Can you explain Leviticus 19:20 more?

Question: Does Leviticus 19:20 imply that if the slave woman was not betrothed, it was not a sin to sleep with her? What punishment would it have been? Is the primary sin harm of the owner’s property or sexual sin in itself? Why is no monetary compensation paid, unlike Deuteronomy 22? Thank you! Answer: “Now…

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Do Not Become Slaves Of Men

by Sewell Hall “Were you called while a slave? Do not worry about it; but if you are able also to become free, rather do that. For he who was called in the Lord while a slave, is the Lord’s freedman; likewise he who was called while free, is Christ’s slave. You were bought with…

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Freedom in Christ

by Matthew W. Bassford A few days ago, I posted a bulletin article about Galatians 3:23-25 and Paul’s proclamation that we are no longer under the Law of Moses. In particular, I applied this to the use of instrumental music in worship and explained that the use of the instrument in Psalms and elsewhere is…

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All Servanthood Is Not Equal

by Terry Wane Benton There is slavery by force, started by kidnapping (Exodus 21:16; Deuteronomy 24:7). Thus, this slavery is not equal to the poor loaning themselves out voluntarily for 7 years or until the 50th (Jubilee) year in Israel to pay their debts. Slavery by force and kidnapping was forbidden in Israel, and therefore…

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Is everything in the Bible applicable today?

Question: Would Jesus have advocated the disgusting torture that animals endure throughout their lives in present-day slaughterhouses? While you clearly say eating dead animals is okay by God and the Bible, the Bible also says slavery is fine and selling one’s daughter is okay. So, is absolutely everything in the Bible truly applicable to present-day…

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Permitted Does Not Equate to Desired

by Doy Moyer There is a difference between what God permitted to happen subsequent to sin entering the world and what God desired from the beginning and ultimately makes right in Christ. Jesus illustrates this point: “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has…

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Did the Egyptians keep Hebrew slaves?

Question: How can I prove to atheists that the Bible is true when some people claim that there were never records that the Egyptians kept Hebrew slaves? Why would there be no such records? Answer: See: Egyptian History and the Biblical Record – A Perfect Match There is evidence of Semites being used as slaves in…

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If we are slaves to God, then aren’t we forced to obey Him?

Question: “And remember, if you were a slave when the Lord called you, you are now free in the Lord. And if you were free when the Lord called you, you are now a slave of Christ” (I Corinthians 7:22 NLT). Does this mean that if you were a slave then you are the property…

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Slavery in the Bible

Slavery in the Bible – Part 1Slavery in the Bible – Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 6:15-23   I.         At times you will run into people who attempt to discredit the Bible by stating that some aspect of its teaching was immoral or at least shady.             A.        The idea is that if it was…

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The Continuation of Slavery by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 8:28-36   I.         It is difficult to imagine, but slavery continues in the United States             A.        Oh, I know that slavery officially ended with the passing of the thirteenth amendment on December 6, 1865.             B.        Yet slavery continues to this day.             C.        Perhaps you are thinking, “I’m an American. I was born…

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The Marks of Jesus by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Galatians 6:11-18   I.         Paul battled much of his life with his own Jewish brethren             A.        They insisted on preserving the Law in many ways.             B.        A motivation is to be expected – Galatians 6:12             C.        It appears some tried to justify it by appealing to Paul.                         1.         After all he had Timothy circumcised!…

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Why did God allow slavery or commit genocide?

Question: Why did God allow the Israelites to commit actions which are clearly wrong, by His command, such as allowing daughters to be sold into slavery (Exodus 21:7) or committing genocide upon the peoples of Canaan (Joshua)? If the Bible is infallible, is this the kind of moral code that God wants us to apply…

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Did God approve of concubines?

Question: An issue came up during a Bible class and several members would like me to approach the issue in a sermon. I am trying to figure out an approach. You may already have a sermon that hits or touches on the issue, in which case just tell me which one. If not, maybe you…

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Could masters under the Old Testament law beat or kill their slaves?

Question: I know what the Scriptures teach about how we Christians today are to treat our fellow man and that it is a serious sin to murder, that being so, Is it true that during the Old Testament age the slave masters had the right to severely beat or to even kill their slaves? Answer: The slave laws…

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Was Rome a safe haven for runaway slaves?

Question: Was Rome at one time a safe haven for runaway slaves? Answer: Roman law in regard to slaves was quite severe. A Roman master could treat his slave as he pleased — sell him, beat him, or put him to death. However, morality and practical matters caused most masters to restrain their hands. After…

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Can we say for sure that Onesimus stole from his master?

Question: In regards to Philemon 18, can we say for sure that Onesimus stole from his master? Answer: Paul tells us in the book of Philemon that Onesimus was a slave (Philemon 16) who became a Christian after meeting Paul while Paul was in prison in Rome (Philemon 10). Paul makes it clear that Onesimus…

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What does the Bible say about employment?

Question: What does the Bible say about employment? Answer: During biblical times, people were self-employed, contract laborers, or servants obligated to long-term service. A contract laborer is seen in the parable of the field hands who were hired to harvest grapes (Matthew 20:1-16). Servanthood, or slavery, was generally entered through some obligation: a person might…

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