Thank you for your posts regarding sex within a Christian marriage

Question: I just wanted to message you and thank you for the posts on your website. I had questions concerning intercourse in Christian marriage and was grateful to read your biblical perspective. Thank you again, and God richly bless you and the ministry, Answer: You’re welcome.

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by David Gibson A brother in Christ who taught 8th grade science told me that one day in class, he happened to mention that it was his 32nd wedding anniversary. At first, there was dead silence. Then they reacted, “Wouldn’t it be boring to be married to someone that long?” I suppose if all I…

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Sex and Sanctification

by David Diestelkamp via Think on These Things, Vol. 56, No. 1, January-March 2025 Although it is hard to establish accurately, it appears that, of those marrying today for the first time, only between 3% and 10% are virgins. The vast majority of singles are sexually active. Christians are not immune to sexual temptation, but…

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How can I have peace at home?

Question: Well, amen. It’s really a very confusing thing. I’ve been married for a few years. My wife and I are, by the grace of Christ, called to the evangelistic ministry, and the Holy Spirit has imparted gifts to us. I have been a good man and have been looking for economic stability for my…

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Did Paul imply that he could only marry a Christian?

Question: Hello, What is the meaning of I Corinthians 9:5? Is Paul implicitly stating he can only take a fellow believer as a wife? I know there are other verses for circumstances that touch situations where believers are married to non-believers. Answer: Here is something I wrote about the context in Paul’s Restraint in Exercising…

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Is it wrong to get married when the bride-to-be is pregnant?

Question: Good day, preacher, I have a question for you and need your help. I met a lady I love, and we plan to get married next month. The date is set, and flyers are distributed. Unfortunately, we found out that she is pregnant. Should we proceed with the marriage, or is it wrong to…

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Was I wrong to withhold my blessing?

Question: Dear Sir, My adult daughter is living with a guy twice her age. They want to get married, and it appears he wants my blessing. However, he doesn’t have a vehicle, can’t keep a job thus far and just started a new job a couple of weeks ago, doesn’t have a credit card, which…

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Is marrying without community of property wrong?

Question: Good day, Minister, I trust that you are well. Could you please clarify the following? Is marrying without a community of property wrong since when two come together and marry, they are considered one? The purpose would be to protect the inheritance of children born before that marriage. Would it be wrong to expect…

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A High Value Man Is a Worthy Man

by Perry Hall A term used in our modern culture to describe men and women is “high value.” Sadly, “high value” is not God’s value. A “high value” man is judged based on income, height, looks, and other “biblically low values.” Also, a “high value” woman can look very little like a “worthy woman.” Many…

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Could he marry again?

Question: If a Christian man marries a woman who divorced her husband, without it being for adultery, he lived with her for several years, then she cheated on him, so he separated from her. Is he still an adulterer? Could he remarry a free and Christian woman?   Answer: “But I say to you that…

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How can I help my brother save his marriage?

Question: Hello, My brother and his wife are having problems in their marriage. I don’t know what else to do or tell them, and talking to my brother can sometimes feel like talking to a child. My brother is nearly 30, and his wife is about the same age. They have two little children and…

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Did I do something wrong?

Question: Hello! I have a question for you guys: Does having sex with someone makes you a married couple? If not, then am I obligated to marry the man I had sex with? I have a doubt in my heart that’s been tormenting me. I had sex with some guys before getting married. I was…

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Same Sex Marriage?

by Jerry Joseph In today’s news, you hear much about what is called “same-sex marriages.” What is promoted by such is a man married to a man or a woman being married to a woman. What about such marriages? Are they approved of God? Many want to leave God out of the picture when discussing…

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Should I marry the man I’ve already had sex with?

Question: Hello there! I am emailing because I’ve been in turmoil this past month. Recently, I’ve felt that the Lord has strengthened my conviction to follow him. I plan on hopefully being baptized by the end of the year. My church is very Protestant; they believe in purity, and I’ve heard many stories of those…

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My husband left me, claiming I was violent

Question: Hi! Please share your wisdom with me. I am standing in need of spiritual guidance and prayer. I have been married for over a year. Half the time I was together with my husband at home and half the time we’ve been separated. My husband did the unimaginable and betrayed me. I was raised…

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Was she married?

Question: Greetings in Jesus’ name, I was searching for an answer to a particular question that affected me, and I came across a similar question and answer on your website. I’m not yet married. I fell in love with a girl in my locality. I was born and raised there before immigrating to another country…

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Can a wife disagree with her husband?

Question: Good day, Minister, I trust this finds you well. Could you please shed light on and give guidance on the following questions? I have been dating my boyfriend for several years now. In the second year of our relationship, he mentioned wanting to come to my home to start the lobola proceedings. I told…

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I don’t think I’m ready to get married

Question: Good afternoon, sir, I have a question. Please help me. I have a girlfriend I dated for three years, and she wants me to marry her. Honestly, I love her, but I have not yet reached the decision to marry her. Somehow, I feel like I am being pushed by her into marriage because…

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Should I marry this woman?

