Posts Tagged ‘security’
Can I Know for Sure? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 5 I. Salvation means forgiveness of sins, but it also means a better life on earth and spending eternity with our God in heaven – Luke 18:29-30 A. Such a gift is immeasurably valuable – Matthew 13:44-46 B. We should not be anxious – Philippians 4:6-7 C. See the confidence…
Read MoreWhat It Means to be a Child of God by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreA Grand Promise
by Ken Green “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). We approach now one of the deepest passages of this most profound epistle. In the next few verses, Paul speaks to us of God’s purpose,…
Read MoreWhy Jesus Washed Feet
by Matthew W. Bassford The more I study the Bible, the more I am amazed at its ability to capture profound truths about human nature in a few words. One such amazing text appears in John 13:3-5. To worldly eyes, there seems to be an immense disconnect between Jesus’ self-perception and His actions. He thought…
Read MoreReclaiming John 10:28
by Matthew W. Bassford It is sad but true that often, the most emphatic refutation of doctrinal error is another error. Consider, for instance, Martin Luther’s reaction to the Renaissance Catholic practice of selling indulgences. He objected, and rightly so, to the notion that we could purchase our salvation, whether with money or with righteous…
Read MoreOur Security in Christ
by Edward O. Bragwell In our Grace – Obedience – Fellowship discussions, we are often told that without those in Christ being continuously cleansed of sin (even as they sin) we can have no real sense of security in Him. It goes something like this: It must be that God forgives us as we sin…
Read MoreParenting Toddlers: Love and Security by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 3:13-26 I. Toddlers A. A wonderful age. 1. Everything is a new and fresh delight 2. Curious about everything a. Often into things forbidden, not because of maliciousness b. But curiosity with what is behind this, with what happens with that? B. Beginnings of communications 1. Relief! You now have clues as to the child’s…
Read MoreKnowledge: The Key to Security in Christ by Rob Speer God and I
Read MoreAll Things Work Together for Good
by Cecil B. Douthitt Gospel Guardian – August 31, 1967 Romans 8:28 contains one of the most precious promises in all the Bible: “And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose.” An accurate understanding and an unwavering faith in this…
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