Posts Tagged ‘stress’
Notes on Stress
Psalms 23:1-4 Psalms 55:22 Psalms 94:19
Read MoreI’ve been going through a lot and I’ve just had it with life
Question: I need help. I’ve been going through a lot right now. But here is what is going on: We couldn’t afford to stay at my original house, so we had to move into a smaller house. Money is really tight right now. We’re poor. I don’t know if God is doing it to us.…
Read MoreCalm Under Pressure
by Dennis Stackhouse How can a person remain calm even when he or she is under pressure, sometimes immense pressure? Perhaps we should ask if it’s even possible to remain calm in this pressure-cooker world we live in? When we view this from the spiritual perspective we can say that it not only is possible,…
Read MoreThere is so much happening and my marriage is falling apart. What do I do?
Question: I’m lost and my life is so out of place. I’m married, and we have eight kids: my husband had two by his first wife, and I had one by my first marriage. We have one together. My dad past away with cancer. He had four kids who live with us. About four years…
Read MoreI’m pregnant. The stress is getting to me. I don’t know what to do
Question: I know I’m making a habit out of writing to you when life gets to me, but I know your advice helps so I do. I seem to get myself in situations that are always hurtful to me. I know I told you when I last wrote that I wouldn’t know if I was pregnant until the…
Read MoreHow do you deal with stress?
Question: Would you mind giving me some ideas about methods for dealing with stress? Answer: This would be a good topic to dig deeper into, but I don’t want you to wait for me to get something done. I have a good friend, Pat Gates, who has written a good bit about this. She has an…
Read MoreDid God invent algebra?
Question: I went through a lot of stress in high school with algebra. Did God invent algebra? I don’t think so. If He did, where is it in the Bible? Why did God invent algebra and why do we need it? People are stressed out and having nervous breakdowns over it. I bet you never…
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