I believe your article on suicide is unfair

Question: Good afternoon. I read an article on your website under the title, “I find your article on why suicide is a sin to be completely unsympathetic and untrue.” It was published in 2018 by Alan Feaster. I am not going to debate your position that suicide is a sin. I am not stating that I…

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Why does a member of the church go to hell if he commits suicide?

Question: I have lost a friend by suicide.  Why does a member of the church go to hell if he commits suicide?  For many people, you can’t know for sure, but I think you should. Answer: I’m sorry to hear that you lost a friend. Such events leave everyone with many questions. Suicide is a…

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Is physician-assisted suicide a sin?

Question: Is physician-assisted suicide, otherwise known as medical aid in dying or death with dignity, a sin? What if the person is severely suffering from a terminal illness? If I was suffering I would want to eliminate my suffering. Answer: Throughout mankind’s history, God has demanded that life be respected. “Surely I will require your…

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I’m having trouble dealing with a murder-suicide

Question: Good morning brother, I am and have been conflicted with a serious and tragic event for about a month now. I would like some direction on how to deal with it if you could. Recently, a former elder of our congregation took the life of his wife and himself in what we commonly refer…

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The Unwanted

Text: Psalms 10 I.         How do we deal with those whom others don’t want?             A.        Terri Shiavo made the news and was the focus of attention for numerous months.                         1.         Her husband no longer wanted to keep her alive. He claimed that she wouldn’t want to remain in this state.                         2.         What I don’t often hear is that Terri…

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Teenage Suicide: Its Causes and Its Cure

by Harold Fite Guardian of Truth – June 20, 1985 If the trend continues, 50,000 suicides will have occurred in this country by the end of 1985. Ten thousand of this number will be committed by young people between the ages of 15 and 34. Suicide is the second greatest killer among those between the ages…

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If we can’t get married, we will commit suicide

Question: My age is 25 years old. I love a woman. She has two boys. We both are ready to get married, but she has not been separated from her husband. She is drinking alcohol every day and at home. Even when she had a baby in her womb, her family had killed them. I…

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Why continue to drift aimlessly through life?

Question: Dear Jeffrey, You wrote once that suicide never solves anything. But putting that aside (because that comes with its own baggage), what if all you ever were meant to do was accept Jesus authentically and be saved — that’s all God ever had planned for you? There is no other plan. One may sincerely hope…

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Why do I fail every time I try to serve God?

Question: Dear sir, I am writing from a very small city. I was first called by God on His mission, but I refused it due to my family’s financial situation. Now I am again starting His service, but I am not able to serve it fully. Satan always puts me in places where I always…

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I am miserable after my divorce

Question: I recently got a divorce, not by my choosing, but because of my actions — I cheated on my wife on numerous occasions. I am also a recovering drug addict. I can’t honestly say how many times I left her all alone at the house with our children. I put her through misery, not…

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Did God cause Saul to commit suicide?

Question: There are two accounts of Saul’s death in the Old Testament. Both say he committed suicide (I Samuel 31:4-5 and I Chronicles 10:14) but the latter one also says that: “the LORD killed Saul because …” Why the difference? Answer: “So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because…

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I can’t stop harming myself

Question: Hello, I’ve been self-harming (cutting myself) since I was 11. I am now 17. That’s a long time and I still keep doing it. Nothing seems to stop me. My depression even got bad to the point that I’ve attempted suicide multiple times. I am now on medications for bipolar disorder and depression, but…

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Should my friend marry a girl who flirts with other men?

Question: Dear Minister, I really appreciate your website and the time you put in to answer all these questions. I have a friend who shared this dilemma with me. I wanted to get your opinion about it. My friend is in a long-distance relationship with this girl who is a praise and worship leader in…

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My life has no meaning, so why shouldn’t I take it?

Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton I am an 18-year-old male. I write to you because I am feeling extremely depressed and confused, almost suicidal, and have done for about a year or so. First of all, I would like to mention that I’m an atheist. I used to be a Christian, but even if I still…

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I have an incurable body odor issue. Why should I continue to live?

Question: My question straight forward and honest is would God send me to hell if I’m tired of living?  Let me explain.  For many years, I have been dealing with an incurable body odor issue, which causes me to smell of ammonia, regardless of how hygienic I am.  This is not a matter of hygiene. …

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My son just died of a drug overdose

Question: My son just died of an overdose and you judgmental hypocritical sheep wouldn’t know up from down. Answer: I’m sorry to hear of your grief. I’m a bit puzzled why you think someone literally on the opposite side of the world had something to do with this. I realize that you are just looking…

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I’m tired of living with this medical condition

Question: What’s the purpose of my life when I’m suffering from a socially isolating and debilitating medical condition? I kid you not, I’m so sick and tired of reading platitudes; I’m tired of begging, pleading, imploring God for help. What’s the point of living, if you can’t function as a whole person? What’s the point…

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My girlfriend committed suicide and I miss her so much!

Question: Why can’t I meet my girlfriend? I want to talk with her once more. I want to say “I’m sorry” to her. I want to feel her once more. My eyes are eager to see her. Can’t I see her just once? Can’t God show some mercy on me and allow her to meet…

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How do I find meaning in life?

Question: Today I received the news that a friend (I find no other word to call him right now) of mine from church threw himself in front of a bus and died. I cried a lot because I really cared about him, most people in his family treated him like an idiot, but he was…

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If someone catches me hurting myself, would God use that against me?

Question: What happens if I disobey Jesus right now? Like for example, if somebody catches me hurting myself would God use that against me? If somebody caught me hurting myself, would Jesus use that person to stick me under a suicide watch at a hospital? Answer: If you thought someone you loved was about to…

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I’ve done so much wrong, I fear it is too late for me

Question: Thank you so much for your web site. The analogy of the young soldier being afraid to die and the old man being afraid to live was very touching to me. I myself am an agnostic, but then I have a tremendous fear of God, so perhaps this is telling me I do believe in God…

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I blew it again. What do I do?

Question: Here is my problem: I was in a very distracting and painful relationship that totally drew me away from God. The relationship ended with me close to suicide. I couldn’t understand how this could be because I loved this person very much. I moved to a different country because the pain was too much…

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Is it a sin to want to die?

Question: Is it a sin to want to die? Answer: There have been people in the past who because of depression expressed their desire to not continue life. Job rue the day he was born, “Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb?” (Job 3:11).…

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How do you counsel a person who wants to commit suicide?

Question: I am struggling with how to counsel a person who wants to commit suicide.  Would you please help me to find out a solution to this problem? Answer: The answer would vary with the cause of the person’s desire to leave this life. So the first thing you need to do is investigate what…

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How did Saul actually die?

Question: I want to know how Saul died. In I Samuel 31:4 the Scripture says that Saul fell upon his own sword and in verse 6 it says Saul, his three sons, and his armorbearer died that same day. Then in II Samuel 1:10. the Scripture says an Amalekite stood upon him and killed him.…

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Wasn’t Judas’ problem betrayal and not suicide?

Question: I don’t think Judas’ suicide was the great issue. The main issue was the betrayal of Jesus. Jesus even said the disciples that it would have been better than the one that betrays the Son of Man not have been born. It just seems Judas will be judged for his betrayal than suicide. What…

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If a person doesn’t want to live, why is suicide wrong?

Question: My friend took her own life six years ago when we were both 17. She left me a note that said, “I have so many things I want to tell you, but I don’t know how to say. If we can meet each other in this world again, I think at that time, we…

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How can I help someone who attempted suicide?

Question: I have a problem that I have never had to deal with before and pray that I will not experience anything like it again. One of our member’s granddaughter attempted suicide, by an overdose of prescription medication, last night. She is only fifteen years old, a very sweet young girl, but one that is…

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