotten very satisfactory answers from you since I started using your site. You answer like a real teacher. I’m just shuffling off progressivism from my life and neither do I want to be an extremist to the left or right in any matter. I just want the truth.…

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Respecting Silence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 10:46-52   I.         What do you do when witnesses to an event give two different sets of details?             A.        Matthew 28:1-7 mentions an angel rolling away the stone blocking the entrance and sitting upon the stone. The angel talks to the women when they get to the tomb.             B.        Mark 16:1-7…

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Who Started The Argument From Silence?

by Paul Earnhart The students of John L. Girardeau, professor at Columbia Seminary, South Carolina in the 1880s, asked him to explain to them why he opposed the use of instrumental music in the worship of the Presbyterian churches. In response, he wrote a book that was published in Richmond, Virginia in 1888. It was…

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The Silence Argument

by Wayne Jackson One of the strongest arguments against the use of instrumental music in Christian worship is the “silence” principle. This is the concept that when God is silent about a matter, man is not at liberty to “presume”, and so to act without divine authority. There is no New Testament authority for the…

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On the Silence of an Author

by Doy Moyer Silence is silence. It neither approves nor disapproves in itself. It is nothing. However, we cannot honestly quote an author on something he never said. If we cite an author as promoting and approving something, we better be able to show where and how he promotes or approves it. Otherwise, we have…

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Your article on Christian liberty was very good

Question: Dear Brother Hamilton, Thank you for your article on “Finding Liberty in Silence.”  It was very good. I have been searching for articles and lessons on the topic of Christian liberty because recently I have encountered a few brethren who have commented to me that “we have Christian liberty that allows us to dismiss…

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Finding Liberty in Silence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton   I.         It was one of those interesting coincidences. I received two correspondences dealing with separate issues, but both seeking justification in the same manner.             A.        In attempting to justify the use of instrumental music, Gary Mattingly, a preacher for the Christian Church wrote: “First and foremost, we must see that there…

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Where in the Bible Is Instrumental Music Forbidden?

by Jerry Fite Nowhere in the Bible does God explicitly forbid the use of instrumental music in worship. Some find implicit condemnation in Amos 6:1-5, where the prophet writes, “they invent for themselves instruments of music, like David.” But upon a closer contextual examination, one must conclude that the self-indulgent and insensate idolator is condemned,…

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You Didn’t Say Not To

by Carey Scott Remember when you were young and you were sent to the store for a particular item? When you got home with that item and some other goodies, you were challenged as to why you bought more than that one item. You answered; “You didn’t say not to”. This was met with a…

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Silence of the Scriptures

by Darrell Hamilton I was asked recently to put together a short document detailing the authority of the silence of the scriptures. I don’t mind saying that this has been much harder to do than I thought it would be. It is also a LOT longer. Part of me sees the topic as fairly easy…

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