Posts Tagged ‘stealing’
Did I steal?
Question: Last year, I went to Goodwill to buy books about dinosaurs and dragons because they are cool. It was seven books. I went up to the cashier to purchase the books. The cashier was someone I know. He scanned the books I wanted to purchase, but I noticed that only three were scanned. I…
Read MoreAm I wrong to associate with someone who steals?
Question: I have some friends who live in a senior retirement home. I met one of them about a year ago and was introduced to some more of his friends. I also live in the same retirement home. I am the only one who is a member of the church of Christ. Hearing them talk, I…
Read MoreWhen should the treasurer be allowed to teach after stealing from the church?
Question: Our treasurer stole from our church. She has repented but hasn’t made restitution. She wants to teach. What does the Bible say about this? Answer: A part of repentance is attempting to repair the damage caused by your sins. Paul “kept declaring … that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate…
Read MoreHow do I repent of stealing from my neighbors?
Question: Hello, I have sinned for many years. I recently gave my life to Christ. I repented to the Lord of all my sins. I am devoting the rest of my existence to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. One of my biggest sins was being a thief for many years. I stole mainly to survive,…
Read MoreWhat happens when you steal from God?
Question: What happens when you steal from God? I have stolen from the church but have asked for forgiveness from God. I don’t have any source of income to return the money so what should I do now? Answer: What I noticed is that you did not tell the leadership at the church that you stole money…
Read MoreHow do you repent of stealing when the victim has died?
Question: If a person stole money from their parent with the intention of paying it back, but the parent passed away before they could get the money back to them, plus their other parent has passed away, what do they need to do to make their life right? It happened years ago. No debt was…
Read MoreHow do I repent for buying stolen items?
Question: A few years ago, I bought stolen items from a friend’s friend. It was a mystery box containing a few items from a convention. I don’t know which convention. My friend’s friend wanted to sell me the mystery box with the items for 10 dollars, which I agreed to. Right after I bought the…
Read MoreI took some vases without asking permission
Question: I was out walking a few months ago in an area I don’t normally live. One of the neighbors was selling their home and moving to a new home. They started to trash stuff and there were two beautiful vases that I admired so much. One day I took the vases thinking that they…
Read MoreI feel guilty about my past
Question: Hello, I’m 16 years old. I became a Christian several years ago. I’m writing to you today because I’ve been recently feeling guilty about something I did when I was younger. My family and I were in a store and I went into the aisle and saw a pack of candy open, so I…
Read MoreIs it wrong to download software already purchased by another person?
Question: Hi minister, Is downloading a paid software without paying for it a sin? Note that no hacking or cracking is involved on the side of the downloader. It is a case of seeing it online and downloading (copying) it. The owner still has a copy. Is it good to buy a second-hand device with cracked…
Read MoreThree Philosophies of Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 10:25-37 I. Luke 10:25-37 A. A lawyer, trying to test Jesus, asked him how to gain eternal life. B. Jesus, as was his want, turned the question around and asked for his opinion first. C. The response was to love God and to love his neighbor. To which Jesus agreed. D. The…
Read MoreI Quit! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 10:35-45 I. We’ve all seen people frustrated with a task. “I quit!” they yell as they storm off. A. Funny thing … Do you remember who it was? Neither does anyone else. B. However, there are times I ought to quit. 1. I can allow myself to get into a rut.…
Read MoreWhat is the difference between coveting and stealing?
Question: What is the difference between coveting and stealing? Answer: Coveting is wanting to possess what another person has. A similar word to “coveting” is “greed.” “For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire, and the greedy man curses and spurns the LORD” (Psalms 10:3). In other words, a covetous man is selfish. Other people…
Read MoreIs it OK to turn another Christian into the police for stealing from you?
