Is it wrong to kiss my boyfriend?

Question: Hello, I am 21 years old and am in a relationship. Is it too early? My boyfriend confessed to me that he fornicated once with his first girlfriend, and he really regrets and feels really so bad when he remembers it. He has never shared it with anyone except me, and it really took…

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Should I tell my girlfriend that I cheated on her?

Question: I and my girlfriend have been in a distant relationship for over two years. We’ve decided to marry after her graduation. I never had any intention of cheating on her before. But recently I had to be with a girl for academic purposes. I spent hours in her home doing our projects. We became…

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How I Met And Fell In Love With Marilyn

by David Truong Sentry Magazine, December 2000 During the last few months of my brother’s life, what I feared most was how much l would miss him for the rest of my life. So in the last few seconds of his life on earth, I knelt down next to his bed and whispered these final…

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Is cheating while dating known as adultery?

Question: Is cheating while dating (as in having a boyfriend or girlfriend) known as adultery? Answer: Having sex with someone you are not married to is called “fornication.” See Notes on Sex for more information. Adultery is a type of fornication where one or both people are married, but not to each other. Dating carries no formal…

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Do I tell my boyfriend that I cheated on him?

Question: Hi, I love your articles and I am facing a problem now. Just some background about me. I am a Christian who has backslid for almost 10 years. I have a 4 years long boyfriend with me. But just last year, me being dumb and naive, a guy friend told me that I would…

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Do we need to break up because we sinned?

Question: Hello, My girlfriend and I, are both Christians. and we consider our relationship to be serious because our ultimate goal is to get married. We have been in the relationship for over 2 years, and everything was great as a Christian couple, but a few months ago we started indulging phone sex/sexting. We understand…

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How do I keep my family from dividing over my choice of a girlfriend?

Question: Good evening sir, I need advice. I’m dating my brother’s ex-girlfriend. They dated for almost five years. It ended when my brother got another girl pregnant and he eventually ended up marrying the other girl. Five years after the breakup, I developed feelings for her, and when I told her, she told me that…

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I need advice about living with my girlfriend

Question: Good day sir, I read through the advice you gave a lady on your site and I was enlightened with your answers. Please sir, I also need your help in this area. I am a guy staying with my girlfriend. The problem is that we have set rules to guide us for the period…

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Should I marry a woman who had a habit of dating married men?

Question: Is it OK to marry a lady who has a past of dating married men? The majority of the men she has dated were married men. It also bothers me that she keeps her past a secret. Answer: I don’t know what kind of things you think she is keeping secret from you. Should…

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Did I make the right choice in returning to my old boyfriend?

Question: Good day! I have a long time boyfriend. I’m a Christian, and he is not. That he is not a Christian is a big deal for me. Even though he has been my boyfriend for almost five years, I keep praying to God to give me a godly man. A man who is actively…

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How do you get someone to respect you?

Question: Brother Hamilton, How do you get someone to respect you? How does it work, or how is it supposed to work? For example, this girl I was dating called me while she was under the influence of alcohol. We were hashing out a disagreement about something. I immediately corrected her on it, and she…

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Is it wrong to date someone from the church you attend?

Question: I have a question regarding church discipline. I attend a congregation where a brother has dated several sisters in the same congregation.  Also, some of them have left this congregation. Should I stay or look for another place of worship? Is this acceptable? Thanks for your cooperation. Answer: If I take your question exactly…

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Should I return the interests of a man who has past sexual sins?

Question: Hi, I came across your website looking for answers concerning someone I am interested in. A good Christian guy has begun showing interest in me, and I’ve started liking him. He seems to have a deep and genuine relationship with God. When he talks about mistakes that he’s made, it sounds like he is…

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Should we break up because of our lack of self-control?

Question: Hi, I’m 25 years old. I have a boyfriend who is a Christian too. We have been together for less than 9 months. We set boundaries. and we know that we should abstain from sex before marriage. At first, it was okay. There are no kissing or hugs. We just held hands. After a…

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Could God have sent me the man I rejected?

Question: Hello, Years ago when I was nearing 20, I dated a man who was several years older than me. I was barely out of high school. I had no idea what I wanted for a job or even what I wanted out of life. That man had a career and had started the process…

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Should I date someone who might have been married before?

