Clapping as an Accompaniment to Singing in Worship

by Wayne Jackson Recently, it has been argued that clapping as a rhythmic accompaniment to singing in Christian worship is not an addition to the singing (as it is a mechanical instrument). It is merely an aid comparable to a songbook. In this article, we’ll discuss the nature of handclapping as a function of worship…

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Does it matter how well we sing?

Question: Hello Jeffrey, I hope you’re doing well by the grace of God. You have been of tremendous help to me. God richly bless you. Please, I have some questions that I want your help with. What I know: God is the audience of our worship. But when we teach as an act of worship,…

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Are there inappropriate times to sing or pray?

Question: Are there times it would be inappropriate to pray or sing hymns? I’ve often wondered if you should pray or sing while taking a shower, for example, when you’re quite literally wholly exposed. Is it wrong to approach God in prayer like that or to worship Him in a song like that? Or even…

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My Voice

by Chadwick Brewer “Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:19-20). Have you ever wondered why God never asked us to have choirs…

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Why Do Most Churches of Christ Use Shaped Note Hymnbooks?

by Wayne S. Walker Question: I’m still doing some research as time permits regarding hymnbooks and how certain practices arose among our brethren. I know the history of shape notes well, but not how the system came to be used (and how widely it still is) among our brethren. A couple of questions you may…

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Choirs and Solos by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 13:12-16   I.         Satan never stops in his relentless pursuit of God’s people to lead them astray – I Peter 5:8-9             A.        In the past, we talked about the introduction of musical instruments into the worship.                         1.         We showed from scripture that the practice was not authorized by God                         2.         We showed…

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Adding to the Word of God?

by Wayne S. Walker Most faithful Christians are aware that through the years many unauthorized additions have been made to what God’s word teaches. Denominations have added their own creeds to the doctrine of Christ. Additions to scriptural baptism, either in the action (sprinkling and pouring) or in the subjects (infants, babies, and small children)…

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Singing to the Lord

by Michael Hickox via The Sincere Milk of God’s Word “Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19). “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,…

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Songs in the Night

by Judy Chappelear Sentry Magazine, June 2002 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken … ” That scripture was taken from Acts 16:25-26. We recall that Paul…

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The Silence of the Scriptures and Why We Sing

by Edward Pratte In the New Testament, some things are required and some things are prohibited. Everything else falls into the realm of the things which are permitted. As one focuses more closely on the things that are permitted, the silence of the Scriptures soon becomes a major concern. What about the silence of the…

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Can singing be done silently?

Question: Dear brother Jeffrey, Here in Singapore, due to COVID-19, we have not been able to assemble for worship on Sunday since April this year, and members could log in through Zoom to worship “virtually”. The government has allowed worship for a maximum of 50 members per congregation since July but members must adhere to…

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Are virtual choirs wrong?

Question: Hi, With the advent of social media, we hear about these virtual choirs. Do Christians have the authority to do virtual choirs and post them on Facebook? Doesn’t this constitute entertainment because they have an audience? Answer: I can play the card game Solitaire and find it entertaining, even though there is no audience.…

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How Song Leaders Can Pick Good Hymns

by Matthew W. Bassford via His Excellent Word Over the past month or two, I’ve heard from a few people who were wondering why I was writing so much about good and bad hymns. What’s the take-home? What’s the so-what? I have an extremely strong view of congregational autonomy, so I’m not trying to dictate to…

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When Songs were Greater than Swords

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Short Talk Text: II Chronicles 20:1-29   I.         During Jehoshaphat’s reign, Moab, Ammon, and Edom combined to attack Jerusalem             A.        Jehoshaphat called on God for help             B.        The answer – II Chronicles 20:15-17             C.        They went out without weapons – only songs and praise on their lips – II Chronicles 20:20-23                         1.         Somehow Ammon and Moab…

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Thanks for posting information on the history of the hymnbook

Question: I was looking up hymn book resources on the Internet and found the La Vista church’s page for hymn book history. Thanks for putting the page up there. Answer: I’m glad you found the material useful. There are several articles filed under “Music” on the history of the hymns we sing.

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Are singing and prayers during mid-week Bible study worship?

Question: Dear Brother, I am a member of the Body of Christ. I have a question that I hope you can answer for me. After midweek Bible class everyone gathers and we sing songs, offer up prayers, a short sermon is given, and an invitation is extended. Is this worship? I know it is not…

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A History of Our Hymnbooks

by Wayne S. Walker originally published in Faith and Facts, October 1999 Back in the very late 1700s and early 1800s, the conditions in this new nation appeared just right for a number of different men from different denominational backgrounds in different parts of the country to begin calling for a return to New Testament…

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Thank you for the tips on song leading

Question: Thank you so much for the tips that you have displayed on the site about Song Leading in the Church. I have been part of the church of Christ as far back as I can remember.  I am very thankful that my parents raised me in this church. I was inspired by my late Grandfather to become a…

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A Singing Church

by Brock Hartwigsen The church was prophesied in the Old Testament as a singing church. In II Samuel 22:50 and repeated in Psalms 18:49, David stated: “Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.” Years later the apostle Paul by inspiration applied this passage to…

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Singing to the Lord

by Bill Echols via The Persuader, February 17, 2008; Vol. 10, No. 45 Recently I read some excerpts from a book entitled Old Light on New Worship by John Price, “pastor” of Grace Baptist Church in Rochester, NY. Note carefully what he says. “Our worship should be governed, not by our own personal desires or preferences, not…

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Should Christians sing during the Lord’s supper?

Question: Should Christians sing during the Lord’s supper? Answer: I wonder what is next — singing during prayer or singing during the sermon!? I really don’t understand why people think that the Lord’s Supper needs some kind of “crutch” or “support” to make it meaningful and relevant to Christians. When the Lord gave the bread…

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How can I get the people at my congregation to sing parts?

Question: In the church I attend, they only sing the lead part. Do you know how I could get them to sing the other parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass? There are only two altos and one bass here, everyone else sings the lead. If you have any other web sites that would help that…

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Can a visiting Christian lead a congregation in song?

Question: I have been attending a local church for several months. During that time I began to stand up, come forward, and lead a song at the invitation of the congregation. Every first Wednesday of the month all men are invited to lead one song during services. I began the song and immediately the congregation…

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Why Sing?

by Wayne S. Walker “I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to You among the nations” (Psalm 57:9). The Hebrew name for the book of Psalms is “Tehellim” meaning “praises.” Our English word “psalm,” which translates the Hebrew word “mizmor,” comes from the Greek term “psalmos” and refers to a…

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How do you know that Ephesians 5:19 is speaking about worship?

Question: I understand which verses talk about singing, but the main verse used by the churches of Christ to back up their singing is found in Ephesians. However, the verses prior to and after do not imply anything about worship. The prior verse speaks of not being drunk from wine wherein is excess. Did the…

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Is it wrong to clap or raise hands during singing?

Question: I love the Lord our God with all that I am. Daily I give my all to show Christ through my actions. Of course, I am a sinner and I know that this is a daily growing experience, but what a journey it is! I am a married young female and understand, accept, and…

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I.         At times I am amazed at the vagueness that has entered our beliefs             A.        I’m sure the wishy-washy-ness of the denominational world has much to do it.                         1.         To define something crisply means you are dividing people into two groups — those who are right and those who are wrong.                         2.         And “Heaven forbid, if we actually charge…

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