Church and State: The Problem Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 2:13-17   I.         It is easy to forget that the relationship between church and state that we have today did not exist when Christ entered the world             A.        Most societies in the past were held together by a common religious loyalty             B.        The Babylonians expected everyone in their…

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Mistakes in Religion Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 7:13-29   I.         How do you find the truth?             A.        People use numerous ways, but usually they revolve around avoiding effort II.        Following the Majority – Matthew 7:13-14             A.        You see this in many areas of life.                         1.         If most people say something, then it is assumed to be true             B.        Religion…

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Amazing Grace Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 2:1-10   I.         John Newton was born in England in 1725             A.        Before he reached the age of seven, his mother died.             B.        His father remarried and John was sent off to a boarding school             C.        At the age of 11, John left school to become a sailor on his…

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The Wrath of God Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 10:26-31   I.         Romans 1:18 warn of the wrath of God being revealed. How is His wrath revealed? II.        God directly takes action             A.        God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in His wrath – Deuteronomy 29:23             B.        When people grumbled against Moses, God sent a plague – Numbers 16:42-46 III.       God allows…

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Cults Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Timothy 3:1-9   I.         Cults periodically make the news.             A.        It is unfortunate that gullible people exist, willing to believe anything that will bring them contentment within themselves. Some people are willing to suspend all reason to have some hope.                         1.         John 8:44 – Satan leads many away with…

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The Purpose of the Church Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 3:14-16   I.         Have you paused to consider why the church exists?             A.        It appears to me that many of the problems faced by congregations stem from a lack of understanding the purpose of the church             B.        I looked at material from various denominations.                         1.         One, after getting a…

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Names for God’s People Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 62:1-5   I.             Names hold a particular significance in the Bible                 A.           When a child is born in this country, parents agonize on picking out just the right name.                                  1.             Often the name is selected because it has a nice “ring” to it                                  2.             Because a favorite relative has the…

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Jesus is the “I AM” by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.          Many religions cast doubts on the deity of Jesus              A.         Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that Jesus is the first creation of God.              B.         Muslims see Jesus as nothing more than a significant prophet, much like Moses.              C.         Probably the best analysis of who is Jesus is found in the book of John. II.         The evidence…

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Care for the Weak by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 12:9-21   I.         Even a casual reading of the Gospels brings up an noticeable and odd fact, Jesus would heal and then charge the people to tell no one.             A.        Why?                         1.         First, Jesus did not need any advertisement. His presence was sufficient.                         2.         Second, Jesus did not want people following just…

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God’s Glory in Concealed Things by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 97   I.         When men wish for the glory of other men, they highlight the things that they do             A.        When we want a promotion or a pay raise, we present to our bosses lists of how we benefitted the company. We make sure the boss notices the good things…

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Taking Courage by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 28:1-16   I.         Suppose your boss never gave you any feedback concerning your job. You come in, do your job and leave, but you never hear a word of criticism or praise.             A.        It almost sounds like the ideal job. But I think most people would soon find it to…

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By What Power? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 4:1-12   I.         There is a appeal to being your own boss, to do your own thing, and not answer to anyone             A.        You can see it during the times of the Judges – Judges 21:25                         1.         Yet, it is a period marked by the Israelites’ behavior going from bad to…

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The Deity of Christ While on Earth by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 2:5-8   I.         A debate arose among brethren concerning the nature of Christ several decades ago             A.        I watched the debates rage. It is easy to see that both sides stretch the position of the other as they attempt to justify their belief.                         1.         It does not affect a person’s salvation…

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Why Christ Is Worthy of Praise by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 1:1-14   I.         Christ has been appointed heir of all things             A.        Everything belonging to the Father are Christ’s – John 16:15             B.        The nations were given to him as an inheritance – Psalms 2:8             C.        All things are gathered together under his rule – Ephesians 1:10             D.        All Christians are his inheritance…

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What Kind of Life Do You Want?

by Dennis Abernathy I recently read this observation about today’s society: “Modern society wants entertainment instead of enrichment and a ‘good time’ rather than a ‘good life.'” Sadly, we see this played out in many people’s lives, and none of us are immune to the temptation to want the same. Instead of being spiritually enriched,…

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Hebrews: Encouragement to Remain Faithful by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 10:19-25   I.         The book of Hebrews interleaves evidence of the superiority of Christ, His covenant, and His church with encouragement to the brethren to remain faithful.             A.        After giving evidence that Jesus is God’s son, the writer said – Hebrews 2:1-4             B.        Jesus was a faithful son and so must…

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Morality Without Godliness

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 6:24-31   I.         Some people have a pretty good sense of morality and yet are not interested in following God             A.        For example, not all atheists are immoral people             B.        But there is a problem with the consistency of their moral standards. II.        Jehoram             A.        Jehoram was not a good man, but his…

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An Honorable Man: Mordecai by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 13:1-10   I.         Because of Paul’s late arrival on the scene, his apostleship was at times questioned.             A.        In Corinth, though established by Paul, the church struggled with many sins.                         1.         There were some among the Corinthians less inclined to correct their problems or to heed Paul’s rebukes                         2.         Paul warned…

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Can I Know for Sure? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 5   I.         Salvation means forgiveness of sins, but it also means a better life on earth and spending eternity with our God in heaven – Luke 18:29-30             A.        Such a gift is immeasurably valuable – Matthew 13:44-46             B.        We should not be anxious – Philippians 4:6-7             C.        See the confidence…

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Character Matters by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 5:1-5   I.         Suppose you needed to hire someone for a job. What would you look for?             A.        You probably need someone with the skills to do the job, but what other things would you look for? Given several candidates with equivalent skills, what would set one person out above…

