Posts Tagged ‘fornication’
Would my partner get back on track with God after we have a child together?
Question: Hello, I appreciate that you are taking my question. I’m unsure how I found this website, so I’ll take it as a good sign. I’m dating an inactive Jehovah’s Witness. We’ve been together for several years, and we live in the same house. We’ve made a lot of progress together, and from time to…
Read MoreJong Rethinks Sex
by Floyd Chappelear via Sentry Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 30, 1983 Erica Jong, who has been at the forefront of leading the movement for sexual liberation, is being driven to the conclusion that perhaps she has been wrong. In the October issue of Glamour magazine, the author of Fear of Flying has the…
Read MoreWhen does Matthew 5:28 apply?
Question: Hello, I have a few questions about porn and lust. Jesus says, “Whoever looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). What does that mean if I’m unmarried? Am I a fornicator at heart? I saw the next question on social media: Do those…
Read MoreDid Jesus mention fornication?
Question: Hello, I know the Bible talks about how fornicators won’t inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9). But my question is: what does Jesus specifically say about fornication? I believe in the Bible, but I wonder if he mentioned it. I see a lot of people nowadays trying to justify fornication and saying…
Read MoreThe Body Is for the Lord
by Bob Hutto via Biblical Insights, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2014 It appears that some Christians in Corinth were trying to justify their immoral behavior. Whether their arguments stemmed from former pagan practices, were the result of bad theology, or were simply an excuse to do what they wanted, Paul knew he had to deal…
Read MoreWas fornication condemned in the Old Testament?
Question: Is it true that fornication with a prostitute/pagan was permitted in the Old Testament, while with a believer, one had to marry her, and that this was only forbidden in the New Testament? A commenter on YouTube said that God permitted it in the Old Testament for the hardness of hearts, just like divorce…
Read MoreSex and Sanctification
by David Diestelkamp via Think on These Things, Vol. 56, No. 1, January-March 2025 Although it is hard to establish accurately, it appears that, of those marrying today for the first time, only between 3% and 10% are virgins. The vast majority of singles are sexually active. Christians are not immune to sexual temptation, but…
Read MoreHow do I overcome my wife’s sexual past?
Question: Hello, minister of Christ, I need your spiritual advice. I had prayed for a wife, and God blessed me with one. God has also blessed us with a lovely daughter. However, I have been battling this weakness. I had preserved myself for a marriage. I was a virgin before I met my wife. My…
Read MoreWhy does my boyfriend seem blind to our getting married?
Question: Hello, I’ve been dating for over five years. We lived together; we separated a few times and came back together. We started going to church and asked God to give us the blessing to get married, and it was granted. We were at the height of the pandemic and couldn’t get the necessary documents.…
Read MoreShould we marry or separate?
Question: Hello minister, I write this with great desperation and anguish. About four years ago, I met my boyfriend. We started very well. He was very submissive to God, too, but it got to a point where we slowly fell into fornication. Every time that it happened, I got depressed and felt guilty for failing…
Read MoreI fell into fornication with a man I met a few weeks ago
Questions: Hi, I am glad I found your page and was led to report this situation to a true man of God. I rededicated my life back to God last year, and for almost two years, I have been single and waiting on God. Weeks ago, I met a man who really loves me, and…
Read MoreIf we get married, will the sin stop?
Question: Do you really answer questions? I have something bothering me. Can you help me with it? I met a woman who has been divorced for a year. I intend to marry her, but the fact is that we have had sexual relations before marriage, and we are living together already. When we get married,…
Read MoreIs it wrong to get married when the bride-to-be is pregnant?
Question: Good day, preacher, I have a question for you and need your help. I met a lady I love, and we plan to get married next month. The date is set, and flyers are distributed. Unfortunately, we found out that she is pregnant. Should we proceed with the marriage, or is it wrong to…
Read MoreI’m tired of sinning sexually
Question: Good evening, I write to you because I am tired of sinning sexually. When I think I have overcome it, I fall again, and I sin with prostitutes when I know that I am a minister. I have a relationship with the Lord, yet I continue to sin and look for someone to sin…
Read MoreWas I wrong to withhold my blessing?