Question: Hi, I’m a male in my late twenties. I’ve been dating my girlfriend, who is a few years older, for several years. It’s been rocky because we didn’t have God as the center of our relationship until the last few months. To make a super long story a lot shorter, there have been many…

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Does God honor all marriages?

Question: Good morning, I would like to know if God honors all marriages. I was recently in a study and they brought up Hebrews 13:4. I was told this verse God applies to Christians who are in the church. God does not honor marriages outside of Christ. For example, if I am a Baptist and…

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Should a couple marry because they will be having a child?

Question: Hello, What do you think about a couple who have been dating for five months, argue often for various reasons, and she gets pregnant? The guy is not sure she could be a good wife because he doesn’t like things about her. Do you think they should get married just because they’re having a…

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Does the number of sexual partners make a difference?

Question: Hello, I was wondering about body count, as in multiple sexual partners. There have been recent talks about it, so I might as well ask since it has bothered me a bit. There have been videos and posts of people being proud of their body count, but there have also been several posts and…

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Am I bound by a childhood promise?

Question: Hi, Mr. Hamilton. When Jesus says, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no” in Matthew 5:37, he means that Christians ought to be people who keep their word, whether they formally call it a vow or swear an oath. If Jill tells Jack, “Yes, I will marry you,” she has made…

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How do I help my unemployed husband?

Question: Hello, I’m writing because I don’t know what to do. My husband is showing job instabilities. This all started when he left his very good and secure job because he had some colleagues who tried to tempt him to gaze at other women. He left because he wanted to be loyal to me and…

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God’s Relationship with His People

by Zeke Flores Marriage and its accouterments are often used in Scripture to describe God’s relationship with His people. “I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks…

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Must married couples have children?

Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton! I hope this finds you well! I have a question and wanted to hear your thoughts on it. I don’t know of any verse that says Christians, if married, should have children. However, in I Timothy 5:14, Paul says he wants widows to bear children. Does that mean they have to?…

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Do I have to marry the man I committed fornication with?

Question: Hi. I am a born-again Christian woman. I have committed fornication with a younger man who is still in college and who is also a Christian. I have realized that it is wrong and repented since then, and I have not had any further sexual relationships with him. I have also avoided communicating with…

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Why are the laws for remarriage different between the Old Law and New Law?

Question: If the marriage law is universal, why is the remarriage law in Deuteronomy 24 different from Romans 7:2 in that the guilty party who gets married to a second spouse can go back to his/her first husband? Answer: The two laws of God are different. “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I…

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Hosea: A Leader Who Made an Astounding Sacrifice!

by Max Dawson One of the things I have learned about leadership is that sometimes, the best leaders are those who were reluctant to be leaders. Witness the case of Moses (Exodus 3:7-4:17). I have known men who were reluctant to serve as an overseer of the church, as a deacon, or even as a…

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Marital Needs

by Perry Hall In premarital counseling, I always ask what the number one need of a man fulfilled in marriage is, and what the number one need of a woman fulfilled in marriage is. Even when these couples are not religious, their own self-awareness teaches them the correct answer. When they say they don’t know,…

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Do marriages really end at death?

Question: Marriage vows say, “Until death, do we part,” is this the truth? If so, I am so sad about this. I need to understand. Though, I cannot find a definite answer. I know there are things that we are not to know. Also, I understand that I am human. I am searching for a…

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Kindness and Generosity by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 58:1-12   I.         I ran across an interesting article by Aemily Smith, originally published in The Atlantic, November 9, 2014. “Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down to Two Basic Traits.”             A.        It was about what factors showed whether a relationship would survive or not.             B.        The basic factors were kindness and…

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We can’t afford to get married

Question: I feel awful because I was reading a post from 2010 titled, “Should we marry now or when we are in a better financial situation? I feel the same way. The thing is, we are both 20. My boyfriend doesn’t have much money, and we have been together for over two years. What’s worse…

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My husband hasn’t been the nicest to me lately

Question: Hello there, I just want to start off by saying I enjoy your website. Thank you for providing that for us. I am a Christian (member of the Church of Christ). My husband however is not. He started off as one and, well, just went back to his worldly ways. He is a good…

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Not Enslaved

by Matthew W. Bassford From time to time, I receive article requests from brethren who want me to address a particular topic. Sadly, my usual response to these requests is to forget that they have been made and never write about them. However, recently someone asked me about my views of “not enslaved” in 1…

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What if my husband becomes a non-believer?

Question: Hello Brother Jeffrey, I hope all has been well. The situation I face now is this: My husband and I are currently separated for several reasons (him mostly not wanting the marriage at the time). My husband was a baptized Christian in the church when we married. He was raised in the church. We got…

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Would God override someone’s free will to marry me?

Question: Hi, I have a question about me personally and the desire to marry. I’m a 33-year-old,  virgin, born-again Christian. I had, years ago when I was in college, a moment with God. I asked God if this one girl I could date and I knew God spoke to me and said, “You have free…

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