Question: Is it right for an elder to detain a sister in a police station because she collected the elder’s ID card and two mobile phones? Answer: Christians are required by God to stop stealing (Ephesians 4:28) and not make a practice of it. Our interactions regarding Christians and what to do about their sin…
Read MoreLying, Cheating, and Stealing Text: Revelation 21:1-8 I. What is it that we teach our children? A. What do tell them about lying, cheating, and stealing? B. Most of us would be confident that they understand these things are wrong. C. But are you certain? D. Far too often we send mixed messages. E. One very perceptive mother sent three examples from her…
Read MoreCan I keep the software I pirated until I can pay the companies back?
Question: I’ve pirated plenty of software. I have stopped, but I need some of the software to get a certification. Is it possible that once I get a job, I could pay back the companies and replace the software with legitimate software? Answer: If a person stole money and they repented, would you expect them…
Read MoreEach time a friend visits money goes missing
Question: Each time a colleague visits, my money goes missing. Twice he has visited and twice my money has gone missing. What should I do? Answer: I would say there is a strong probability that your colleague is using drugs. First, put your money in a safer place. Second, stop inviting this person into your…
Read MoreShould a man confess that he helped someone steal?
Question: Ten years ago a friend of mine committed a crime. He helped a homeless man carry a computer screen to sell it for drugs, even though he himself never broke in but helped carry it from the outside. No harm to anyone was done as it was empty and just after midnight. Anyway, he…
Read MoreWe suspect our daughter is stealing, but she hasn’t been caught. Any words of wisdom?
Question: Hi, I read the article about the family dealing with their two daughters stealing and we are in a similar situation, but the only thing is that, while we have gone through similar experiences, our daughter (14-years-old) has never been caught and denies that she has been stealing (we have been contacted by her school…
Read MoreI stole money from an organization, but I don’t make enough to pay the money back yet
Question: A year ago, I was appointed a treasurer in an organization. I used the money for my personal needs. I concealed the accounts and nobody realized what I had done. I repented of my sin and promised God to repay the money once I got a good job. I have not been able to…
Read MoreI tried to return extra money for money I stole, but they won’t take it
Question: Hello, I would like it if you could assist me with an issue that is causing me great anxiety. I was an atheist for many years. I have sinned in ignorance. Now after reading the Scripture guilt took over me. I have committed minor property damage and took money fraudulently. Nothing really serious. Recently…
Read MoreShould I have said something to the gang robbing my store?
Question: Good morning, Can you please help clarify the meaning of what Solomon meant by what he wrote in Ecclesiastes 7:16? Is there such thing as being “too righteous”? I ask this because I am the manager of a small retail store. Recently, while I was on my shift, three men who were tattooed with…
Read MoreTo get money, I lied to a man that I’m pregnant with his child
Question: I searched about God and found this site. I am depressed and wondering what I should do. I just need prayers. I just finished college and because I haven’t gotten a job, I met this man who is 60 years old. He started providing for me. He is married to two wives, and he…
Read MoreMy brother keeps taking my things and asking for money shortly after his payday
Question: Good day sir, Please, sir, I have a problem which I need advice on. I have an older brother, and we live together. He is working, and I am a student at the university. But his character and lifestyle disturb me greatly. The problem is that, despite the fact he is working and earning…
Read MoreI stole for many years, but now I have given up my sin. What do I do with the stolen goods?
Question: Good Morning, I was a big sinner in the past. I’ve asked God for forgiveness. I would like to be pure, holy, and ready for when He comes. But I still feel guilty about all the things I’ve stolen. There was a time in my life when I stole many things from people and…
Read MoreCan I be forgiven of my sins?
Question: I need advice. I am in my early twenties. I was born in a Christian family. I was a clever child and a good learner under the guidance of my grandparents, who raised me and my siblings after our mother passed away. Around age 14, my life changed. I started drinking alcohol and attempted…
Read MoreI’m afraid my past stealing will come back to haunt me
Question: Hello, Please, I am 15 years old, in school and I have stolen. I took someone’s card details and bought some items for myself. I went to the person and told him, but I only told him about three items and paid him back while there were four items. I confessed my sins to…
Read MoreA housekeeper has been stealing from her employer. Should the matter be brought to the elders or the police?