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Blessed Assurance by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 10:19-26   I.         If you died at this very moment, would the Lord place you in Heaven or Hell?             A.        Most would answer, “I hope it would be in Heaven.”             B.        Yet the answer lacks confidence. They are not certain.             C.        But why not? Who else would know of your standing before…

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The Song “Blessed Assurance”

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         This song declares the praises of our Savior             A.        What is meant by saying this is my story?             B.        The foundation of this song is II Corinthians 3:1-6                         1.         The Christians in Corinth were the living proof of the work of the apostle Paul.                         2.         They have confidence towards God, not from themselves, but from…

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What Constitutes Obedience? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 21:28-32   I.         When is obedience truly obedience?             A.        People seem to have varying ideas about what obedience actually means.                         1.         Perhaps not by words, but definitely by what is done. II.        Inadequate obedience             A.        Inaction                         1.         Matthew 21:28-32 – The one son claimed he would obey, but did nothing                         2.         In essence this is…

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What Made Hezekiah Great? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 18:1-6   I.         Our reading tells us that Hezekiah was a great king of Israel.             A.        There was no king like him before in Judah. II.        The question, though, is what made Hezekiah great?             A.        It wasn’t his father, Ahaz                         1.         Ahaz was a wicked man – II Kings 16:2-4                         2.         Later we…

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Kindness and Generosity by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 58:1-12   I.         I ran across an interesting article by Aemily Smith, originally published in The Atlantic, November 9, 2014. “Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down to Two Basic Traits.”             A.        It was about what factors showed whether a relationship would survive or not.             B.        The basic factors were kindness and…

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Honor the King by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 2:13-17   I.         I Peter 2:17 – Honor the King             A.        It is getting hard to avoid the problems this country has with its leaders             B.        Everyone knows about the sins commit by some of our recent presidents and each has his own opinion on the matter             C.        But knowing that…

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A Tender Heart

A Tender Heart (Part 1)A Tender Heart (Part 2) by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 22:14-20   I.         The heart of Josiah             A.        Those were dark days in the kingdom. For 55 years his grandfather had harshly ruled over Judah – a reign of evil and terror – II Kings 21:1-2, 6                         1.         So terrible were his…

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Tabitha by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 9:32-43   I.         In our text we find two stories.             A.        The great miracle that God performed through Peter to raise a woman who had died.                         1.         This event brought many to the Lord – Acts 9:42                         2.         We don’t have access to miracles today; yet, we can learn how to lead…

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The Direction of Your Life

The Direction of Your Life – Part 1The Direction of Your Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 6:19-24   I.         Whenever I taught someone to drive, I was reminded that people have a tendency to go in the direction they are looking.             A.        When a person first learns to drive, they tend to look at things…

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What Must I Do to Go to Heaven? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-22   I.         I was asked, “What must I do to go to Heaven when I die? Please no opinions. Please use the Bible, it is all we have that is the truth.”             A.        I am impressed that this man only wants a biblical answer. Far too many simply want…

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The Greatest Plan by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 5:27-42   I.         The rulers of the Jews were upset.             A.        They had killed off a man whom they thought was leading the people against them, but his teachings just won’t go away.                         1.         Men who were his disciples had continued to teach this man’s doctrine.                         2.         They could not be intimidated,…

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God Conscious by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 139   I.         A truly godly man lives with a constant realization of God’s divine presence             A.        He is God conscious             B.        When he awakes in the morning, there is God.             C.        As he dresses for work, there is God.             D.        As he goes in to breakfast with his family, as he drives…

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Salvation in No One Else by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 4:5-12   I.         In April, 2011, Time Magazine listed their 100 most influential people, among whom was Rob Bell, a preacher who founded a church called “Mars Hill.”             A.        It isn’t connected with any denomination. Time reveled in calling Mr. Bell and his church “evangelical,” but it isn’t an accurate…

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The Way Text: Isaiah 35   I.         At times I will be studying and a verse sticks in my mind.             A.        In Isaiah 35 is a prophecy. It is obviously talking about the time when Jesus walked on this earth – Isaiah 35:4-6             B.        What struck me was the description of a highway – Isaiah 35:8-9                         1.         Such an interesting…

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Irresistible Grace by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 23:34-39   I.         John Calvin and his followers believe that God is so totally sovereign in His will that no one can change His creation. He is all powerful and irresistible             A.        The Westminster Confession of Faith states, “God from all eternity, did … unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass.”…

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Finding Grace by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 6:1-8   I.         Each time we choose to sin, we are rejecting the one who tells us not to sin.             A.        It is something God has seen throughout man’s history                         1.         Numbers 14:11 – Israel’s rebellion                         2.         I Samuel 15:23 – Saul’s rebellion                         3.         II Kings 17:15 – Israel’s rebellion                         4.         It is why…

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What Does Your Clothing Say? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 22:2-14   I.         Take a look at these pictures and tell me what you think.             A.        Men                         1.         Who is the most rebellious?                         2.         Who works hard?                         3.         Who doesn’t care what others think?                         4.         Who is the most practical?                         5.         Who is the most studious?                         6.         Who is the most fun loving?                         7.         Who is most…

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The Blood of Christ by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:18-21   I.         The blood of Christ is strongly connected with the concept of salvation from sin.             A.        It has been in the plan of God that Christ should die for mankind                         1.         Isaiah 53:5 – He was wounded for our transgressions.                         2.         Zechariah 13:1 – A fountain opened for sin…

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At Peace with God by Jeffrey W. Hamiton Text: Romans 5:1-11   I.         How do you know that God has actually forgiven you?             A.        It is a frequent question. People make mistakes, fall into sins, and though they struggled back out of those sins, they still wonder whether God could ever forgive such a sinner as themselves. Perhaps God has…

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