Do we need to confess our sinfulness every day?

Question: I grew up Catholic but have turned away from it and am finally learning how to/what it means to ‘walk with the Lord”. Is it correct to confess our sinfulness every day or necessary to do so before prayer? Do we confess to Jesus or Father God? How do we confess? This confuses me because…

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Your response is the best I’ve read about Ephesians 2:3

Question: The response you provided for Ephesians 2:3 is the best I have read over the last month of research about Augustine’s view of Original Sin. Thanks for taking the time to clarify the Koine Greek as well. Blessings on you and the Church in La Vista. Answer: It is good to hear that the…

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Man’s Sinful Nature by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.          I’ve been hearing a lot about man’s sinful nature              A.         A large number of people in denominations take it for granted that mankind is born sinful.                           1.          In other words, people can’t help but to sin because it is a part of our nature.                           2.          The Philadelphia Confession of Faith (p. 7-8) states…

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Do Men Have a Sinful Nature? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 2:1-10   I.         Romans 3:23 – Why is it that everyone sins, barring Jesus our Lord?             A.        A dominant teaching among the denominations is the idea that people are born sinful.                         1.         The Westminster Confession gives a popular view: “Our first parents, being seduced by the subtlety and temptations of Satan,…

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Since man is created in God’s image, how can he have a sinful nature?

Question: Since we were created by God and in His image, how is it possible that we have a sinful nature? Answer: The Bible doesn’t use the phrase “sinful nature.” It is the New International Version that substitutes “sinful nature” for the word “flesh” in many places. In doing so, it introduces a concept not…

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What is meant when Paul said we are by nature children of wrath?

Question: In Ephesians 2:3 it talks about by nature we are children of wrath, My own opinion is that it’s referring not to children, which is plain and clear, but to people who have already sinned. I’m trying to get this point across to my friend, but he believes in a sin nature and says…

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