AI is misquoting you
Question: Hi brother, I’m contacting you after stumbling upon this Google search result, which I only discovered because of curiosity! I think the answer to this question has possibly been selected using AI. However, it uses a quote from your website, but it is totally out of context, as this quote does not discuss the…
Read MoreDoes God make use of sinners?
Question: Good day sir, In the context of the potter and the clay, is it simply explained that God uses sinners in their sinful condition doing wrong or sinning to accomplish His purpose? Answer: The illustration of the potter and the clay is used several times in the Scriptures. “Woe to those who deeply hide…
Read MoreThanks for holding firmly to the truth
Question: Good afternoon, I wanted to send a quick word of thanks to you for your website. Over the past few years, two conservative churches of Christ I attended have progressively moved toward using their buildings for social activities, food pantries, etc. In both cases, it resulted in splitting the congregation. As I searched for…
Read MoreWhat does it mean to bring reproach on the church?
Question: What does it mean to bring reproach upon the church? Answer: “Reproach” means to show disapproval or to be disappointed. It can be used to refer to an individual who sinned and those causing the community around him to look down on him. “The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense;…
Read MoreDo I need to confess every lie I told?
Question: Hello sir, I have a question that I’m always confused by, and I would greatly appreciate your answer. I have sinned many times, years ago, against my husband, parents, family members, my friends, etc. There are many things I’ve done that I’m deeply ashamed and remorseful about. I lived a deceitful lifestyle, and I…
Read MoreHow do I convince my wife to reconcile?
Question: Good afternoon. God bless you. My wife and I got married when I was an unbeliever and she was a Christian, during which time I mistreated her and was unfaithful to her. She was also unfaithful but did not have sex; she only kissed other men. I left home, we did not get divorced,…
Read MoreDid Samson commit suicide?
Question: The following is taken from a long letter that mostly complains that a response to a question about suicide was not kind enough. The issues raised were already addressed in “I believe your article on suicide is unfair.” The author of this complaint did read the answer, but it wasn’t good enough for him.…
Read MoreShould I break up with my boyfriend?
Question: I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out because I need guidance and advice regarding my current relationship and spiritual walk. Here’s my situation: My boyfriend and I met at university. He had set up his business there, and I was still a student. We became good friends, although he never made any…
Read MoreUnhappy or Happy?
by Terry Wane Benton The measure of a good life is not that you are happy or not. You can sear the conscience so that it does not bother you to do wrong or to use people for selfish purposes. With a seared conscience, you could possibly enjoy the “pleasures of sin.” Therefore, the question…
Read MoreIs speaking in tongues for communicating with God?
Question: May God continue to strengthen you guys in Jesus’ name. Amen. You may not be aware, but many issues arise with the topic of speaking in tongues here. A brother recently sent me some voice notes discussing speaking in tongues with a man. He explained that speaking in tongues, as described in the New…
Read MoreWas Paul’s thorn in the flesh his bad eyesight?
Question: In II Corinthians 12:1-10, Paul talks about his “thorn in the flesh,” which kept him from exalting himself, especially after entering paradise. Does Galatians 4:15 show his thorn in the flesh was his eyes? Also, did he see Paradise or just hear words he couldn’t repeat? Answer: “Boasting is necessary, though it is not…
Read MoreWhat does “stretched out the Earth over the waters” mean?
Question: “To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever” (Psalms 136:6). What does “stretched out the earth above the waters” mean? Is there any connection between this verse and II Peter 3:5-7? Answer: There are several passages that indicate that the land mass of the earth rested…
Read MoreDid the patriarchs know God by the name of YHWH?
Question: Did the patriarchs know the proper name of God as “YHWH”? Or did He reveal Himself only to Moses and the Israelites? Answer: The name YHWH first appears in Genesis 2:4, so the name YHWH has been known since creation. Abram called on the name of the LORD (YHWH). “The LORD appeared to Abram…
Read MoreWhen does Matthew 5:28 apply?
Question: Hello, I have a few questions about porn and lust. Jesus says, “Whoever looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). What does that mean if I’m unmarried? Am I a fornicator at heart? I saw the next question on social media: Do those…
Read MoreThanks for your excellent website and resources
Question: This note is written to thank you for your excellent website and resources. Full disclosure: You would probably consider me a neo-conservative follower of inappropriate or sinful kinds of cooperation (although we have not supported anything like that in years) and the “Social Gospel.” I have a very solid professional background in counseling. My…
Read MoreWhat kind of body will wicked people have in the resurrection?
Question: What kind of resurrected body will have wicked people when our Lord returns? Answer: “Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed…
Read MoreIs Azazel a spiritual being?
Question: In the Holy Bible, is Azazel a spiritual being? Why is an animal given to him, which bears people’s sins, instead of being given to God? I’m confused. Thanks. Answer: “Then Aaron shall offer the bull for the sin offering which is for himself, that he may make atonement for himself and for his…
Read MoreWhy do I find out I made a stupid mistake after the fact?
Question: I would like to ask for guidance, wisdom, and understanding. I have been a Christian for almost a year. Neither my mother nor my father are people you would think of as Christians or churchgoers. My mother was hurt and made it a point to estrange me from my family at a young age.…
Read MoreDid Jesus mention fornication?
Question: Hello, I know the Bible talks about how fornicators won’t inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9). But my question is: what does Jesus specifically say about fornication? I believe in the Bible, but I wonder if he mentioned it. I see a lot of people nowadays trying to justify fornication and saying…
Read MoreWhat should we do about someone who refuses to attend services?
Question: Greetings Brother Hamilton. I trust your family has been in good health. I have this concern. I have a member who is new to the faith. She was baptized roughly 3 years ago. She started well and then became less punctual. Now, she has stopped worshiping altogether. Efforts have been made by individual members,…
Read MoreShould I separate from my lying husband?
