Direct Operation of the Holy Spirit?

by Adam Litmer adapted and rewritten from an article by R.L. Whiteside In the religious world, claiming that individuals cannot be saved unless the Holy Spirit personally operates on their hearts is popular. This belief is a direct result of another popular doctrine –inherited depravity. The idea is that, because of the sin of Adam…

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Jefferson D. Tant – J. C. McQuiddy Exchange  

by Terry Gardner comments by Jefferson David Tant III Tant was barred from the Gospel Advocate starting in 1909 for some ten years. In Tant’s biography, this is attributed to the fact that the Advocate became more “literary” with the addition of men like R. H. Boll to the staff. … The story goes that…

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Enthusiasm for Evangelism

by Bubba Garner Southside Church of Christ, 2008 I am a huge Star Wars fan. I still have all the action figures, spaceships, and accessories I got while growing up. Sometimes, I bring them down from the attic and let my kids play with them. Under close supervision, that is. But I enjoy watching other…

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Proof the Book of Mormon Is Not True

Author Unknown The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible and was a work of fiction written by Joseph Smith in the 1800s, who copied much of it from the King James Version, trying to make it look like an ancient manuscript. Here is proof that the Book of Mormon isn’t true: Proof that Joseph Smith…

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The Whole Counsel of God

by Terry Wane Benton Paul said he had preached “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) but never the Quran or the Book of Mormon. Therefore, neither of those is part of God’s counsel, and we need not pretend or believe they are. Jesus promised that His eye-witnessing apostles would be guided into all truth by…

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by Perry Hall “Attendance” is a biblical topic (Hebrews 10:25), but how we approach attendance is not always biblical! I have visited congregations where Sunday morning attendance was almost matched on Sunday nights. Usually, these are smaller groups. However, I have also seen larger groups that were very impressive. On the opposite side, I have seen…

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Gratitude for the Grace of God

by Doy Moyer The grace of God through Jesus Christ is one of the most powerful concepts to consider. We stand in the grace of God as we have peace (reconciliation) with Him (Romans 5:1-5). As great as this is, it is also a concept that can be twisted, perverted, and become a license to…

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by Zeke Flores One problem with sin, and there are many, is that it promises a freedom it can never deliver. Sin paints submission to God as a form of bondage that hinders us, traps us, and keeps us down. In reality, it’s the false promise of independence from God that is the harsh slavery.…

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Modern Apostles?

by Terry Wane Benton We know the names, power, and testimony of Jesus’s twelve eye-witnessing apostles. We read their names and powers here: “Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; And when He had…

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Grace and Authority

by Doy Moyer Grace can only come from one with the power and authority to grant it. Some may pit emphasis on God’s authority over against emphasis on grace, but they go hand in hand. The only way that grace can mean anything to us is that it has been offered by the only One…

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Jesus Wept at Human Pain and Hurt

by Terry Wane Benton He saw and cared deeply about how His disciples hurt over Lazarus’ death (John 11). Jesus cared so deeply that He wept with them. He suffered with them, and He knew the larger plan would be to raise Lazarus so that more good could come out of all this pain. More…

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Being Corrected and Correcting Others

by Jerry Falk Throughout the years, I have been corrected about shortcomings in my life, and today, I can confidently say that I am a better person for it! I thank God for the painful moments when His word has cut me to the heart (Hebrews 4:12; Acts 2:37), even when such correction has come…

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The Manifestation of the Spirit

by Terry Wane Benton “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (I Corinthians 12:7). You see a manifestation, but not the Spirit himself. The way the Spirit manifested something was in the nine miraculous powers. These showed a power that no man could produce by his own power. Genuine…

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by Terry Wane Benton To the common man, “redemption” is seldom used in his daily vocabulary. To someone captivated and addicted or held in slavery, it means someone is going to pay the price to get them out from under their miserable burden and give them a new start. To them, it is a word…

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Advice to Beginners

by Leslie Diestelkamp via Think on These Things, V. 55, N. 3, July-September 2024 This is not intended to be an arbitrary directive to young preachers but is based on four-and-one-half decades of experience; close observation of gospel work and workers for all these years; and scriptural principles. It is hoped that these brief words will…

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Those Who Are With Us Are More Than Those Who Are With Them

by Al Diestelkamp via Think on These Things, V. 55, N. 3, July-September 2024 Many stories in the Old Testament have become “favorites” because of the great faith shown by God’s people. Hebrews 11 is but a small sample of faith that produced heroes worthy of imitation. As a youth, one of my favorite stories…

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By One Spirit

by Terry Wane Benton “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free persons, and all were made to drink one Spirit” (I Corinthians 12:13 LEB) The “by” tells us the influence that compelled us to be baptized (immersed) into the body of Christ. They were…

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Christians and Culture

by Chadwick Brewer “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). “Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just…

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The Sacrifice of Self

by Jefferson David Tant One familiar Bible passage is Romans 12:1: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice…” We hear much about “sacrifice” and the “spirit of sacrifice.” This is all well and good, for our hope of heaven depends upon our willingness to give…

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The Right to Become

by Terry Wane Benton “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12). Jesus gave certain people the right to become children of God. Unbelievers are not given this right. But even believers are not automatically in. The…

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A Firm and Steady Heart

by Jason Hardin via “A Firm and Steady Heart,” In God’s Image, 14 July 2024 “Praise the LORD! How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house,…

