Can a woman conduct marriages?

Question: Good day, sir, Can a woman conduct marriages? Answer: Marriages are not a function of the church. God established them when the world started (Genesis 2:24), long before Christ established the church. Now, in a marriage ceremony, it is typical to teach a bit about what God says about marriage. This then runs into…

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My husband left me, claiming I was violent

Question: Hi! Please share your wisdom with me. I am standing in need of spiritual guidance and prayer. I have been married for over a year. Half the time I was together with my husband at home and half the time we’ve been separated. My husband did the unimaginable and betrayed me. I was raised…

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Is it a sin for a woman to cut her hair?

Question: Is it a sin for a woman to cut her hair? Answer: “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a…

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Did God give my friend a new car?

Question: Good day, A friend of mine bought a new car, so he said God blessed him with the car. This made me think. I know God gave us in a general sense because we live in God’s framework. He set the boundaries, but in a specific sense, God did not give him the car.…

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How do we resolve a conflict between two brethren?

Question: Greetings sir. I trust you have been doing well. I have a matter that needs your advice on dealing with conflict resolution. I have these two brethren who had a misunderstanding over a report on the church building project. They belong to the team overseeing the project. One is the leader, and the other…

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How sorry do you have to be to repent?

Question: How sorry do you have to be for your sins to repent? I am sorry, but I don’t think I’m sad enough or something because I’m not in tears over my sins, even though I want to be. I worry about my salvation every day. It’s been over ten years, and I’m miserable. I…

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Was she married?

Question: Greetings in Jesus’ name, I was searching for an answer to a particular question that affected me, and I came across a similar question and answer on your website. I’m not yet married. I fell in love with a girl in my locality. I was born and raised there before immigrating to another country…

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Should I divorce my husband?

Question: Hello, My husband and I have recently separated. He lives in a different spot. It’s been hard for me to decide whether or not I should stand for my marriage or just file for divorce. There was infidelity on my part 7 years ago, and I had carried the guilt with me for a…

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Do I have grounds for a divorce?

Question: Greetings from the Philippines! I support your website and have been reading the posts and questions of other readers. I came to you because you answer the questions carefully and evaluate each scenario. I have been a Christian all my life by religion but just recently surrendered my life to Christ. My husband and…

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Does God save people who develop Alzheimer’s?

Question: Dear Brother Hamilton, My sister has a friend who has been a lesbian all her adult life. This friend now has Alzheimer’s. Will she now be saved because she can no longer decide to follow Christ? I’m wondering who qualifies as the mentally ill who will be saved. Answer: You are ignoring the fact…

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Can a wife disagree with her husband?

Question: Good day, Minister, I trust this finds you well. Could you please shed light on and give guidance on the following questions? I have been dating my boyfriend for several years now. In the second year of our relationship, he mentioned wanting to come to my home to start the lobola proceedings. I told…

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Is “Once a cheat, always a cheat” true?

Question: I do have another question regarding infidelity. There is a phrase that goes, “Once a cheat, always a cheat”. I guess that also applies to abusers, convicts, etc. Anyway, it has been going around, and I am sure it has been for a long time. In fact, I have also seen Christians using this…

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Is it proper for a Christian to be sexy?

Question: Is it okay for a Christian to be sexy (both male and female)? How do you define the word “sexy”? Answer: The Oxford Dictionary defines “sexy” as “sexually attractive or exciting” when applied to others or “sexually aroused” when applied to yourself. Therefore, by definition, “sexy” is referring to sexual lust. “Likewise, I want…

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Can an elder step down from the position?

Question: A thing of concern is that elders are not allowed to step down from their positions. The only time an elder can step down is when his wife passes away. What if the elder and his family relocate to a different area or country, or when that elder goes to preach the gospel in…

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Are elders called by God?

Question: Hello Brother, I hope you are well. I am a member of the Lord’s church. I have a question: Are Elders called by God to serve as Elders? If so, why did God give us the qualifications in scripture? I don’t believe this is true, but some congregations teach this in their pulpits. I…

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Am I appropriately spending time with God?

Question: Good day, sir! I have a question about whether I am appropriately spending time with God. Every morning, I set my alarm to 5 a.m. to wake up and spend time with God before doing anything else. I wake up, turn off my alarm, turn my phone over to avoid being distracted, grab a…

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Do I leave my alcoholic husband?

Question: Hello, I have been reading and following your website for several years and found it very helpful and edifying. I am writing to you for some scriptural guidance on my marriage. I have been married to my husband for many years. I am a member of the church, but he is not. As with…

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I think I might have read something inappropriate in church

Question: Back a few months ago, I think I read something sexual while in church, maybe a fanfic? I don’t really quite remember. I don’t know if I continued reading it or not. The memory has been completely wiped off my head. I don’t know if I read it at church or if I even…

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Do I have enough faith?

Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton, I am writing to you because I have been researching OCD a lot, and I see that you address a lot of OCD-related issues. I know I have OCD, although I have never been formally diagnosed. I deal with unwanted thoughts, thoughts I feel like I want, urges, sensations, and feelings,…

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Can my father lay a curse on me?

Question: Good evening, sir, I have a question. I have obeyed my father, which is my responsibility as his son. He usually cared for the house, providing everything when my mum was alive. Now that my mum is dead, he no longer takes care of the family; two 17-year-old children are now far away from the…

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Shame on you for telling a man to leave his woman!

Question: Shame on you for telling a man to leave his woman and that he has no responsibility to her. Have you no knowledge of grace and forgiveness? We all sin and have consequences for God to judge and decide. God also forgives those who ask. It sounds like they understand what they did. Who…

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How can I listen better during a long prayer?

Question: Hello Jeffrey, I hope you’re doing well by the grace of God. I need your help with a challenge I face during worship. I find it hard to focus when someone called to lead the congregation in prayer gives a relatively long prayer. Can you please share any helpful tips you know that can help…

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Please continue your work

Question: My Dear Beloved Brother, I give greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am from India. Your site provides good sermons and gives me more information. I am learning and also teaching in our congregation. The information you provide is very useful in our spiritual life.…

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Do I tell my husband that I had an affair before we married?

Question: Hi, and good day, I don’t know if you can read this email or answer it, but I still want to confess my sins to someone. I stumbled upon your post online about adultery and fornication. Here is my story and question: I have been a woman who believes in Jesus Christ ever since I…

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How should a church handle a significant event?

Question: Greetings Brother Hamilton, I trust your worship service went well today. Please, I need your guidance on these matters: What can the church do when someone in the church dies? How should the church go about it? I need a procedure. In other words, how can the church take responsibility? Child Birth: How can…

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I don’t think I’m ready to get married

Question: Good afternoon, sir, I have a question. Please help me. I have a girlfriend I dated for three years, and she wants me to marry her. Honestly, I love her, but I have not yet reached the decision to marry her. Somehow, I feel like I am being pushed by her into marriage because…

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Should I marry this woman?

Question: Hi, I’m a male in my late twenties. I’ve been dating my girlfriend, who is a few years older, for several years. It’s been rocky because we didn’t have God as the center of our relationship until the last few months. To make a super long story a lot shorter, there have been many…

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The Self Examination Required During the Lord’s Supper

by Terry Wane Benton “Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For…

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How do you deal with a fear of missing out?

Question: Dear sir, I trust this email finds you well. I’m writing to seek more knowledge. Are there biblical passages that speak of the fear of missing out? As humans and most especially Gen Z, we often bow to peer pressure and the fear of missing out on godly things. Is there any biblical passage…

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Should the Elders know what each person gives?

Question: We have three elders at our local congregation, and one of them handles the banking, pays the bills, etc. Is it wrong for the other two elders to want to know more about the congregation’s financial situation and individual members’ contributions? We are expected to give of our means or first fruits. I’m not…

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Did the Catholic Church edit Matthew 28:19?

Question: What baptismal proclamation was used in your baptism? Probably you were baptized, “In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Do you know that this Baptismal Proclamation is not the original text commanded by Jesus Christ as in Matthew 28:19? The Roman Catholic Church has edited and replaced…

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Is vaping wrong?

Question: Hello minister, My question concerns non-nicotine herbal diffuser smoking pens and an e vitamin bar smoking pens. If these pens (typically used to wane people off of smoking) are without harsh toxic chemicals or don’t contain marijuana, are they safe to smoke? Answer: E-cigarettes or vaping pens are typically used to vaporize nicotine (the…

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Thank you for the insight your website brings

Question: Hi Jeff, I have been teaching a course on the prison epistles in a Bible college to student preachers and leaders. I am emphasizing the need for the church of Christ to focus on its core purpose, which is the proclamation of the manifold wisdom of God to the powers and authorities in the…

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What does Calebite refer to?

Question: Could the term ‘Calebite’ in I Samuel 25, which refers to Nabal, refer to those descended from the Caleb in Joshua? Answer: “Now the man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. And the woman was intelligent and beautiful in appearance, but the man was harsh and evil in his dealings, and…

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Why aren’t the elders helping me to learn to preach?

Question: I hope this email finds you doing well. I have a question. I finally got to preach and teach for a month in another congregation. I asked the elders in my church to attend one day and give me pointers. One finally attended, but all the elders said that they should or would not…

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