Question: My marriage with my husband is troubling. He has a pattern of habitually lying about minor things, and it hurts. I want to figure out my options righteously in this marriage as it is hard to think. I can go days or months thinking something was true, only to find out it wasn’t. Is…
Read MoreWhat if I watch a worship service that is taking place on a different day than where I live?
Question: If I am from the Philippines and I go to another country with a 12-hour time difference. Here in the Philippines, we have worship on Sundays at eight in the morning. Can I make a video call to join in worship and take the Lord’s Supper even though it is only eight in the…
Read MoreWhy wasn’t the child rescued?
Question: Hi, First, thank you for your ministry and for sharing. I came across your site and read the timeline for when Jesus was raised in three days. I have a follow up question on this post: “Why didn’t God rescue my friend?” The reader asked why God didn’t rescue her friend. I didn’t think…
Read MoreMinistration of Life
by Terry Wane Benton An interesting contrast between the Old and New Testaments, according to II Corinthians 3, is that the Old is a ministration of death, while the New is a ministration of life. The old prepared the way for Jesus by pointing out sin and displaying a sentence of death, thus our need…
Read MoreWas fornication condemned in the Old Testament?
Question: Is it true that fornication with a prostitute/pagan was permitted in the Old Testament, while with a believer, one had to marry her, and that this was only forbidden in the New Testament? A commenter on YouTube said that God permitted it in the Old Testament for the hardness of hearts, just like divorce…
Read MoreThe Joys of Involvement
by David Gibson Have you noticed? The happiest Christians are highly involved in the Lord’s work. Why is this so? There is joy in using our God-given talents as He intended for the good of others. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace…
Read MoreThank you for your posts regarding sex within a Christian marriage
Question: I just wanted to message you and thank you for the posts on your website. I had questions concerning intercourse in Christian marriage and was grateful to read your biblical perspective. Thank you again, and God richly bless you and the ministry, Answer: You’re welcome.
Read MoreYour answer was not the best way to go about responding
Question: Good day, my brother, With reference to “God wanted instrumental music before, so why not now?” and the response you posted from a concerned member, I humbly suggest that this was not the best way to go about responding. Some of the things you said were rude and condescending and did not embody gentleness…
Read MoreCan an eldership direct multiple congregations?
Question: We teach that elders are appointed in local congregations and that no congregation oversees another congregation. Neither does the elder of one congregation have overseeing power or responsibility over another congregation. In Acts 15, we know that there were Jewish Christians who insisted that Gentile Christians must circumcise and observe the law of Moses.…
Read MoreDo the letters in Revelation support the idea of a leading elder?
Question: We believe in the plurality of elders in the church and that elders are equal in the sense that there is no senior or chairman elder. In Revelation chapters 2 & 3, the seven letters are addressed to “the angel of the church.” The angel refers to the elder of the respective church, and…
Read MoreThank you for “Is online services acceptable?”
Question: I thank your church for making “Is online worship acceptable?” available. I participate in debates, and this year, we are debating whether online worship is acceptable. Your fine church’s article helped me a lot, so once again, thank you. Answer: I’m glad it was of service to you.
Read MoreBoring?
by David Gibson A brother in Christ who taught 8th grade science told me that one day in class, he happened to mention that it was his 32nd wedding anniversary. At first, there was dead silence. Then they reacted, “Wouldn’t it be boring to be married to someone that long?” I suppose if all I…
Read MoreI believe your article on suicide is unfair
Question: Good afternoon. I read an article on your website under the title, “I find your article on why suicide is a sin to be completely unsympathetic and untrue.” It was published in 2018 by Alan Feaster. I am not going to debate your position that suicide is a sin. I am not stating that I…
Read MoreHow do I not feel empty and missing my old life?
Question: Hello, I have been a Christian for a while, and I feel sad and depressed sometimes. All the things I used to enjoy doing I can no longer do anymore, like sex, porn, smoking, drinking, and even going out with some friends. I still desire to do these things and sometimes feel empty without…
Read MoreThanks for making such a positive impact on my life
Question: I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible website you’ve created, which has become a deeply enriching spiritual resource for me. The tools, teachings, and guidance offered on the site have been an immense blessing in my spiritual journey. The materials…
Read MoreThank you for helping me teach a woman confused about the Sabbath
Question: In December 2020, you helped me teach a sweet lady who was confused about the Sabbath. She continued her studies and was baptized. Please know that your efforts are not wasted on many people across the internet, including myself. In heartfelt Christian love and appreciation, Answer: Thank you for sending me the wonderful news!…
Read MoreWhy didn’t God rescue my friend?
Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church and trying to help a coworker and friend. She has become dear to me, and we’ve studied the Bible a little. I hope to have more studies with her. She has somewhat stumped me with a tough question. She was sexually abused as a child by…
Read MoreI really appreciate and love y’all
Question: Just dropping a note to say I really appreciate and love y’all. May God bless you always. Very Respectfully. Answer: It is wonderful to know that the work being done here is appreciated. Thank you for filling my day with encouragement.
Read MoreDon’t animals have spirits?
Question: I was reading the article, “Doesn’t Ecclesiastes 3:19 teach that there is no difference between men and animals?” You said animals have no spirit. The very next passage says that they do have spirits. “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the…
Read MoreIs my only change of being with someone else is if my husband dies first?
Question: Oh, where do I start? My husband and I are officially roommates. We have been married for over 25 years, and more than half of them have been miserable. He was extremely abusive verbally, mentally, emotionally, and physically, starting 15-plus years ago with me and our children. To the point that we separated everything…
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