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According to the Pattern

by Jefferson David Tant An interesting passage in Hebrews 8 contains a statement that has an important message for us today, even as it did when it was written thousands of years ago. It mentions the fact that God has a “pattern” that is to be respected and followed. It points out that even Christ…

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The Case of the Philippian Jailor

by Terry Wane Benton He wanted to know, “What shall I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). The simple answer: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ…and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). The details of why believe in Jesus, what to believe about Jesus, and how to express faith in Jesus followed. In other words,…

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Free Gift

by Terry Wane Benton Some teach that “there are no conditions for salvation” because it is a “free gift.” But free gifts can have conditions for reception. I can put a free gift in the trunk of my car and tell you that if you take my keys and get it, you will have it.…

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Revealing the Wisdom of God

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles — if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace which was given to me for you; that by revelation there was made known to me the mystery, as I wrote before in…

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Is the Gospel Political?

by Doy Moyer No… and yes. First, no. The gospel is not about parties and political power. It is not a brand of worldly government, for it transcends all governments (see Isaiah 2:1-4; Daniel 2:44-45). We can be Christians regardless of the political system in which we live. Some are more friendly than others, and…

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“Because Of” or “Into”?

by Terry Wane Benton The Argument: “In addition to Acts 2:38, there are three other verses where the Greek word eis is used in conjunction with the word “baptize” or “baptism.” The first of these is Matthew 3:11, “baptize you with water for repentance.” Clearly the Greek word eis cannot mean “in order to get”…

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Confessing Jesus as Lord

by Doy Moyer There is no conversion to Christ and His kingdom without recognizing He is King. In the context of teaching the message of good news, peace, happiness, and salvation, the proclamation is made, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7). This is the passage quoted by Paul in Romans 10, showing the need for preaching…

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The Umbrella Nature of the Term “Faith”

by Terry Wane Benton One preacher (Stephen Whitsett) argued the following: “In the same way, it would be possible that Acts 2:38 is indeed communicating the fact that they were to be baptized “as the result of” or “because” they already had believed and in doing so had already received forgiveness of their sins (John…

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Paul’s Letters to Preachers

by Keith Sharp In denominational commentaries, the apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus are grouped together as “The Pastoral Epistles.” The term “pastor” is found only once in the New Testament, in Ephesians 4:11 (KJV, NKJV, ASV, NASV). The word is translated as “shepherds” in the ESV. It is the noun form of the…

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For (eis) the Remission of Sins

by Terry Wane Benton It is argued by some that “for” the remission of sins, as used in Acts 2:38, should be understood to mean “because of” the remission of sins you already have. They say it is like we use the term when saying, “Take some ibuprofen for your headache.” In that case, “for”…

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Response to Why Lutherans Sprinkle Infants

by Raymond Warfel A few days ago, I came across a post on why Lutherans baptize (sprinkle) babies. As I read through the nine points, I saw the need to respond. Because of Grace If you understand grace you can understand infant baptism. Many believe that only those who are able to make a decision…

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Precious in the Sight of the LORD

by Tommy Peeler “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His godly ones” (Psalm 116:15). What does this mean? Psalms 116 is best described as an individual psalm of thanksgiving. He is thanking God for saving his life. The writer had an experience where the “cords of death encompassed me and…

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The Bible on Roman Catholicism

by Zeke Flores A while back, I read a shared post by a Catholic priest. He was angered by “a sea of stupid articles, idiotic commentary and boneheaded op-eds about the Catholic Church, by people who have no clue what they’re talking about.” He went on to rant about “the number of misinformed articles I’ve…

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Baptismal Regeneration?

by Terry Wane Benton Some teach and believe that the water of baptism is in no way tied to regeneration or salvation. They think it is something you do after salvation as just a symbol of what already happened in your heart. We see no proof of that view in the scriptures. All verses that…

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The Rise of Denominationalism

by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September 2024 In the previous article, we discussed the Reformation Movement, which came when the Roman Catholic Church was a religiously and politically dominating force. Over the centuries, it became increasingly corrupt until Martin Luther challenged some of the errors and abuses of the prevailing system.…

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On the First Day of the Week

by Terry Wane Benton Acts 20:7 lets us know when the disciples of Jesus came together to break bread. It was the first day of the week. Paul had been there almost a week waiting to get with the brethren. On the first day of the week, the disciples came together to take the bread…

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Jeremiah’s Ending Doesn’t Fit

by Perry Hall If you read the ending of Jeremiah, it doesn’t fit. The actual ending should be Jeremiah 52:30, which fittingly records how many Jews were taken into captivity. That verse completes a beginning where Jeremiah is called to prophesy the coming doom and closes a section describing Nebuchadezzar’s conquering, destruction, exportation, and vicarious…

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Eternal Life

by Terry Wane Benton Jesus is the truth, and Jesus affirms that eternal life is real and the most special thing any of us could have in our possession. However, notice that it is not merely about possessing and claiming to believe the scriptures. The Jews possessed the scriptures of the Old Testament and claimed…

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Things Foretold

by Terry Wane Benton Peter drove a point home to the Jews who did not believe in Jesus but gave lip service to believing their scriptures. It is impossible for them to actually believe the Old Testament scriptures, the scriptures the Jews claimed to believe because the Old Testament scriptures are “those things which God…

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