Question: Hi, I’m a Christian and in my late twenties. There is this young woman at my workplace whom I am really interested in. I don’t know her too well, but I do know that she is very sweet and that she claims to be a Christian. The problem is that I think that she…

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Does God have a say in whom we choose as a spouse?

Question: I have a question concerning finding a wife (or husband for the woman). Does God have any say in whom we choose as our wife? Does God help us in any way such as leading us to a particular woman as if it was destined? Or does God bring us to a particular woman…

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All we have in common is our love for God. Is that enough to get married?

Question: Hello there, I’m in a serious relationship. It took me a while to come to terms with it because we were friends initially. My boyfriend is an awesome guy, he loves and serves God and is caring to people around. He’s passionate about work, his students, family, church, etc.. I could go on. He’s…

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Should I marry a guy I knew for less than two weeks?

Question: I was on an internship in a Muslim country. Only ten days were left before the completion of my internship. I met this guy several times. He cared a lot about me. I never received this kind of care from any other person before. In those few days, we meet every night for five…

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Will I be unhappy marrying a girl who is not a virgin?

Question: Dear Sir, I would like to ask a question about what I should do regarding my relationship. I am having difficulty deciding on a solution. Also, please consider our culture and community’s point of view. I have a girlfriend. We are both in our mid-twenties. We have been together for about a month. Before…

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Thank you for dealing with issues regarding sexuality

Question: I appreciate the wisdom God has given you to have such a wonderful site where relationship issues, especially those regarding sex, is discussed. I have gained a lot of knowledge and I am very much blessed. Thank you sir. Answer: I’m glad that the information posted on this site is useful in your growth…

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Should I marry a woman who refuses to submit to me?

Question: Hi, How are you? I am a born again, 28-year-old young man. I have read many of your posts, and I find them very helpful and always in line with the word of God. I have a bit of a challenge. I have my girlfriend, who I have been in a relationship with for…

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I found pornography on my fiance’s flash drives. What should I do?

Question: I found flash drives in my fiancé’s stuff: one had a hidden folder of photos of family, wallpapers, and a folder named “Girls” with half-naked pictures of women — both anime and movie star. Another flash drive had a New Folder with mixed pictures both half-naked anime photos plus photos of us. I confronted…

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Is it right for my parents to reject my fiance?

Question: Hello Minister, I started praying to God for a wife and stated the qualities I wanted each time I prayed. My prayer used to go like this: “Dear Lord, give me a woman who has a heart for you, one who would love me and be loyal, and increase my hunger for you. Make…

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Thank you for reaching out to guide me when I needed it

Question: Dear sir, It’s me again. I know you won’t remember me, as you probably get hundreds of emails from all over the world. But I still remember you. Around three years back, I reached out to you for help regarding my relationship with an unbeliever. They say love is blind. But sometimes love chooses…

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I caught my fiance lying and now I can’t trust him

Question: Hi and good day, My fiancé and I have both been Christians for some years now; however, I strongly believe that he has a problem with lying. He lies and makes others look bad, and he looks like the victim. Accidentally, I found out the truth about a matter, and only when I confronted…

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I learned a lot from your post about avoiding sex before marriage

Question: Hello, I have read the post on avoiding sex before marriage. I have learned a lot. I hope that I will be able to stick to what the word says and that my relationship won’t fail because we are trying to stay pure. Thank you for the advice. Answer: You’re welcome.

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How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy?

Question: Hi Jeff, How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy? Answer: Let’s start with what most people would agree would be going too far: sexual intercourse or fornication. Sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful and are covered under the word “fornication.” In Greek, the word is porneia. It is…

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Reflections on Singleness

by Jonathan T. Engel Photo by Nick Adams on Unsplash Thanks to various factors, over the past few months I have, in some respects, felt more hopeful than ever about my prospects for marriage. A huge part of this is that I finally started convincing myself of what others have told me, namely, that it’s…

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We are going too far sexually and can’t figure out how to stop

Question: I am 18 and I want to stop all this fooling around that my girlfriend and I keep getting sucked back into. Basically, we say, “okay, this can’t happen again so what are we going to do to keep ourselves from it?” Then we come up with things but next thing you know, the…

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