Question: Good evening Brother Hamilton, I know that the use of the courts to settle disputes between the brethren is, at best, frowned upon during normal circumstances. However, for actual crimes, is it appropriate to press charges rather than using the eldership to confront the individual? I ask because an older family member of mine…
Read MoreIs stealing OK if one is starving?
Question: I am preparing for Bible class that I am teaching this evening during our regular midweek services and need to be prepared in case I am challenged by one of our members who might have the idea that stealing is okay if one is starving. Your response? Answer: “People do not despise a thief…
Read MoreCould I go to heaven after committing all these sins?
Question: I have a bunch of questions, but please answer them. If you Have sex before you are married, Drink, smoke, or do drugs, Use God’s name frivolously, Steal, and Tell people that you hate going to church and it’s a big waste of time will you go to hell, or at least go to spiritual jail?…
Read MoreI found out after I got home that I was charged less than I should have been for a purchase. Is that stealing?
Question: Hello, After I came home today from a local grocery store and deli, I noticed that the cashier may have given me an extra change of 50 cents. I didn’t notice until I got home because I thought the calculations were correct. The cashier said the total was $2.50. It also said so on…
Read MoreHow do I make restitution when I no longer know how much I stole?
Question: I led a sinful life before I became a Christian. I’d like to ask you a question about restitution. I was a thief. I shoplifted and stole from other people. Now, Zacchaeus tried to restore the money to those he’d stolen from. But is it a command to do so? For instance, before I…
Read MoreThat answer about an adult stealing from his parents was the worse answer I’ve ever seen
Question: In regards to your answer to the person that asked about their adult child stealing from them. You gave no New Testament verse for your answer. If you are going to give answers to people, especially those who ask questions regarding their families, you should give biblical answers — New Testament biblical answers. I have…
Read MoreHow do we treat an adult child living in our house who stole from us?
Question: When an adult child of ours, living in our house steals, and we confront them, how do we treat them at the time of the confrontation and afterward whether they are in the house or decide to leave? What should the appropriate treatment of that child be? Answer: When an adult steals, you call…
Read MoreI received an unofficial CD containing songs I know are copyrighted. What should I do?
Question: A song leader from another congregation had burnt a CD from a group of people who recorded songs from the Hymns for Worship hymnal, to try and teach song leaders how to lead some of the less used songs in the book. He had given it to my grandpa years ago. It is copyrighted material. This…
Read MoreMy friend is planning to commit fraud. What should I do?
Question: I have an ethical problem. I recently became aware of a friend planning on committing what is basically insurance fraud with his car due to his financial situation and his car having so many issues. I know when and how he plans on having his vehicle “stolen” and stripped as well as what insurance…
Read MoreReligion According to Man
Text: Galatians 1:6-10 I. What happens when man decides to worship God in his own way? A. We see among denominations thousands of varying beliefs, yet all claim to be worshiping God and using the Bible as their guide B. Some even abandon the Bible and use other books, such as the book of Mormon C. Could God…
Read MoreIs it sinful to download movies or songs from the Internet?
Question: Like many people, I download movies and music and I was just wondering if that is considered stealing and therefore is a sin? Answer: Just because someone makes a movie or song available on the Internet, it does not imply that they had the right to do so. The Internet is not policed directly…
Read MoreDo I have to make restitution?
Question: Is it a sin if you don’t pay back what you’ve stolen? Like I used to copy movies and, well, that’s stealing, but I don’t feel like paying back what I copied. Isn’t that why Jesus dies for our sins? Answer: Repentance from sin means making a complete turn around in your attitude and…
Read MoreThou Shalt Not …
Text: Romans 13:8-10 I. In continuing our series on understanding the Ten Commandments, I would like for us to focus our attention on the commands which begin “You shall not …” – Exodus 20:13-17 A. The repeating of a phrase, in this case “you shall not”, causes one to pay attention to the words. It sets…
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