Posts Tagged ‘serving others’
Daily Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 9:23-26 I. What kind of religion do you have? How is your faith expressed? A. Acts 5:42 – The early Christians had a daily religion B. It seems today that many have a once a week, once a month, or even a once a year religion C. Even in the Old…
Read MoreThe Mind of a Servant by Ross Ward Text: I Timothy 6:15 We are to have a mind of a servant – Luke 22:24-30 Mind of a servant Desire for preeminence Jew’s culture Matthew 23:5-12 – Scribes and Pharisees Matthew 6:1-18 – rebuking works that are performed to be seen of men Apostles Luke 22:24-30 – arguing over who…
Read MoreHow can we use our talents when we are limited in abilities?
Question: What are the talents in a Christian’s life today? How can we multiply them to be good and faithful servants of our Lord Jesus? If we are limited to a good degree by our health, how can we be careful to not become like the servant who had one talent and didn’t use it?…
Read MoreWhy Jesus Washed Feet
by Matthew W. Bassford The more I study the Bible, the more I am amazed at its ability to capture profound truths about human nature in a few words. One such amazing text appears in John 13:3-5. To worldly eyes, there seems to be an immense disconnect between Jesus’ self-perception and His actions. He thought…
Read MoreHow can I be a better servant?
Question: I was reading Mark 9 and I came across the passage where Jesus says that the one who wishes to be great in the kingdom of heaven must make himself a servant and I wanted to know how I could go about being a better servant. Because I’m homeschooled I don’t get out of…
Read MoreHelpers
by Jefferson David Tant “And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues” (I Corinthians 12:28) Perhaps you have noticed that people are different — different in personalities, appearance, talents. Evidently, God designed us that way, and Paul acknowledged this…
Read MoreServe to Be Great
by Dennis Stackhouse Notice the statement made by Paul in I Corinthians 4:1: “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” Be especially careful to recognize that Paul identifies himself and his fellow workers as “servants of Christ.” Does that seem a bit strange? Is…
Read MoreMaking My Life Matter
The Amazing Results of Serving Others by Oscar Miles The Pursuit of Happiness
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