Love of the Truth

by Terry Wane Benton Everyone does not want to hear God’s word. Jesus lets each person determine their destiny and therefore lets each person pick his own interest in truth or error. He did not waste time “casting pearls before swine” (Matt.7:6). When a person reveals that they have no inclination to hear the truth…

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A Manifesto for Myself on Social Media

by Doy Moyer Please note that these are thoughts I’m mulling over for my own growth and attitude as I think about culture. If you disagree with anything here, that’s fine. I ask for respect and consideration, but you are also perfectly free to ignore this. This is in first person because they really are…

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Are we wrong to stream services on Facebook?

Question: Hello! God bless the work you do always utilizing your page to study and to get answers. Great work and God bless you always. Question: Are we in the wrong in continuing to use Facebook Live for worship service on Sundays? Thanks! Answer: Video recordings of worship services are not a replacement for actually…

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The Obsession for Notoriety in the Modern Era

by Orlando B. Gonzalez Verse: John 12:43 (NASB 2020)- “…for they loved the approval of people rather than the approval of God.”   As a young man, it’s unsurprising to say that I carry many great desires that I want to do in my lifetime.  My current main goals include becoming a professional writer, a…

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Responding to Other’s Comments

by Doy Moyer Among the works of the flesh are strife, outbursts of anger, dissensions, and divisions (Galatians 5:20). There seems to be a great deal of this in the world, and that should not surprise us. But there also seems to be much of this among those claiming to follow Christ. I’d like to…

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Should I stop using social media that advertises abortions?

Question: I was on Instagram and saw an ad for Planned Parenthood. it made me so mad! I immediately reported it as offensive. But should I just stop using it altogether? Would it be wrong for me to make a post about why abortion is evil? I’m a woman and wouldn’t want to overstep my…

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Why are you on Facebook?

Question: Your idea of a biblical church is the way I see it too. Awesome. Why are you on Facebook?  Facebook is worldly and a spy agency really, so, why would you bother with Facebook? I don’t like or trust Facebook, but I do have a small simple account for my grandson. His other family has a Facebook account for…

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How do I deal with erroneous comments on Facebook?

Question: On Facebook, I have friends who are religious but not scripturally correct in their teachings. They do post things that are correct at times but knowing they are in error, on the whole, I am always questioning myself as to whether I should respond when they comment, or just try and teach them that…

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Do I need to “like” everything mentioning God on Facebook?

Question: I liked a page on Facebook that puts a lot of Christian-related pictures in my news feed. A lot of them say things like: share this if you love God, or like if you love God, etc. I know Matthew 10:33 says “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before…

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The Christian and Social Media

by David Maxson “Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding” (Proverbs 17:27). Like it or not, social media is here to stay. While we shouldn’t overreact to the dangers of this new media, we must not ignore them either. There needs to be more…

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Facebook by PJ Anderson

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