Question: Dear Sir, My adult daughter is living with a guy twice her age. They want to get married, and it appears he wants my blessing. However, he doesn’t have a vehicle, can’t keep a job thus far and just started a new job a couple of weeks ago, doesn’t have a credit card, which…
Read MoreI’m feeling guilty about cheating on my girlfriend
Question: Hello, I’ve been in a relationship with my girlfriend for three years now. When we met, she hadn’t been with anyone before, while I had multiple past relationships. Over time, I pressured her into being intimate before marriage—something she agreed to, perhaps out of love or other reasons. Recently, I was unfaithful to her…
Read MoreDid I do something wrong?
Question: Hello! I have a question for you guys: Does having sex with someone makes you a married couple? If not, then am I obligated to marry the man I had sex with? I have a doubt in my heart that’s been tormenting me. I had sex with some guys before getting married. I was…
Read MoreDoes morality change with age?
Question: I spent a lot of time looking at your answers to several sexual questions. I am fairly clear ( I think ) that intercourse is a grave sin outside of marriage. Anything that leads there is wrong. A few months ago, I reconnected with a childhood friend. I believe God set this in motion.…
Read MoreShould I marry the man I’ve already had sex with?
Question: Hello there! I am emailing because I’ve been in turmoil this past month. Recently, I’ve felt that the Lord has strengthened my conviction to follow him. I plan on hopefully being baptized by the end of the year. My church is very Protestant; they believe in purity, and I’ve heard many stories of those…
Read MoreCan you explain Leviticus 19:20 more?
Question: Does Leviticus 19:20 imply that if the slave woman was not betrothed, it was not a sin to sleep with her? What punishment would it have been? Is the primary sin harm of the owner’s property or sexual sin in itself? Why is no monetary compensation paid, unlike Deuteronomy 22? Thank you! Answer: “Now…
Read MoreIs “Once a cheat, always a cheat” true?
Question: I do have another question regarding infidelity. There is a phrase that goes, “Once a cheat, always a cheat”. I guess that also applies to abusers, convicts, etc. Anyway, it has been going around, and I am sure it has been for a long time. In fact, I have also seen Christians using this…
Read MoreWe took a break in our relationship, but I don’t know if I want to get back together
Question: Dear Mr Hamilton, I hope this finds you well. I read an article from your website titled “Can a couple who committed fornication manage to have a good marriage?” It was wonderful and answered many of my questions because my scenario is similar to the one narrated in the article. The difference is in…
Read MoreDo I tell my husband that I had an affair before we married?
Question: Hi, and good day, I don’t know if you can read this email or answer it, but I still want to confess my sins to someone. I stumbled upon your post online about adultery and fornication. Here is my story and question: I have been a woman who believes in Jesus Christ ever since I…
Read MoreShould I marry this woman?
Question: Hi, I’m a male in my late twenties. I’ve been dating my girlfriend, who is a few years older, for several years. It’s been rocky because we didn’t have God as the center of our relationship until the last few months. To make a super long story a lot shorter, there have been many…
Read MoreDo you tell others about your sins they know nothing about?
Question: Hello! I have a question, and it’s kind of been bothering me for a while. When the Bible mentions Matthew 5:23-24, “So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,24 leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your…
Read MoreIs my boyfriend using me because he doesn’t want to get married?
Question: Good Evening! My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for four years now. I have visited this other church, and they told me I should leave my fiancé because he doesn’t want to marry and is just using me. I love him so much, and he has told me so many times.…
Read MoreIf I don’t see it as sexual in any way, is it a sin?
Question: Hello. I have a few questions about things that I have committed with my partner. I am Catholic. He and I had sex, and now, officially, I failed to complete one of the commandments. Now, along the way, we have done some things like blow jobs and everything. My first question is if my…
Read MoreMy parents think it is OK to have sex outside of marriage if you are in love
Question: What should I do about my parents if they won’t admit that they sinned by having sex outside of marriage? I consistently tell them that what they did was wrong, but they just admit it reluctantly. My Dad also told me that he thinks that God said that because he and my Mom were…
Read MoreShould a couple marry because they will be having a child?
Question: Hello, What do you think about a couple who have been dating for five months, argue often for various reasons, and she gets pregnant? The guy is not sure she could be a good wife because he doesn’t like things about her. Do you think they should get married just because they’re having a…
Read MoreIs child molestation a form of fornication?
Question: Is child sexual molestation a form of adultery or fornication since they both consist of sexual activity outside of marriage? I am just wondering if child molestation falls under adultery or fornication since they both consist of sexual activity outside of marriage. Why is it that people see a boyfriend and girlfriend who are in…
Read MoreWhat can I do to get my life right?
Question: Hello sir, I came across some articles on your website. I have personal concerns, and I need biblical guidance. I am a Christian lady. I’m 27 years old, and I am very confused and frustrated. I was recently in a courtship relationship, but my fiance and I had sex a couple of times, even though…
Read MoreShould I let my daughter’s boyfriend sleep in the same room when they come for a visit?
Question: Hello, I have a daughter who has been living with her boyfriend for the past two years. They want to come visit. I’m unsure if allowing them to sleep together in our guest room is right. Should I let them know they’re welcome to visit and sleep in our home, but not in the…
Read MoreDoes the number of sexual partners make a difference?
Question: Hello, I was wondering about body count, as in multiple sexual partners. There have been recent talks about it, so I might as well ask since it has bothered me a bit. There have been videos and posts of people being proud of their body count, but there have also been several posts and…
Read MoreI don’t know how to handle this situation
Question: Hey, I know you’re not God or anything, but I’ve been dealing with some sins in my life. I was baptized last year, and I moved my kids’ father into my home. Around that time, I didn’t think of anything else, so I explained to him what needed to be done, and that was…
Read MoreCan you explain I Corinthians 6:16-17?
Question: Good day I have a question and would like some advice. A bit of background leading to the question: I was a fake Christian, committed fornication, and knew it displeased God, but I didn’t really know Christ at the time. But someone came and preached repentance. I decided to believe in Christ, give my…
Read MoreI feel like I failed God, and He is angry with me
Question: Good day, I hope you are well. I love God, but I fear displeasing Him. I want to do right for Him. I’m a Christian. I am in my mid-twenties now. I was baptized at 12, but I got tangled in sin at 21 for about a year. I committed fornication, drinking, cursing, lying,…
Read MoreCan a person who committed fornication marry someone else?
Question: Good day. I have a question concerning your answer: Do I have to marry the man I committed fornication with? My question for you is: Can the lady who asked the question get married to another person? If yes, won’t that count as adultery for her and the man she marries? Thank you. Answer:…
Read MoreDo I have to marry the man I committed fornication with?
Question: Hi. I am a born-again Christian woman. I have committed fornication with a younger man who is still in college and who is also a Christian. I have realized that it is wrong and repented since then, and I have not had any further sexual relationships with him. I have also avoided communicating with…
Read MoreDo I need to break up with my boyfriend?
Question: Good day, I am writing to seek advice concerning my relationship with my boyfriend. We met two years ago and started as friends. We grew closer but made the decision not to take things further because he had the intention to relocate to the country. Unfortunately, we started having sexual relations without a label…
Read MoreWe can’t afford to get married
Question: I feel awful because I was reading a post from 2010 titled, “Should we marry now or when we are in a better financial situation? I feel the same way. The thing is, we are both 20. My boyfriend doesn’t have much money, and we have been together for over two years. What’s worse…
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